Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 3093 Within ten steps, there is life

Zhang Yu walked to sit next to Grandma Grandma and said in a low voice: "It's really weird in here. I can't get out of the place where I went out before. I just tried it..."

At that moment, Zhang Yu told him exactly what happened when he tried to find a way out and how he left here twice.

Finally, Zhang Yu added: "I think there must be some secret to unlocking it, but I just can't figure it out for a while..."

Grandma nodded and said: "I never imagined that I have lived in the mountains for hundreds of years, and I didn't know that there was such a place in the mountains. Who are my ancestors is really curious, and it makes me wonder. It’s unimaginable…”

"Grandma, don't you know anything about the situation in this mountain... In Wuli Village, the ancestral graves alone have been handed down from the Ming Dynasty..." Zhang Yu said seriously.

"I have asked my grandfather and father before, but they didn't know. But our ancestors left behind their legacy," said grandma.

"The legacy...what legacy..." Zhang Yu asked quickly.

He saw that in the legacy of Wuli Village, there might be some way to leave here.

"There are six precepts in total. The first one is that people in the village must worship their ancestors every year. The second one is that outsiders are not allowed to stay overnight in the village. Once evil people from outside need to come in, run to the mountains as soon as possible. The third one is , and are not allowed to treat outsiders. The fourth rule is that you are not allowed to intermarry with people outside the mountain. The fifth rule is that if you see a cave in the mountain, you are not allowed to enter it without permission. The sixth rule is to remember that within ten steps, there will be life. A word." Grandma said slowly.

"Within ten steps, there will be life..." After hearing this, Zhang Yu couldn't help but groan. He could understand the first five items, but he couldn't understand the sixth item at all. Zhang Yu asked curiously: "What does this mean?"

Grandma shook her head and said: "Although I remember this sentence, I still don't understand what it means. I have also asked the elders in the family, not to mention that my grandfather and father don't know. , everyone in the village doesn’t understand the meaning of this sentence.”

"I don't even understand..." Zhang Yu hesitated for a moment, and then said solemnly: "Looking at it this way, I think this should be a very important sentence. If we want to get out of here alive, we must understand the meaning of this sentence. !”

"But it's easier said than done. People in the village have not figured out the meaning of this sentence even after studying it for many years." Grandma said helplessly.

"This may be because... you have not come to this Jedi place... If you come here and put yourself in their shoes, it may be different..." Zhang Yu said slowly.

"Put yourself in your shoes..." Grandma said slowly, then took a deep breath and said, "What you said makes sense... We should be in death now... But, Within ten steps, there is life... Then what kind of ten steps are these ten steps..."

Speaking of this, Grandma also frowned deeply. Because she really couldn't understand why it was ten steps.

"Within ten steps...there is life...Within ten steps...there is life..."

Zhang Yu couldn't help muttering repeatedly. He stood up slowly and looked around.

There is no distinction between day and night here, but the fire of the Fire Gathering Talisman has been extinguished. Zhang Yu lit another fire gathering charm to keep them warm, and then started walking around.

He was still chanting, "Within ten steps...there will be life...within ten steps...within ten steps..."

step! Two steps! Three steps! Four steps...

Zhang Yu walked step by step, first walking in a straight line, then following Yu's steps. As he walked, he deliberately walked to the exit position, but no matter how he walked, he didn't find out why.

"What is there within ten steps..." Zhang Yu kept thinking, and he now faintly realized that only by understanding this sentence, might he be able to leave here.

But within ten steps, what exactly are ten steps?

Zhang Yu gradually thought that these ten steps were probably not just ten steps, and there must be some other meaning in them.

But where would the meaning lie?

Zhang Yu thought about it repeatedly, and suddenly, he thought of the place where he went when he came last time.

An idea came to his mind, whether he should try it and see how many steps it would take to get there.

Zhang Yu tried to walk towards the direction where he left last time. His steps were the same length, walking in a straight line according to the regular steps of the Taoist priest.

"One step, two steps, three steps...ten steps...twenty steps..." Zhang Yu counted the steps as he walked.

The distance between the two locations was actually not that far. Zhang Yu walked a total of sixty-three steps and finally arrived here.

"Sixty-three steps..." he muttered at the same time.

Immediately afterwards, he began to wonder if there might be any mystery in these sixty-three steps.

"Sixty-three...sixty-three...among Taoists...sixty-three does not seem to be an important the way, seventy-nine and sixty-three..." The thought of seventy-nine and sixty-three , Zhang Yu's mind began to think quickly.

"Seven nine sixty-three... Within ten steps, there must be a mystery... By the way, can we say that... seven steps actually represents one step... In this case, it may make sense... But, I Now that I've come here, it's still like this...otherwise, try somewhere else..."

Zhang Yu thought of this and decided to move forward and try again. He continued to move forward. This time, just like before, he counted step by step and took sixty-three steps again.

Once you stop, there's nothing special here. Zhang Yu frowned secretly, it seemed that he was like this and couldn't get out at all. Then he thought about it, he had walked on every inch of land here, and when he followed the Jiuhua Ming Lantern, there was no prescribed number of steps. Looking at it this way, there should be another way out.

Thinking of the method, Zhang Yu suddenly thought that after the Jiuhua Ming Lantern arrived, it slowly went down and fell to the ground before disappearing.

"There is spiritual energy on the Jiuhua Ming Lantern. Could it be because of this... Then I..." In an instant, Zhang Yu suddenly moved the true energy in his body towards his feet.

When the Qi reached the soles of his feet, about three seconds later, Zhang Yu's eyes suddenly went dark.

In the blink of an eye, another scene appeared in front of Zhang Yu. This place is also a corridor, which looks very long, almost the same as the road we took here twice. But Zhang Yu was not sure whether the exit beyond this road would be the same as the previous two times.

However, Zhang Yu was ecstatic in his heart, "It's out... It's out... What is going on here... I finally figured it out..."

Dahei followed Zhang Yu and came out with him. He seemed to be able to feel his master's excitement and kept rubbing his head against Zhang Yu's thigh.

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