Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 3044 Nameless Silver Grass

"What a powerful magic weapon..."

The strength of a magical weapon is usually very easy to determine. The more powerful the magical weapon is, the more powerful it is.

This seemingly inconspicuous tambourine really gave Zhang Yu a shocking feeling.

Zhang Yu looked at the tambourine carefully. The edges of the tambourine were red and the middle was white. The red part should be made of wood, and the white part used for knocking should be made of leather.

The most important thing is that there is a seal character on the cortex. The seal script should look like a Taoist magic weapon, but Zhang Yu didn't know what the seal script meant because he had never seen it before.

"What's the use of this little thing?" Zhang Yu straightened up and tapped the tambourine twice.

The tambourine just made two soft "puff" sounds, and nothing else.

Zhang Yu put the tambourine into his arms smoothly. Since it was a good magical weapon, he didn't mind accepting it.

He looked around again, and immediately saw two sets of bones in front of him. The two sets of bones were very close to each other, almost lying side by side. The skeleton on the left is still wearing clothes, which also seem to be red.

Zhang Yu subconsciously walked over. As the distance got closer and closer, Zhang Yu saw that there was a silver-white thing in front of the white skull in red clothes. This thing can be half a meter tall and looks like a grass.

"What is this..." Zhang Yu muttered again.

Soon, he came to two sets of skeletons. Looking down, Zhang Yu was stunned again. It turned out that the skeleton on the left was wearing a red robe. What surprised Zhang Yu was that the style of the robe was exactly the same as the robe worn by Mr. Luo. Red embroidered with silver thread.

Not only that, there was a sword stuck in this man's chest. It should be a short sword. The sword body was almost completely submerged in the skeleton, leaving only the hilt outside.

The hilt of the sword was stained with blood. It was not difficult to determine that the deceased should have been stabbed to death by this dagger.

Zhang Yu then looked at Bai Gu next to him. On Bai Gu's hand, he was wearing bracelets and rings, all of which were the styles that women liked. After looking at it for a while, Zhang Yu was absolutely sure that it was the skeleton of a woman. The limbs of the skeleton were broken, and the ribs on the body were broken in three places. It is not difficult to see that these injuries cannot be considered fatal. Zhang Yu was almost certain that a woman must have been in extreme pain before she died.

"These two people were lying together after death...a boy and a seems like their relationship was unusual..." Zhang Yu muttered again, "Look at the clothes they were wearing, plus the dream lantern and Uncle Li were outside. They were picked up from the cave... From this point of view, they should be the people that Fourth Master is looking for..."

Zhang Yu immediately remembered the photo Mr. Luo showed to Uncle Cheng before. The people in the photo were two men and one woman. Of course, there are more than three skeletons here, but Zhang Yu is vaguely certain that the two skeletons in front of him, plus the person with the broken skull he just saw, are most likely the three people in the photo.

He then recalled what Mr. Luo and Fourth Master said at that time - "The Fifth Master is the uncle's younger brother. He has many magical weapons and is very powerful. Since the Fifth Master went to hunt down the adulterers, After committing suicide, he never came back, so it must be a disaster. The fifth master's magic weapons must have fallen into the hands of the adulterer. As long as the news spreads, it is inevitable that no one will be greedy and go there. Make trouble for the adulterer** and steal the magic weapon."

"That must be the case..." After slowly savoring what Mr. Luo said, Zhang Yu basically gave an answer, "The man who played the tambourine just now should be the so-called Fifth Master. These two The individual must be the adulterer, and the woman may even be the fifth master's wife. Otherwise, how could the fifth master hunt down himself... The other skeletons must be the followers brought by the fifth master... These A man and a woman ran here, but they were still found by the Fifth Master... Since they met, it was bound to be a bloody battle, and they died together..."

Thinking of this, Zhang Yu closed his eyes subconsciously. He actually wanted to see if he could see the decisive battle with his inner eye.

Unfortunately, he didn't see it. However, after a short effort, Zhang Yu suddenly felt that the Yin Qi here was much stronger than other places. The source of the yin energy seems to be not far ahead.

Zhang Yu opened his eyes and immediately fell on the silver-white grass.

"That's it!"

Based on his sense of distance, Zhang Yu was able to conclude that the source of the Yin Qi he felt in his mind was where the silver-white grass was.

Zhang Yu walked around the skeleton and came to the edge of the grass. The grass was half a meter high and was entirely silver-white without any variegation, just like it was made of silver. Zhang Yu could really feel the strong Yin energy emanating from the grass without reaching out to touch it.

"What kind of grass is this..." Under the guidance of his master, Lao Wangtou, Zhang Yu knew a lot about the plants in the world. But Lao Wangtou never mentioned this grass to him. Of course, Lao Wangtou also said that there are many rare and exotic plants in the world, and it is normal if you have not seen them before.

"The Yin Qi comes from here... There is definitely something weird about this grass..." Zhang Yu pondered, and his eyes lit up, "Could this be the location of the Formation Eye..."

Thinking of this, Zhang Yu felt happy. He raised his palm and pointed it at the silver grass.

But he didn't say to start directly. Instead, he squatted down and observed carefully, and then slowly extended his hand to the roots of the grass.

There were no thorns on the exposed grass roots. Zhang Yu's palm slowly came closer. The closer he got, the more Zhang Yu could feel the rich yin energy above. His hand will soon touch the grass roots, and the strong Yin Qi can rush to his palm.

Then, he suddenly grabbed the grass roots. With just one tentacle, there was a burst of coldness. Zhang Yu then used force to pull the grass roots out of the soil. However, although he used a lot of force, the grass roots seemed to be stuck in the stone layer. No matter how strong Zhang Yu was, he could not pull them out.

Seeing that he couldn't pull it out, Zhang Yu twisted it hard again, trying to break the grass. Unexpectedly, this thing that seemed to feel similar to ordinary grass was actually very tough. Even with all his strength, Zhang Yu was unable to cause any damage to the grass roots.

In desperation, Zhang Yu could only let go, secretly saying in his heart, this thing is really evil!

He gritted his teeth and immediately showed the black scissors.

"If you can't use your hands, I have other things to do!" Zhang Yu said, unfolding the scissors and cutting towards the roots of the grass.

With a "chi" sound, the scissors opened and held the grass root tightly in its mouth. However, it was the blade that held the grass roots in its mouth, but still did not cut them off.

"It still doesn't work!" Zhang Yu frowned slightly, put away the scissors, and showed the Seven-Star Knife this time.

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