Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 3009 Awakening

Zhang Yu's injuries were serious or minor, but in his hands, there were many medicines brought back from the black market. The medicines were all placed in Sun Zhaoyi's room. He and Qin Xiyun talked again, then got up and went to Sun Zhaoyi's room.

When he met Sun Zhaoyi, Zhang Yu briefly told him about his fight with Pisano, and then found out the medicine for the injury and took it.

In this world, no matter how good a panacea is, it is impossible to say that you will be cured immediately if you take it. The medicine must be refined to promote recovery. Zhang Yu sat cross-legged on Sun Zhaoyi's kang to heal his injuries. Not to mention, by daybreak, his injuries were almost half recovered, and his chest no longer felt uncomfortable.

In the morning, Mr. Pan prepared breakfast as usual. But now, there are fewer people eating, so Zhang Yu, Qin Xiyun, and Sun Zhaoyi are eating outside. Ouyang Yanyan takes the food and goes back to the room to eat with her daughter.

After breakfast, Zhang Yu left the courtyard and headed to his abbot's courtyard. When they arrived in the courtyard, the six disciples saw him and wanted to pay him respects immediately. Zhang Yu waved his hand gently, indicating that they should not make a sound, and walked towards his house casually.

When I was approaching the door, I heard Li Meizhen's voice from the main room inside, "Go to the patrol room... What are you doing there?"

"It doesn't matter what you do, you will know when we go there together. Are you still worried that someone will harm you when you go there?" Yuan Tianru's voice rang out.

"I'm increasingly confused now, what does Zhang Yu mean?" Li Meizhen said angrily.

"It doesn't matter, you'll know everything by then. Okay, we've finished breakfast, let's set off now," Yuan Tianru said.

"Okay, I'll listen to you and let's go." Li Meizhen said.

It was Zhang Yu who asked Yuan Tianru to go to the patrol room to obtain surveillance. Because Li Meizhen is neither amnesiac nor insane, only by letting him see the truth can he understand what is going on.

As soon as he heard that Li Meizhen and Yuan Tianru were about to go out, Zhang Yu hurriedly ran to the back of the house.

Immediately afterwards, the door opened, and Li Meizhen and Yuan Tianru walked out of the room together.

There were six little Taoist priests guarding the yard. When Li Meizhen saw these six Taoist priests, he was obviously stunned and said, "Why did you change to a Taoist priest today?"

Before this, in Li Meizhen's eyes, the people guarding here were all extremely vicious men. But now, he unexpectedly turned into a little Taoist priest, how can he not make people wonder.

When Yuan Tianru heard what he said, she felt happy. It seemed that Li Meizhen was doing well.

Yuan Tianru smiled and said: "Don't worry, there will be something unexpected for you later. Let's go..."

Li Meizhen nodded and followed Yuan Tianru out of the yard. The six Taoist priests were originally ordered not to let Li Meizhen run around, but now they did not receive instructions from Zhang Yu. But because Zhang Yu was in the courtyard, a young Taoist priest quickly ran to the back of the room and asked Zhang Yu if he wanted to stop Li Meizhen. Zhang Yu directly said that there was no need to stop them and let them go.

Yuan Tianru led Li Meizhen forward and went straight to the guest room. Along the way, Li Meizhen felt refreshed and indescribably comfortable. This kind of mood was not seen a few days ago.

Arriving at the guest room, Yuan Tianru first went to the room where Li Meizhen's parents lived. She knocked on the door, and Mother Li's voice soon sounded inside the door, "Who is it?"

"Auntie, it's me." Yuan Tianru said.

"Tianru, you're back..." Mother Li said and immediately opened the door.

When the door opened, Mother Li saw Li Meizhen standing next to Yuan Tianru. When she saw her son, Mother Li was overjoyed and said, "Meizhen, you are back too."

"I'm back." Li Meizhen also said happily.

"Your dad is in the room, let's go in and meet him quickly," Yuan Tianru said.

After hearing this, Li Meizhen couldn't help but feel nervous, because he was worried that the "dad" sleeping in the same room as his mother was that strange man.

Li Meizhen rushed into the room and saw a man standing inside. Seeing this man, Li Meizhen almost burst into tears. He shouted excitedly: "Dad!"

The man was Li Meizhen's father. When Li's father saw his son recognizing him, he finally called "Dad" and felt even more excited.

"Meizhen!" Father Li went up and hugged his son tightly.

Mother Li followed in, and when she saw father and son embracing each other, tears fell unconsciously.

Yuan Tianru was completely relieved to see that Li Meizhen could recognize his father this time. At this moment, she also sighed in her heart, how did Zhang Yu do this.

She unconsciously thought of the scene where Zhang Yu took her off the building. Everything really seemed like a dream.

Li Meizhen hugged her father for a while before letting go. Both father and son were already in tears. However, Li Meizhen was still a little confused. He turned to look at Yuan Tianru and said, "Tianru, what on earth is going on?"

Hearing his voice, Yuan Tianru woke up from a dream and said quickly: "What's going on... You'll know when you go to the patrol room..."

She then looked at Father Li and said, "Uncle, let's greet Uncle Du and Auntie, and let's go to the patrol station together."

Father Li didn't know what it meant to go to the patrol room, but he nodded anyway.

At that moment, Li's father went to the next room to greet Du Quan and his wife. This time, Li Meizhen was able to recognize Du Quan. Several of them went down the mountain together, picked up their cars in the parking lot, and headed to the police station near Li Meizhen's home.

Yuan Tianru's car was not there, but Du Quan and Li's father each drove a car, which was enough for them to ride. They were speechless all the way to the patrol room. After meeting Inspector Wang, Yuan Tianru asked Inspector Wang to retrieve the video of the entire incident that day and show it to Li Meizhen.

Inspector Wang naturally didn't say anything and pulled up the video. The first video is of Li Meizhen beating an old car repairman. After all, it is close to the police station, so there is surveillance on the street.

When Li Meizhen saw the video of herself beating an old man, she was stunned.

He stammered: "This... when did this happen... I have never done it..."

Yuan Tianru said: "Then do you remember that you beat someone in this place..."

"I...I beat the bad guys..." Li Meizhen still didn't believe it.

"Then let's look at something else..." Yuan Tianru said, and asked the helping patrolman to play the video in the interrogation room.

The video in the interrogation room has sound. The scene where Li Meizhen did not recognize his father and Du Quan was very clear. In Li Meizhen's eyes, this was even more unbelievable.

"How could this that time...the people in front of me were not my father and, why did they change people all of a sudden..." Li Meizhen said in stunned silence.

"Because you had hallucinations at the time, and you didn't recognize many people. It was the chairman who cured you. It wasn't the chairman who wanted to harm you, but the chairman who saved you. I hope you won't blame the chairman wrongly again in the future. Yuan Tianru said softly.

Li's father, Li's mother, and Du Quan all said that everything was true. Li Meizhen was really hallucinating. If it weren't for Zhang Yu, you would be doomed.

Seeing everyone saying this and having the video as evidence, Li Meizhen finally believed this time that everything was due to her. He shed tears unconsciously and said: "It was the chairman who I wronged... I must apologize and thank him in person..."

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