Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 3032 Grandma

"We also drink, but at most it's during festivals or when someone's family has a happy event. We don't usually drink." Uncle Cheng's eldest grandson said.

"The main reason is that it is not easy for us to get in and out of the village. We don't have a car at home, so we all rely on walking. Our family is not rich. It's good to have enough to eat. There is no extra money for drinking." Uncle Cheng's second grandson said.

"That's it..." Zhang Yu nodded, then looked at Wang Jie and said: "It won't be long before the festival, and it's not easy for the villagers to come out. This time, I will help them buy New Year wine. Go. Wang Jie, you wait and find a place that sells wine. Buy some more wine and we will deliver them to you tomorrow."

"Okay." Wang Jie nodded immediately.

Although he agreed, he was confused as to what Zhang Yu meant by buying wine for the village.

The other disciples were also puzzled, but they expected that Zhang Yu must have Zhang Yu's thoughts, so no one asked any more questions.

Uncle Cheng's two grandsons were naturally very happy when they heard that Zhang Yu not only bought clothes and livestock for the village, but also bought wine for the village. The two of them quickly thanked, "Thank you, Mr. Zhang." "Mr. Zhang, you are such a good person."...

Next, Zhang Yu chatted casually with Uncle Cheng's two grandsons. In fact, it was casual. Zhang Yu also had a purpose. He mainly wanted to learn about the situation in the village from the two of them.

Regarding Zhang Yu's words, the two of them said one thing and another, and they didn't seem to hide anything.

Zhang Yu became even more puzzled when he saw that the two of them were talking very naturally and without any evasion. More importantly, if the villagers really had any problems, they would not dare to come out easily.

After chatting for a while, Zhang Yu deliberately asked: "There are not many people in your village. Why do you stay in the mountains and live a poor life without going out to have a chance?"

"It's not that we don't want to, but when we go outside, where will we live? Our relatives and so on are all in the village, and we don't know anyone outside." Uncle Cheng's eldest grandson said.

"You are outside the village and don't have any relatives?" Zhang Yu asked again.

"No." Uncle Cheng's eldest grandson shook his head and said.

"That means your ancestors have been living in this mountain for generations?" Zhang Yu asked again.

"It looks like this..." Uncle Cheng's eldest grandson nodded.

"Then what do you usually do if people in your village get sick? It takes so much effort to get out of the mountains. If there is a serious illness, wouldn't it be delayed?" Zhang Yu asked again deliberately.

This is a more important issue, so he wants to see what the other party says. Moreover, this question seems to be just about caring about the other party, and no one will doubt it.

Uncle Cheng's eldest grandson said: "If someone gets sick, they always go to grandma for treatment."

"Grandma Grandma..." Zhang Yu was stunned for a moment and said, "Who is Grandma Grandma? Your grandfather is very old. Is there any elder above him? I seem to have seen him when I went to your house..."

"Grandma is my great-grandmother, my grandpa's mother... Anyway, people in the village call me Grandma... My grandma doesn't live in the village..." Uncle Cheng's eldest grandson explained as he spoke, like I'm afraid Zhang Yu won't understand.

"If you don't live in the village, then where do you live?" Zhang Yu asked immediately.

He always felt that there was a problem in the village, but he never understood what the problem was. He only knew that there was a powerful formation in it.

But if there is such a formation, then there must be an expert here. Now I finally found out that this grandma is definitely not an ordinary person.

Zhang Yu's disciples also heard the secret at this moment. They who were devouring food just now stopped their chopsticks and took a look at Uncle Xiang Cheng's eldest grandson.

"Grandma lives on the mountain at the end of the village." Uncle Cheng's eldest grandson said.

"Living in the mountains... The village is already poor, but living in the mountains... I am getting older, and the weather is so cold, how can I stand it..." Zhang Yu said pretending to be worried.

"Grandma said it's okay, we're used to it..." Uncle Cheng's eldest grandson said.

"Grandma lives alone in the mountains and has no one to take care of her. At such an old age, cooking is probably a problem..." Zhang Yu said worriedly again.

"It's okay, my sister will take care of grandma..." Uncle Cheng's eldest grandson said.

"You have a younger sister... I didn't see her when I went to your house..." Zhang Yu said.

"My sister lives with my grandma, and she only comes down when she needs something." Uncle Cheng's eldest grandson said.

"Is that so...then when the people in your village are sick...can grandma and grandma cure them..." Zhang Yu asked again deliberately.

"Not all diseases can be cured. That's no longer a god. There are also people who die from illness... But it seems that all common diseases can be cured..." Uncle Cheng's eldest grandson said slowly.

Zhang Yu nodded and said to himself, this is already very powerful.

You must know that people have a destiny, and no one can cure those who are destined to die from illness, including Zhang Yu. Although Zhang Yu has great medical skills, he is also a medicine doctor who can't kill people. If it is really destined, Zhang Yu will be in vain. Of course, Zhang Yu would not treat that kind of patient. Because his master, Lao Wangtou, told him that if he was treated forcefully, he might not be able to be cured. If he was cured, he would be acting against nature.

If someone is destined to have such a calamity, Zhang Yu can take action to help people survive this calamity.

Zhang Yu then smiled and said: "This is really like having a treasure in a family..."

"Isn't it? Our village is already remote. It would be a disaster if there was no grandma. Now my sister is responsible for taking care of grandma. In fact, she is also learning from grandma. What if one day..." At this point, Cheng Bo's eldest grandson quickly patted his mouth.

But anyone can understand what he means. Just in case one day, grandma passed away, his sister would have to treat the people in the village.

This clue is very important to Zhang Yu. It seemed that the people in the village didn't know about Grandma Grandma's power, at least not the two people in front of her.

Since the two of them don't know, it's for the best. Zhang Yu has already made a plan in his heart. When he enters Wuli Village for the second time, he must meet this grandma.

Zhang Yu chatted with the two for a while, and when he couldn't get anything out of the way, he started eating with chopsticks. After taking a few bites, another thought came to Zhang Yu's mind.

He looked at Wang Jie and said, "I think you've almost finished eating, so hurry up and buy some wine. Also, ask the waiter to bring two bottles of wine, and these two eldest brothers and I will drink some."

Wang Jie didn't understand Zhang Yu's thoughts, but he knew that Zhang Yu must have a reason for doing this. So Wang Jie immediately agreed, took Zhang Qingfeng to the bar first, asked the waiter to bring two bottles of liquor, and then left the hotel.

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