Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 3062 Ancestral Tombs

"How could there be such a meteorite..." Zhang Yu carefully looked at the stone in his hand, and his eyes were full of incredible color.

"Master said that the art of Bianstone has long been lost. The current Bianstone can only be used for health care at most, and cannot truly cure diseases and save people...could it be said that...the grandmother here uses Bianstone to treat the villagers..." Zhang Yu said in He murmured in his heart, he really didn't expect to see such a meteorite in this place.

A piece of meteorite with spiritual energy and medicinal smell!

He played with the stone in his hand for a while and seemed reluctant to let it go. However, Zhang Yu also knew that he could not stay here for too long, so he still put the meteorite in his hand back into the grid and pushed the grid back.

Zhang Yu looked at the other grids, opened one at random, and looked inside. There was still a stone inside.

This stone looks similar to the one just now. It is also a meteorite and has a faint medicinal smell. Zhang Yu took out the meteorite. It was smooth but had scars, as if it had been cut with a knife.

Zhang Yu continued to check, and opened several cabinets. Inside were all meteorite stones, some large and some small, some even angular, and some even looked like they were made into tools.

After reading it, Zhang Yu was even more certain that his grandma’s cure was Bianstone. From this, Zhang Yu could also judge that there must be a senior expert in the village. Maybe the person was dead, but the formations in the village must have been arranged by the previous expert.

It takes a lot of time right now. Zhang Yu estimates that even if Uncle Cheng is old, he should be here in a while. Zhang Yu tidied up briefly, then left the room and closed the door. He went out of the courtyard again, closed the courtyard door, took Agou around the courtyard, came to the backyard wall, and waited against the wall.

As expected, after a while, Zhang Yu heard the sound of footsteps, followed by the sound of the courtyard door being pushed open.

But this time, the big yellow dog in the yard didn't bark. I don't know if it felt that the dog was still nearby, so it didn't dare to bark.

"Is there anyone there?" At this time, a Chinese voice sounded in the yard.

Zhang Yu still remembered that there were two Chinese people beside Tony, so he was not surprised. After asking the question, the man did not receive any response.

Soon, Tony's voice rang again, "Go in and search!"

Continuous footsteps entered the main room, and then there were voices, "No one!" "No one here!" "No one is here!"...

Tony and the others came out of the main room, and Zhang Yu heard Tony say again: "Your mother is not here, where can she go?"

"I don't know." Uncle Cheng's dull voice followed.

"Besides this courtyard, is there anything else on the mountain that you would go to?" Tony asked again.

"There are vegetable fields and ancestral graves on the mountain." Uncle Cheng said.

"The ancestral graves..." Tony groaned, and then said: "Take us to the ancestral graves!"

"Yes..." Uncle Cheng agreed, turned around and walked out of the courtyard.

Zhang Yu could hear clearly from the back wall. When he heard about the ancestral tomb, Zhang Yu couldn't help but feel his heart move. Last time he, Uncle Li and Xiaomei passed by the ancestral graves. The tombs there were really big enough, and the edges of the graves could not be seen at a glance. There are only so many families in the village, but there are so many graves. This shows how many generations of villagers have lived here.

Through meteorites and formations, Zhang Yu was able to determine that there were masters in the village. Even if it doesn't happen now, it always did. Since it is an ancestral grave, it is not difficult to determine that after the master dies, he will be buried there.

"Go to the ancestral graves, maybe you can make some new discoveries..." Zhang Yu said in his heart.

After making up his mind, Zhang Yu did not move, still leaning against the wall. He was waiting for Tony and others to go far away. It could be said that by letting Tony and others walk two kilometers first, Zhang Yu could reach the ancestral grave first with his speed.

He waited for a while, guessing that Uncle Cheng had led Tony and others out for a certain distance, and then walked around to the entrance of the courtyard. He looked towards the way he came, but no one could be seen. After thinking about it for a while, I definitely couldn't go back the same way, as I would definitely run into Tony and the others. So, he simply went down the mountain nearby.

Wuli Village is surrounded by mountains. You can go up the mountain anywhere and you can go down the mountain anywhere. The difference is that some places are easy to walk and some places are not.

Zhang Yu went straight down the mountain. As he walked, there was no decent mountain road. One foot was deep and one foot was shallow, which was difficult to walk. Fortunately, Zhang Yu's strength was there. Because Agou had four roads, it was easier to walk than Zhang Yu.

One person and one dog finally went down the mountain. Zhang Yu walked through the village, went up the mountain from where Uncle Li led the way last time, and went straight to the cemetery in Wuli Village.

He and Agou were fast and reached the edge of the cemetery in a short time. Just like last time, you can't even see the edge of the grave. Zhang Yu glanced around and walked up.

This is the case with ancestral graves. Generally, the ones at the top must be the elders, and then they go down one generation at a time. In order to buy time, Zhang Yu still activated the Shenxing vest. The mountain road in the cemetery was easier to walk. In addition, it was winter and there were no weeds on the mountain. It didn't take long, so he could walk very fast.

The further you go up, the fewer the tombs are, especially the size of the tombs, which are getting larger and larger. Most of the graves below are burial mounds, with a circle of stones around them at best. The tombs above are all large and square tombs, and one tomb can be as large as the four tombs below.

Continuing up, the tomb becomes even larger, surrounded by granite and pine trees planted on the edge. The current stone monuments are getting bigger and bigger.

Zhang Yu saw this and said to himself, it seems that the ancestors of Wuli Village are really not ordinary people. Gradually, Zhang Yu saw the end of the ancestral tomb above, and he also put down his steps and looked at each one along the tomb.

He had not carefully observed every grave and every tombstone before. Now that he was looking carefully, Zhang Yu discovered a problem in no time. That is, among the names engraved on these tombstones, there are generally only a few surnames.

To be precise, there are only five in total, namely: Cheng, Li, Yang, Wang, and Zhang. However, there are many double tombs here, and the tombstones are engraved with the women's surnames, but they only have surnames and no given names.

The tombstones are also engraved with dates of birth and death. It can be seen from this that the ancestors in the house have lived here since the Ming Dynasty. Zhang Yu continued upward and finally reached the top. There are a total of five tombs here, one of which is alone at the top and is also the largest tomb on the entire mountain.

Below this tomb, there are four parallel tombs. Although they are large in size, they are at least half smaller than that single tomb.

Zhang Yu carefully looked at these five tombs, and then made a new discovery. The surnames on the tombstones of the four parallel tombs were Li, Yang, Wang, and Zhang. The owner of the top tomb was named Cheng.

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