Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 3072 Rebellion

As soon as Zhang Yu saw the bones falling apart and the cassocks on them missing, he felt happy.

Because he knew that since the cassock was missing, it must have been taken off by force. If he didn't do this, it must have been done by Tony and others.

He pointed directly at the scattered bones and shouted: "This... this... how could this happen..."

"What's wrong?" Fourth Master asked coldly.

Zhang Yu deliberately looked astonished and said eagerly: "It's this skeleton. I remember that he was wearing a red robe similar to yours at that time, but the red robe was not embroidered in white." edge, but a purple line.”

"Purple thread clothes!" Upon hearing this, Fourth Master's eyes immediately lit up and he shouted: "Where are the clothes?"

"I didn't take it..." Zhang Yu said quickly.

"You didn't take it..." Fourth Master glared at Zhang Yu and said, "Who took it?"

"Well... I just saw there were backpacks next to them... could it be in their bags..." Zhang Yu said deliberately.

Fourth Master immediately turned his head, but the distance was too far and he couldn't see it for a while.

Zhang Yu then pointed forward and said: "There are two sets of skeletons side by side in front, and one set of skeletons..."

After saying that, Zhang Yu looked at Mr. Luo and said, "I'm wearing the same clothes as you..."

"Where?" Mr. Luo immediately walked forward.

Zhang Yu went over to lead the way. After a few steps, he saw two scattered skeletons in front of him.

The one on the left was originally wearing a cassock, but now the cassock is gone. Moreover, there was a dagger stuck on the chest of the body, and the dagger disappeared. Zhang Yu pointed at the skeleton and said: "By the way... there is a dagger stuck on the chest of this skeleton... "

The Fourth Master also came over. When he heard this, he immediately shouted: "Shading Sword! It must be the Shadow Sword..."

Zhang Yu pointed to the skeleton on the right again and said: "This skeleton's limbs were all broken at the time... I didn't look at what was on her body... but looking at it now, it should have been turned over..."

Although the limbs of the skeleton on the right are broken, at least the shape is there. But now, the bones are completely scattered, and they have obviously been turned over.

The fourth master looked at these bones and said coldly: "Eighty percent of these bones are that bitch!"

He then looked at Zhang Yu and said, "Are you sure you didn't take it..."

"I swear, I definitely didn't take it! Otherwise, you ask those people to see what's in their bags. If you can't find anything, even if you beat me to ashes, I won't do anything. Nothing more..." Zhang Yu said solemnly.

"Okay! Then I will go and confront them. If you took the things and you start to stir up trouble with me now, I will definitely make your life worse than death!" Fourth Master said harshly.

"If I really took it, I'll let you do whatever you want..." Zhang Yu said quickly.

"Let's go!" Fourth Master turned around, waved his hand, and walked directly to the opposite side.

Zhang Yu was overjoyed. It seemed that the provocation was successful this time.

However, when the Fourth Master walked that way, Mr. Luo did not leave. Instead, he said, "Four Master, wait a moment."

"What's wrong?" Fourth Master turned to look at Mr. Luo.

When Zhang Yu heard what Mr. Luo said, his heart tightened and he quickly turned his head cautiously.

I saw Mr. Luo standing next to the nameless silver grass. His finger pointed at the silver grass and said, "What is this?"

Zhang Yu quickly replied, "I don't know what the name of this grass is. I previously suspected that it might be the location of the formation's eye, but no matter what methods I use, I can't do anything to this silver grass."

"Really? Don't lie to me?" Mr. Luo asked coldly.

"If you don't believe me, try it yourself..." Zhang Yu said aggrievedly.

"Then I'll try..." Mr. Luo raised his hand, but then he pointed at the young man named Gao Wei and said, "Come here and see if you can pull out this grass!"

"Yes!" Gao Wei immediately agreed and walked to the side of the Nameless Silver Grass. He then bent down, reached out and grabbed the root of the Nameless Silver Grass, and pulled it up hard.

Good guy, he used a lot of force, but the Wuming Silver Grass didn't move at all.

"Drink!" Gao Wei shouted again, but there was no reaction at all.

He reluctantly let go of his hand and said, "Mr. Luo... I can't pull it out..."

"It can't be pulled out..." Mr. Luo's voice deepened. He could see that Gao Wei had indeed used all his strength to suck the milk.

He hesitated and said, "Get out of the way!"

Gao Wei hurriedly stepped aside, and then saw Mr. Luo flip his palm, and the red rune appeared in his palm. He struck out with a palm, and with a "boom" sound, the rune palm print hit the nameless silver flower.

Wuming Yinhua just trembled slightly, and then nothing happened.

"This..." Mr. Luo was immediately shocked. How powerful his rune palm prints were, he really didn't expect that he couldn't do anything to this silver grass.

The fourth master was also surprised. He said with some surprise: "This thing is so weird."

Zhang Yu said aggrievedly: "I didn't lie to you, I used all my skills, but I didn't do anything to this grass..."

At the end of the sentence, he shook his head helplessly.

While shaking his head, he happened to catch a glimpse of another young man named Pang Xuan. At this moment, Pang Xuan's face showed a murderous intent, as if he wanted to kill someone.

However, I don't know if Pang Xuan noticed that he was looking over, and the murderous intention on his face disappeared immediately.

Zhang Yu muttered in his heart, "It's true that there are slaves just like the masters. They may not be very capable, but all of them are quite ruthless..."

"Fourth Master, this thing is really weird. It seems we need to calm down and study it..." Mr. Luo said.

"Research..." Fourth Master raised his eyebrows and said, "Now is not the time to do research. We need to confront those guys first and find the Purple Line Clothes, the Shadow Sword and the Shocking Drum!"

After hearing this, Zhang Yu's heart moved. He had picked up a small drum here before and put it into his arms.

He didn't know the name of this drum at first, but now it seems that it should be called Zhentian Drum. A snare drum has such a resounding name, so it must be a very powerful magical weapon.

Mr. Luo did not speak immediately, but thought about it for a moment and said, "That's okay. Let's check first to see if the thing is in the other party's hand."

"That's right..." An excited smile flashed on the Fourth Master's face.

At this moment, he couldn't help but say in his heart: "As long as I get the Shadow Sword... who else can be my opponent..."

The fourth master looked very anxious to get these things. He waved his hand again, turned around and walked towards the opposite side. Mr. Luo, Zhang Yu, Yan Xing and others followed suit. The fourth master walked very fast. After a while, he came to the opposite side and saw Tony and others again.

As soon as they faced each other, Fourth Master pointed directly at Tony and said loudly and boldly: "Foreign devil, did you take away all the clothes and magical weapons on those skeletons?"

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