Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 3042 A cave with yin energy

Xiaomei is indeed smart, and she once again showed off her grandma's name. When people in the village get sick, grandma and grandma come to treat them, which shows the status and prestige of grandma and grandma in the village.

Xiaomei studied medicine with her grandmother, who is her descendant and closest person. Others would naturally believe what she said, and the people in the village were all honest, so Uncle Li had no doubts about what she said.

Uncle Li nodded and said: "Since it is the person Grandma has chosen, she must not be wrong. Mr. Zhang is good to our village, so he is one of our own. I will listen to you on this matter. If you don't tell others, just the three of us will go." "

"Without further ado, let's set off." Xiaomei said with a smile.

When Zhang Yu saw that the matter was settled, he got down from the kang and the three of them left Uncle Li's house together.

It was getting late now. Zhang Yu pretended to be sick and sought medical treatment at noon. He also walked a long way up the mountain. This trip back and forth also took a long time.

Zhang Yu glanced at his watch, it was already three o'clock in the afternoon. He thought about it, if he went up the mountain here, if the journey was long and he came back late, wouldn't it be possible that his disciples would be trapped here.

Therefore, Zhang Yu took out his mobile phone and dialed Qian Jingye's number. The call was quickly connected, and Zhang Yu told Qian Jingye to evacuate Wuli Village immediately. The reason was very simple, that is, he wanted to move the remaining things outside the village. In addition, bring some people from the village out to help.

Qian Jingye naturally obeyed Zhang Yu's instructions, and he was also worried that something would happen if he stayed here overnight.

After hanging up the phone, Qian Jingye told Uncle Cheng that he was going out to move everything outside into the mountains. I had told Uncle Cheng about this before, and there were still people guarding me outside the mountain. It was very hard to look at things outside the mountain on this cold day. Therefore, he also expressed his support and asked Jingye to find someone to help him carry it out of the mountain. Uncle Cheng took the initiative.

Not talking about their side, just that Zhang Yu, Xiaomei, and Uncle Li walked towards the west end of the village. From here, we went up the mountain. Uncle Li led the way, halfway up the mountain, and walked to the left along the mountain road. The trees here are relatively lush, but the mountain road is easier to walk. After walking for a while, you can see a tomb.

There are quite a lot of tombs here, and they are all densely packed. Zhang Yu usually likes to observe them in places like this. The cemetery is just an ordinary cemetery, nothing special, but Zhang Yu soon discovered that the cemetery here was obviously different from the one at the top. There were fewer graves at the top and more graves at the bottom.

Uncle Li was walking along the mountainside. See what he meant, he planned to go directly through the tomb. But Zhang Yu realized that he couldn't just let it go. Because he knows one thing, that is, if you want to understand the historical heritage of a place, the cemetery is a very important link.

Zhang Yu wanted to have a detailed understanding of the situation at the tomb, but doing so would be too abrupt and would make people think he had evil intentions. Therefore, Zhang Yu didn't say much and could only go back to the place where Uncle Li picked up the dream lantern.

This tomb site is so large that if you look at it horizontally, you can't even see the edge. Uncle Li led the way, and the three of them kept walking along the mountainside for more than half an hour before they could see no graves.

They continued to move forward, and after walking for a while, they walked up the mountain road. Not far away, they reached a place with more lush trees. Passing through the trees, there is a flat terrain, and there is a cave on the mountain wall directly in front.

At this time, Uncle Li pointed to the cave and said, "This is it."

"Let's go in and take a look." Xiaomei said.

Zhang Yu also nodded, but said nothing. The three of them soon arrived at the cave and looked inside. It was pitch black and nothing could be seen.

Zhang Yu was not polite and took out a fire talisman and threw it inside.

With a "pop" sound, the fire talisman was ignited, and the fire immediately illuminated the cave. Seeing Zhang Yu's move, Xiaomei and Uncle Li were both shocked. Uncle Li even said in surprise: "This, this... what is this..."

Normally, Zhang Yu shouldn't show this trick, after all, it's not the right time. But Zhang Yu knew that Uncle Li would forget about it after he went back to the village to sleep, so it didn't matter. There is actually a deeper reason for letting Xiaomei see what she is capable of, which is to let Xiaomei tell her grandma that she is not an ordinary person.

"It's nothing, just a little magic trick." Zhang Yu smiled faintly, and then stepped in without hesitation.

Uncle Li had always been at the front, but now that he had reached his destination, Zhang Yu was no longer polite.

Xiaomei also looked at Zhang Yu in surprise, and when she saw Zhang Yu entering, she quickly followed him. Uncle Li followed Xiaomei, and the three of them filed into the cave.

Once inside, Zhang Yu saw that the cave was not very big, only about twenty square meters in area. Everything inside can be seen clearly at a glance. There is nothing in it. If there is anything, it is dust and some stones at best. However, Zhang Yu could feel that it was very cold inside. This coldness seemed to be not only due to the lack of sunlight in the cave, but also the yin energy.

There is nothing of value here, but the Yin Qi here is really not good. It is impossible for Yin Qi to appear in a place for no reason, especially this Yin Qi. Zhang Yu did not feel it when he was outside the cave, but only felt it after entering.

Yin energy cannot appear for no reason. Zhang Yu didn't feel any breath of the formation here. Of course, there were formations all around Wuli Village, and Zhang Yu couldn't feel the breath of the formations either. The sudden yin energy made Zhang Yu realize that this was definitely an important place. Maybe these Yin Qi are used to protect the eyes.

Zhang Yu couldn't help but feel happy when he thought about the array. He then closed his eyes and felt everything in the cave with his mind's eye.

He could only feel the two living people in the cave and the Yin Qi that was not that strong. These yin energy don't seem to be very lethal, but ordinary people won't be able to stand it if they stay here for a long time. Apart from these, Zhang Yu couldn't feel anything else. Just like when he found Uncle Cheng missing in Wuli Village, he couldn't feel anything more in his mind.

This made him very unwilling. He gritted his teeth secretly in his heart, "What kind of formation is this? It's so powerful..."

It can be said that Zhang Yu is very anxious. Meng Xing'er and the others are still trapped here. The time has dragged on for too long. God knows what will happen.

Xiaomei and Uncle Li looked around in the cave. Apart from feeling cold, they naturally couldn't find anything else. However, Xiao Mei soon saw Zhang Yu standing there motionless with his eyes closed, which made her curious.

After waiting for a while, seeing that Zhang Yu was still like this, Xiaomei couldn't help but ask: "What are you doing with your eyes closed?"

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