Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 3024 Maybe the person we are looking for is really here

"How is this possible..." The fourth master obviously didn't believe it and said, "If someone leaves the room, there is no way I won't hear it..."

"That's right, if someone leaves the room, it's impossible for me not to hear it... But I really didn't hear it, it's just that the person is gone..." Zhang Yu stared at the other person without squinting.

"Yan Xing, go and take a look..." Fourth Master looked at the middle-aged man beside him.

The middle-aged man nodded immediately and walked quickly towards Uncle Cheng's room. After entering, he came out in a blink of an eye. Yan Xing looked at Fourth Master and said, "No one is there."

"Keep watching." Fourth Master said.

Yan Xing went straight to the room where Zhang Yu was standing. Zhang Yu took two steps to the side. Yan Xing entered the room and came out quickly.

"No one." Yan Xing said.

"Look again." Fourth Master said.

Yan Xing then walked towards another wing room. The doors and windows of this room were all bolted. Yan Xing didn't care about anything else. He took out a short knife from his arms, cut the bolts, and entered immediately.

He came out quickly again and said, "There's still no one."

Seeing what he said, Zhang Yu said: "I haven't been in this room before, so you won't doubt that it's me."

This time, before Fourth Master could speak, the door of another wing room on the left opened and four young people rushed out.

"Fourth Master, what happened?" "Fourth Master, what happened?"...the four young people said eagerly.

"It's nothing." Fourth Master said calmly.

Immediately afterwards, Mr. Luo said to Zhang Yu again: "Of course we won't suspect you of being up to something, but you came before me. We are wise people and don't tell secrets. You are also a practicing person, otherwise it would be impossible. Just because you don't hear snoring, you can realize that there is no one next door. Besides, why are you not sleeping in the middle of the night? "

Zhang Yu clasped his fists at the other party and said: "Since your Excellency said so, let's open the sky and speak openly. To be honest, I am here today not to help the poor, but to find people!"

"Looking for someone!" Upon hearing Zhang Yu say that he was looking for someone, Fourth Master raised his eyebrows and asked sternly: "Who are you looking for?"

"I'm looking for a lot of people..." Zhang Yu said seriously: "Wudang Group once came here to help the poor, but people who entered Wuli Village, except those who went out to purchase during the day, were able to come back, and stayed in Wuli Village at night All the people are in trouble but unable to get out..."

At that moment, Zhang Yu told the truth about the fact that two groups from his side entered Wuli Village but did not come out. But he did not reveal his identity, nor did he say what the cultivation level of the person who came in was.

After listening to Zhang Yu's story, the seven people on the opposite side were all startled and looked at each other.

It was Mr. Luo who said: "From what you said, the reason you let people leave during the day is actually to let them escape from here, and the purpose of staying behind is to find the people who were trapped here before."

"Exactly." Zhang Yu nodded and said: "Their strength is limited, and they can't help much if they stay. And this time, I deliberately asked people to take out two people from Wuli Village, just to see what's inside. What's going on!"

Fourth Master took a deep breath, and then said: "Then are we trapped here now and unable to get out?"

"I can't tell clearly now... According to what people on my side said before, when they came in for the second time, there was no one in the village... Uncle Cheng's family is nowhere to be seen. I'm thinking... Could it be that everyone else in the village has also disappeared..." Zhang Yu said seriously.

The fourth master immediately turned to look at Mr. Luo, and Mr. Luo also looked at the fourth master. The two exchanged glances, and Mr. Luo said: "I think so, this village is not big, and it is not long to walk from the entrance to the end of the village. It won’t take long. Let’s divide our troops into two groups, one group of four people. One group will check from the entrance of the village, and the other group will check from the end of the village. We will meet in the middle of the village to see if there is anyone else in the village. "

"No problem." Zhang Yu nodded and said.

The fourth master then looked at Yan Xing and said, "Yan Xing, you take three people to investigate from the entrance of the village. Mr. Luo, I, and this friend will investigate from the end of the village."

"Yes!" Yan Xing immediately bowed and agreed.

From the fourth master's arrangement, it is not difficult to see that he is still worried about Zhang Yu. Of course, no one else would be relieved in this situation.

Zhang Yu didn't object. After all, the opponent had a large number of people, especially the fourth master and the elder in his fifties, who were obviously not ordinary people. If you can't help it, don't do it first, unless the other party has some intention.

They divided their forces into two groups and were about to set off. However, just as he was about to go out, Mr. Luo said: "Bring our boxes first."

These words reminded the fourth master, and he immediately asked the four young men to enter the house, took out all the suitcases they had brought, and then set off.

It can also be seen from this that the things they bring should be more important.

Zhang Yu followed Fourth Master, Mr. Luo, and a young man to the end of the village first, and then went door to door to check. Some people don't lock the door at night and can go in directly. Some people lock the door and need to break the latch before entering. But regardless of whether the door was locked or not, when I went in, there was no one at home.

They searched from the end of the village to the middle of the village, and from the entrance of the village. After meeting twice, the Fourth Master immediately asked: "How is it?"

"There is no one in the places we have searched. Where are you?" Yan Xing said.

"There is no one either." Fourth Master said in a deep voice.

His face was very serious at the moment, and it could be seen that he seemed a little nervous.

No matter who encounters such a weird thing, they will be a little nervous and worried.

Especially the four young people, whose faces showed their nervousness.

Zhang Yu didn't say anything because he had already expected this. He knew that something was going to happen at night, but he didn't expect that he had checked around before and found that everyone in the village was there, but why all of them suddenly disappeared inexplicably.

The people on Fourth Master's side were silent for a long time, and their expressions gradually became serious. After a while, Fourth Master looked at Mr. Luo and said, "Sir, what do we think we should do now?"

"If there is any formation here, or there is something wrong with the people here, we should have felt it from the moment we came in. However, we have never found any problems from the moment we came in. Even at this moment , I didn’t even feel the slightest breath of formation here. It’s weird, it’s indeed weird, but it’s a bit confusing.” Mr. Luo frowned slightly, and at the end of the sentence, he couldn’t help but shake his head.

"I didn't find anything wrong, but it just happened that something was wrong..." Fourth Master said helplessly.

At this time, Yan Xing suddenly walked over and gently touched the fourth master's arm, as if he had something to say.

The fourth master nodded and asked Mr. Luo to follow Yan Xingxing to the distance.

Thinking that no one could hear them, Yan Xing stopped and whispered: "Fourth Master, my subordinates think that it is because something is wrong here that no one can get out. Maybe the person we are looking for is really It’s right here.”

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