Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 3059 Flute Sound

"When I came here last time, I heard this sound... Zhang Qingfeng and the others said that they seemed to have heard this sound when they came... Master also said that this was very strange..." Ai Lu Gao heard it. The children's song for jumping rubber bands, he immediately said a little nervously.

That day, she, Allardyce and others were taken out of the col by Zhang Yu, and met Zhang Qingfeng, Wang Jie and others at the foot of the mountain. After getting in the car, it is inevitable to talk about this issue. At that time, it was just everyone's speculation, without any substantive content.

"Oh?" After hearing this, Tony stopped, "There is such a thing."

Seeing him stop, Eluga also stopped, nodded and said, "That's true..."

"Looking at it this way, the song here is probably an illusion..." Tony said bluntly.

"Ah?" Elugao was shocked and said nervously: "Then, what should I do..."

"Don't be afraid, I have my own way..." Tony said, took out a pair of earplugs from his arms, handed them to Elugao, and said, "Put these in your ears."

"Okay." Elugao took the earplugs and immediately put them into his ears obediently.

Immediately afterwards, she saw Tony beside her take out another recorder from his arms. Tony slowly put the recorder to his mouth, as if he was going to play the flute.

This move made Eluga very curious, and then she saw Tony's cheeks moving, really playing. I just wear earplugs and can't hear anything.

It was absolutely correct, Tony was indeed playing the recorder at this moment, and the sound of the flute sounded very soft, comfortable, and so pleasant to the ears.

After about three minutes, Elugao saw three little girls slowly walking towards them. She had seen these three little girls when she first came here. At that time, she thought the three children were very cute. Because their clothes were thin, Eluga still sympathized with them and loved them.

But right now, the three little girls looked dull, as if they were fools. Slowly, the little girls walked up to them and stopped, motionless.

Elugao looked at the three little girls, feeling extremely puzzled. She unconsciously looked at Tony beside her, and saw that Tony's cheeks were still moving, and he must be continuing to play.

After a while, Elugao saw a group of people walking towards them. These are all villagers in the village, but most of them are old, weak, women and children. Of course, most of the young and strong people went out of the village to pick up the goods.

Elugao soon saw Cheng Bo, and then she discovered that these people also had dull eyes, and they all looked like fools. They were not much different from the three little girls who walked over before.

The villagers walked for a while and stopped where three little girls were standing, very close to Elugao and the others.

Zhang Yu took Agou and followed him along the road. Zhang Yu didn't walk fast because he didn't want to be discovered by Tony and others. After all, Zhang Yu also knew that Tony's ability to receive his Five Thunder Palm attack showed that his strength was there, and if the distance was too close, it would be easy to be discovered.

After following him for a while, he came down the mountain. Standing here, he was about to go down when he suddenly heard the sound of a flute.

"Huh?" Zhang Yu was stunned for a moment, and thought to himself: "What's going on? Why is there someone playing the flute..."

But soon, he realized something was wrong, as if something was disturbing his spiritual soul. He quickly closed his eyes and looked with his inner eye, and sure enough, he saw a black thread of air wrapping around his soul.

"Asshole!" Zhang Yu cursed secretly, and then raised his anger.

The true energy in the body slowly surged up, blocking the black thin line. How could this black thin line compete with Zhang Yu's true energy? It was instantly wiped out.


Zhang Yu solved the black thin line here, and immediately heard a low roar from Agou beside him. Zhang Yu quickly lowered his head to look at Ah Gou, only to see Ah Gou squatting on the ground with a ferocious look on his face.

Zhang Yu immediately realized that Agou must have been harassed by the thin black thread and became like this. He bent down, put his hand on Agou's head, and used his inner eye to check the situation inside Agou's body.

That's right, there is indeed a black thread wrapping around Agou's soul. However, there is a red air current entangled with the black line next to the soul. Soon, the black line was scattered by the red airflow.

Seeing this, Zhang Yu felt relieved and whispered: "Agou, don't bark now, just nod and shake your head. How is your current situation? Are you okay?"

While speaking, he opened his eyes and checked Agou's condition.

Agou can understand Zhang Yu's words, but he just can't speak on his own. Agou nodded, indicating that he was fine.

Seeing him like this, Zhang Yu felt relieved and whispered: "Let's go down the mountain, don't make any noise."

Agou nodded again and then started to go down the mountain. One person and one dog walked all the way, and soon they arrived at the foot of the mountain.

Zhang Yu whispered again: "Follow me, keep your distance and stay hidden. If I stop, you must stop."

Agou nodded to express his understanding.

Zhang Yu continued to move forward, and not far away, he saw Tony and his party. Not only Tony and the others, they even saw villagers coming this way. Zhang Yu was suspicious. After taking a few steps forward, he squatted down and stopped moving forward.

Because he knew that if he went forward, he would be discovered. When Agou saw him stop, he also stopped, lying on the ground and stopped moving.

The distance between Zhang Yu and Tony and the others is actually not that close. He closed his eyes, felt everything around him, and listened to the sounds here.

Soon, the villagers' footsteps stopped, and the sound of the flutes also stopped.

"Are you all villagers from Wuli Village?" Tony's voice rang.

"Yes." "Yes." "Yes."... the villagers said one by one.

Their voices all seemed very dull.

"Very well, let me ask you, what secrets are hidden in your village?" Tony asked.

"No secret." "No secret." "No secret."... The villagers answered dully again.

Zhang Yu only listened to a few words and felt something was wrong. He immediately realized that the reason why the villagers became like this must be caused by the sound of the flute.

"I understand..." Zhang Yu said in his heart: "The sound of this flute has a hypnotic effect... Tony wants to learn the secrets of Wuli Village from the villagers' mouths..."

This is obviously a despicable method, but Zhang Yu also understands that this is probably the only way to find out the secrets of Wuli Village. Of course, Zhang Yu would not bother to do this kind of thing. And people like Tony can do anything.

Fortunately, Tony was not killing anyone at the moment. With one against six, Zhang Yu really had no chance of winning. Also, Eluga was in Tony's hands. If he rashly attacked Eluga, Eluga would definitely be in danger. So now, he can only listen.

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