Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 3026 Murderous Intent

Dream light!

As soon as he heard Fourth Master and Mr. Luo shouting in surprise, Zhang Yu couldn't help being stunned and carefully looked at the lamp in the cabinet.

It is said to be a lamp, but it is actually a lamp holder with a lampshade on it.

The lamp holder was made of wood. Zhang Yu couldn't tell what kind of wood it was without touching it, but it had simple patterns on it and was painted with gold. There are four ribs on the lampshade, which are all made of the same wood and painted with gold. The gauze is white, and there are patterns of beautiful women embroidered on it. It is simply beautiful.

The fourth master rushed directly to the cabinet, reached out and took out the lamp from the cabinet. He then took off the lampshade and exclaimed, "This..."

"What's wrong?" Seeing him like this, Mr. Luo hurriedly came over.

"The wick...the wick is burned out..." Fourth Master's voice was trembling as he spoke.

Zhang Yu was very curious and didn't understand what this meant. At most, he could guess that this so-called dream lamp was most likely a magical weapon.

Zhang Yu slowly moved forward, taking a peek between Fourth Master and Mr. Luo. At a glance, there was a black scar in the middle of the lamp holder, which looked like it was burnt.

"How is this possible...a magic weapon like the dream can the wick burn out..." Mr. Luo said in surprise.

From his tone, you can completely hear his incredulity.

"I don't know the specific situation. After all, I have never used it, but I know that ordinary fire can also ignite the dream lamp, but it cannot be controlled. Also... the dream lamp seems not to stay lit and needs to be extinguished in time... "Fourth Master said seriously.

"You can't keep it burning, it needs to be extinguished in time... Then, what if it's not extinguished..." Mr. Luo said a little nervously.

"I don't know..." Fourth Master shook his head helplessly.

"By the way..." Mr. Luo said, immediately put his hand into his arms and said, "I'll call the uncle and ask him..."

"Yes, yes..." Fourth Master nodded immediately and said, "We encountered such a thing here, and I forgot to report it to my elder brother..."

Mr. Luo had already taken out his mobile phone and dialed a phone number.

Zhang Yu had called before but couldn't get through at all, but he forgot to mention this. Now Mr. Luo is naturally unable to get through when he calls.

Seeing Mr. Luo calling, Zhang Yu slowly backed away and started wandering around the room again. When Mr. Luo saw that the call was not connected, he immediately lowered his head to check the phone. He immediately found that there was no signal on the mobile phone.

"Fourth Master, there is no signal on the phone." Mr. Luo called.

"No signal..." Fourth Master said, taking out his mobile phone from his pocket, only to see that his mobile phone also had no signal.

But he was still unwilling to give in and dialed a phone number. Of course, the result is very obvious and cannot be defeated at all.

The fourth master couldn't help but grit his teeth and said bitterly: "Only within the formation, the phone cannot be made! There must be a formation here!"

"It's very possible." Mr. Luo nodded.

"Lao Wu's dream lantern is here. Someone must have been here! Even if I turn this place upside down, I still have to find the person!" Fourth Master said bitterly again.

But when he said this, he suddenly realized that there was an outsider here.

He immediately turned to look at Zhang Yu, only to see Zhang Yu wandering around the room as if nothing had happened and not looking in his direction.

Fourth Master also knew that Zhang Yu would definitely be able to hear him if he spoke so loudly. But looking at Zhang Yu's appearance, he seemed to be very indifferent.

Mr. Luo looked at Fourth Master and then at Zhang Yu, how could he not see what Fourth Master meant. There is only an outsider like Zhang Yu here, and Fourth Master obviously wants to kill this outsider.

"Fourth Master..." Mr. Luo whispered.

"What's wrong?" Fourth Master turned his head and looked at Mr. Luo.

Mr. Luo didn't make a sound, just shook his head slightly. The fourth master understood what Mr. Luo meant and asked him not to attack Zhang Yu.

The fourth master hesitated for a moment and nodded slightly, but he had already made up his mind. As long as he could get out, he would definitely kill Zhang Yu and silence him.

The fourth master handed the dream lantern to the young man and asked him to put it in the box. Then he said: "There is no other discovery here. Let's take a look around again."

They left the room, and Zhang Yu followed them. The fourth master obviously searched more carefully in the subsequent search. It was obvious that it was all because of the Dream Lantern. He wanted to see if he could find other magic weapons.

Unfortunately, they searched all the way to the end of the village and found nothing. Because the search was too careful and took a lot of time, when they came out after searching the last room, Yan Xing and three young people came to find it.

Seeing them coming, Fourth Master asked, "Have you discovered anything?"

"No." Yan Xing said.

"No..." Fourth Master said in a deep voice: "Did you not search carefully? You are so fast..."

"We searched very carefully..." Yan Xing said quickly and carefully when he saw the fourth master's unkind expression.

A young man also said quickly: "We can search the house in the village from top to bottom..."

"Yes, yes... we are a little faster... but the main reason is that there are fewer houses in the front and more houses at the end of the village..." A young man who was smarter said immediately.

After hearing the explanation, Fourth Master nodded and looked at Mr. Luo again. The two people exchanged glances with each other, and Mr. Luo walked towards Zhang Yu.

Zhang Yu always followed at the back because he could sense the murderous intention of the Fourth Master. He didn't care about the four young men and Yan Xing, but Zhang Yu believed that the fourth master and Mr. Luo were not simple. Therefore, he does not want to fight with the opponent now. As the saying goes, if you hurt the enemy by one thousand, you will lose eight hundred. If you don't kill the opponent, it will not be worthwhile if you are seriously injured.

"Brother..." Mr. Luo came to Zhang Yu and said: "According to what you said, everyone has searched this place during the day, but there is still no one and nothing is found. Do you think we should go back the way we came now? , see if you can get out."

Zhang Yu nodded and said, "That's exactly it."

"Then let's set off." Mr. Luo said.

Everyone set off now and walked towards the village entrance together. After leaving the village entrance, they were on the mountain road they came from.

They followed the mountain road all the way up the mountain. Zhang Yu clearly remembered the path they took, as did Mr. Luo and the others. The eight people walked and came to the mountains. Looking around, they saw continuous mountains.

They walked along the mountains for an hour. As they walked, they suddenly saw a village appearing at the foot of the mountain in front of them.

"There is a village down here!" Fourth Master was the first to point down the mountain and shouted loudly.

Zhang Yu also saw it, but didn't say anything at the time. The other people looked at each other, and then shouted in surprise: "What's going on?" "When I came here, I didn't realize there were other villages here!" "Fourth Master, what should we do now?" "Would you like to go down and take a look?"...

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