Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 3091 Respectable Teacher

Zhang Yu looked at the Yinhua Grass in his hand, and then looked around again. The surrounding area is still splendid with silver walls, and it seems to be no different from before.

"Is this Silver Flower Grass an array... It feels like... this place is still the same as before..." Zhang Yu muttered in his heart.

He stood there, and after a while, he thought of his grandmother and Elugao.

"I don't know what their situation is like. Let's go and take a look..." Zhang Yu put the Yinhua grass into his arms. Zhang Yu himself didn't know what the specific use of this thing was, but this grass, But it really cost him a lot of effort. Therefore, he had to take it away no matter what, and it was the only gain.

You know, even the Jiuhua Ming Lantern was destroyed and he was injured. If he didn't take him away, wouldn't his work be in vain.

Zhang Yu put away the money sword again, then turned and walked in the opposite direction.

He walked forward and after walking for a while, he could see three people sitting in front of the stone wall opposite. After walking a little further, you can see clearly that it is Elugao, Grandma Grandma and Xiaomei.

Zhang Yu continued to walk forward. This time, the person sitting opposite could also see him clearly.

As soon as Elugao saw Zhang Yu arriving, she immediately jumped up excitedly. She ran towards Zhang Yu, "Master...Master..."

Seeing Zhang Yu this time, Elugao felt like he was meeting the closest person in the world, and he couldn't help but shed tears. You know, she was betrayed by Tony before and then trapped here again, and she was already in despair. In her opinion, she was afraid that she could only stay here and wait to die.

The appearance of Zhang Yu gave her a glimmer of hope in a desperate situation. She stumbled to Zhang Yu and hugged him tightly.

"Master... Master... I was wrong... I was wrong..." Elugao really couldn't suppress the emotions in his heart. This may be a normal reaction from despair to seeing hope. Especially she had been hurt a lot by what happened with Tony.

Zhang Yu understood Elugao's current mood, so he did not push her away, but allowed her to hold him.

After a while, Zhang Yu said: "Elugao, are you okay?"

"I'm fine..." After hearing Zhang Yu's voice, Elugao slowly let go of Zhang Yu, took a step back, and said in jerky Mandarin.

"What is in the past is in the past. This may be a test for you." Zhang Yu said seriously.

"I...Master..." Elugao lowered his head in embarrassment.

Thinking of Zhang Yu's previous obstruction and his insistence on going his own way, Elugao's heart not only hurt more, but also made him feel embarrassed. Especially Zhang Yu's generosity made her feel ashamed.

Zhang Yu raised his hand, patted Elugao's shoulder, and said gently: "Sometimes, this is fate. I just hope that you can learn from it in the future. You can correct your mistakes if you know them, and there is no great way to do good."

"Yes, Master..." Elugao agreed pitifully. She then raised her head and looked at Zhang Yu with tears in her eyes.

At this moment, Zhang Yu's image became extremely tall. This man does not look like a young underachiever, but he really looks like a good mentor, a teacher worthy of respect.

Zhang Yu nodded and said gently: "Stop crying...go and see how they are doing now..."

"Yes." Elugao nodded and quickly wiped away his tears.

After she wiped away her tears, Zhang Yu walked towards Grandma Grandma and Xiaomei.

Xiaomei had already stood up after seeing Zhang Yu. When she saw Zhang Yu walking towards this side again, she immediately went up to meet him and said a little excitedly: "You... why are you back again..."

After saying this, the man came to Zhang Yu.

Zhang Yu stopped and said gently: "You are all trapped here, and I can't just leave without caring about it. You and grandma came here because of me..."

After hearing this, Xiaomei felt warm in her heart, and she said movedly: "You are such a good person, you have not left us..."

"Needless to say, let's find a way to get out of here first." Zhang Yu said.

"Yes." Xiaomei nodded excitedly. This place was so cold that it was unbearable.

The cotton-padded clothes on her body were already thin and could not withstand the cold here. Her nose dripped down unconsciously. She wiped it with her hand and then blushed.

After all, she is a girl, and it is embarrassing to be seen with a runny nose.

Zhang Yu smiled gently at Xiaomei, and then said: "I'm going to see grandma..."

With that said, he walked towards his grandmother. Xiaomei immediately followed and said: "Grandma... Mr. Zhang is back..."

"You're back..." Grandma said weakly.

After all, she was over 100 years old and in her final years. She couldn't bear to stay in a place like this.

"I'm back..." Zhang Yu said sincerely: "Grandma, don't worry, I will definitely take you out..."

"I believe you..." Grandma said weakly again.

"Grandma, let's go... I'll help you up first..." Zhang Yu said, came to Grandma's side, bent down, and stretched out his hand to help.

Xiaomei quickly came to the other side, followed Zhang Yu, and helped Grandma up.

Grandma can't even stand firmly now. At her age, it's obvious that she can't stand sitting in such a cold place.

Zhang Yu carried Grandma on his back and said, "Let's go to the exit."

"Okay." "Okay." Elugao and Xiaomei both agreed, and followed Zhang Yu toward the middle of the mountain.

The last time I came, the exit had changed. Zhang Yu still remembered the exit he took when he came last time, but he didn't know if it would change now.

In fact, Zhang Yu has always been worried about this problem, and this time he came in with a sense of all-or-nothing.

To be honest, Zhang Yu hopes that the last exit will work, because by taking that exit, he at least does not need to directly face the Fourth Master and others, and can first ensure the safety of Grandma, Xiaomei, and Elugao.

Therefore, Zhang Yu first walked to the location of the last exit. When he was about to arrive, Zhang Yu reminded: "The exit here is very weird. Maybe when you walk to a certain point, people can suddenly disappear. . But don’t worry, if you see me missing from that place, just follow me immediately.”

"Yeah." "Yeah." Xiaomei and Eluga agreed together again.

Zhang Yu continued to move forward, took a few steps, and then stopped. He could be sure that this location was the location he left last time. However, standing here, nothing has changed, it is exactly the same as the last time I stood here.

"It seems that it still doesn't work... I have no choice but to take the way out last time..." Zhang Yu shook his head slightly, he really didn't want to go out from there.

But he still carried his grandmother on his back and walked towards the last exit.

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