Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 3065 Where are the people!

Zhang Yu had been hiding in the dark and listening. Now he heard Cheng Yi say that he had dug out the tomb door. Zhang Yu was actually very curious about this tomb. He also thought that there must be some secret hidden in it.

It can be said that anyone in this situation would be looking forward to it.

Standing on the stone slab, Chengyi's face was full of confidence. It could be seen that he had definitely done this kind of thing frequently.

Chengyi took out a black round thing from his arms. He put the thing on the stone slab, and the thing actually got on it. Chengyi followed and turned around and walked up the horse path, standing next to Tony and others.

He took out a small remote control from his pocket. There was a red button on the remote control. He just pressed it lightly, and there was a muffled sound, "Bang!"

As soon as the voice fell, I looked at the stone slabs under the horse path. They had turned into pieces of rubble and collapsed, revealing a cave that was more than one meter high. It was very dark inside the cave. Standing on it, you couldn't see anything inside.

At the moment when the stone slab collapsed, a series of sounds suddenly sounded in the cave, "Swiss, swish, swish..."

Good guy, a series of black shadows shot out directly from the cave at such a fast speed. These things seemed to have eyes and flew towards the people above.


Seeing so many dark shadows coming towards him, Elugao couldn't help but scream and sat down on the ground in fright.

"Poof!" "Poof!" "Poof!" "Poof!"...

Fortunately, the only one who was afraid was Elugao. The others had already prepared. They were all on guard against any traps behind the stone gate. As soon as he saw so many black shadows flying over, Tony's palm immediately emitted a black light with red light and rushed towards them.

Others also took action one after another, some shot out flames, some shot out cold light, but there were all kinds of things. These directly collided with the things flying up, setting off bursts of blood mist. This blood mist is also mixed with a fishy smell, which is so unpleasant that it makes people almost nauseous.

There were only so many things flying out. Some were exploded, some were burned, and some fell to the ground and died. Seeing that there was no longer anything, Tony and the others looked down, and then discovered that there was nothing on the ground.

Elugao was unscathed, but sitting on the ground, she was trembling all over. She was no longer the same person who was bent on exploring.

The foreign ghost woman said in confusion: "What is that thing that flew out just now? It looks like a bat, but why is it gone again..."

Chengyi immediately said: "This should be a formation, or an illusion released by some kind of magic weapon."

"Hallucination..." the foreign ghost woman said: "The smell of this thing after death is very smelly. I feel sick now. How can it be a hallucination?"

"Because this is not a pure illusion. If we didn't kill them all in time and let them jump on us, we would all die," Chengyi said.

"Looking at it this way, we are lucky. It is right to be careful after all..." the foreign ghost woman said lightly, and then saw Elugao sitting on the ground shivering.

The foreign ghost woman followed up and said, "It scares you, isn't it?"

"I..." Elugao only said one word, and then he said "Wow" and turned his head to spit it out.

The fishy smell here is really unbearable. Tony and the others had all seen bloody things, and they felt a little panicked. As Ellu was a wealthy lady, it was even more unbearable.

Seeing Eluga vomiting the foreign devil, the woman shook her head in disdain and muttered, "It's really useless..."

Then she looked at Tony and said, "Tony, what should we do next?"

"Next..." Tony looked at the entrance to the tomb. This entrance is only about one meter high, almost one and two meters tall. If you are a child, you can walk in directly. If you want to go in, adults will have to bend down. It's very inconvenient to go in.

Moreover, the hole is not very wide and can accommodate up to two people entering side by side. In such a narrow and low space, once attacked, it would be difficult to dodge, and it would be very inconvenient for you to use your strength.

Tony thought for a moment and said, "Sisotto, you first use fire to illuminate the inside and see what's going on inside."

"Okay." Sisotto held a red cane in his hand with a ruby ​​inlaid on it. He agreed, pointed the cane forward, and a big fireball came out and shot directly into the cave.

With a "pop" sound, the fireball entered the cave and illuminated the cave. However, they were condescending, and from this angle, they couldn't see clearly what was going on inside.

Tony then said: "Chengyi, go to the entrance of the cave and see what it looks like inside."

"Yeah." Chengyi nodded and walked down the horse path.

When he arrived outside the tomb, he squatted down and looked inside. By the firelight in the cave, Chengyi could see that there seemed to be steps going down some distance inside, but other than that, there was nothing else.

Chengyi turned around and said towards the top: "There are steps going down inside, and other things. I didn't see anything else."

"In this way..." Tony hesitated for a moment, then said: "Which of you dares to go down to explore the road first?"

None of the people present said anything, not even Cheng Yi below.

Although Cheng Yi was a tomb robber, there was something weird everywhere here. This tomb was definitely different from other tombs. It is definitely very dangerous to go down alone, and no one dares to go down easily to find out.

Seeing that no one said anything, Tony frowned slightly, but the foreign ghost woman said: "I think we should ask the old man named Cheng to go down and take a look. We don't have to let him go far. We can go down the steps to make sure there is no danger. Just let him come back."

"This is a good idea." Tony nodded immediately and said loudly: "Old man Cheng, come here!"

However, after the words were settled, he did not receive any reply.

Tony was stunned for a moment, and then shouted loudly: "Old man Cheng, come here!"

This time the voice was louder than before, but there was still no response from Uncle Cheng.

"What's going on..." Tony suddenly felt inexplicable nervousness. He looked around and saw no sign of Uncle Cheng.

The other people also looked around, but did not see Uncle Cheng.

The foreign ghost woman said: "I remember he just followed us up to the tombstone. He must be on top. Why is there no movement?"

"Come on, let's go up and have a look." Tony said.

After saying that, he didn't go around to the front of the platform and walked up the steps. He just walked quickly to the front platform, stretched out his hand to grab the platform, and with a little force, the person jumped on.

At this point, Tony was stunned for a moment. It turns out that there is no trace of Uncle Cheng anywhere on this platform.

"Where are the people! Where are the people!" Tony couldn't help shouting.

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