Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 3007 I’m really scared

"This..." Qi Tonghui on the other end of the phone took a breath of cold air when he heard what his son said. His family had first resorted to despicable means against Zhang Yu. It would be reasonable for Zhang Yu to retaliate. middle. Of course, it is estimated that no one would dare to kill the entire Qi family, because the impact would be too great, and anyone would think that it was done by someone who had a problem with the Qi family. And the first thing that comes to mind is Zhang Yu. After all, Zhang Yu is the vice president of the Taoist Association and has certain abilities. In such a big case, it is necessary to get to the bottom of it, and all the fingers must be pointed at Zhang Yu. However, Zhang Yu didn't need to kill everyone in their family. Just like Pisano did to Li Meizhen, he could make the Qi family drink by just using some tricks.

After a while, Qi Tonghui said with some worry: "We really have to guard against Zhang Yu's revenge..."

"That's what I said, but even the great astrologer died in the hands of Zhang Yu. Even if there are a few strange people who work for me, they are just some tricks and are not Zhang Yu's opponent at all. If Zhang Yu It would be in vain for them to take action." Qi Wuxuan said.

"They... By the way, Master Chen of the Qingcheng faction doesn't owe you a favor. When he needed Xinshan, you paid a big price... I think we should ask him to help..." Qi Tonghui said.

"After the last layout in Panjiashan, Niubi said that his debt to me has been settled." Qi Wuxuan said bitterly.

"We have paid so much money to let him do such a small thing, and the favor is clear. What he said is really light... If we didn't have our financial resources to support him, he would not be where he is today!" Qi Tonghui couldn't help but feel angry. , but then he said: "But right now...if Zhang Yu really causes trouble for us...I'm afraid...except for Zhenren Chen, no one can deal with Zhang Yu...Wu Xuan, see if you can discuss this with Zhenren Chen." , please ask him to help our Qi family one more time... He can't burn bridges across the river. His wings are stiff. When we encounter trouble, just ignore it..."

"Damn it, I really didn't expect that Zhang Yu was so capable and could kill Pisano..." Qi Wuxuan gritted his teeth and said, "Well, father, you go take care of Pisano's funeral. I'll take a private plane and rush to Qingcheng Mountain immediately."

"Okay!" Qi Tonghui said.

After hanging up the phone, Qi Wuxuan didn't waste any time. He got out of bed and called his secretary. First, he asked for a car to be prepared. Second, he immediately informed the airport that he would use a private jet overnight.

It was so urgent, and it was late at night, so the people below naturally didn't dare to neglect it. Although Qi Wuxuan's documents were detained at the Independent Commission Against Corruption, he was only restricted from leaving the country, but he was allowed to wander around the country. After all, Qi Wuxuan was engaged in big business. He had so much business in the country, so we couldn't just let him stay in Zhenhai.

Qi Wuxuan changed his clothes and rushed to the airport by car. The private plane was at the airport, and someone had already gone through the formalities. As soon as Qi Wuxuan arrived at the airport, he boarded the plane directly. However, as for the airport, because the Independent Commission Against Corruption knew that the Qi family had a private plane, they specifically notified the airport that if Qi Wuxuan wanted to use a private plane, he must ask for permission. When Qi Wuxuan arrived at the airport, the airport notified the Independent Commission Against Corruption and found out that he was going to the Rongcheng Enforcement Area of ​​Tianfu Administrative District. They only sent four inspectors to come and keep an eye on the plane.

Qi Wuxuan couldn't say anything and asked the four patrol officers to get on the plane and fly to Chengdu together. When they arrived at the place, the four patrolmen did not follow Qi Wuxuan, but just watched the plane. There was a message from above that Qi Wuxuan was not allowed to go abroad. When Qi Wuxuan arrived in Chengdu, he didn't have a passport or anything like that, so he couldn't leave the country without taking a private plane, so there was no need to follow him deliberately, just go through the motions.

The Qi family also has properties in Chengdu, including two five-star hotels. The hotel had already contacted him and sent a car directly to pick him up. Qi Wuxuan got in the car and asked the driver to go straight to Qingcheng Mountain.

When we arrived at the Qingcheng Temple, it was already dawn. The gate of the temple was wide open. Qi Wuxuan came to the door, and a Taoist priest came to greet him. Qi Wuxuan revealed his identity and directly stated that he wanted to see Zhenren Chen.

Since Chen Zhenren is called a real person, he can't just meet him at Qingcheng Temple. Taoist Zhike asked Qi Wuxuan to wait at the concierge, and personally called Chen Zhenren to ask if he could see Qi Wuxuan.

The call was quickly hung up, and Taoist Zhike said politely: "Mr. Qi, please come with me, Uncle Grand Master."

After saying that, he also made a gesture of invitation.

Qi Wuxuan nodded and followed Zhike Taoist without anyone else accompanying him, and walked inside.

Qingcheng Mountain is a famous tourist attraction, but it is still early and there are not many people there. Qi Wuxuan walked all the way through the scenic area and walked to the backyard where tourists stopped. After entering the courtyard, he walked a long way and then came to a small courtyard.

Taoist Zhike stepped forward and knocked on the door. Soon a Taoist boy opened the door. Taoist Zhike reported Qi Wuxuan's identity. The Taoist boy said that the master had already told him to invite Qi Wuxuan in to have tea.

Qi Wuxuan accompanied Tao Tong to the hospital, but Zhi Ke Taoist left on his own. The courtyard is not big, with only one main room and one side room. The Taoist boy asked Qi Wuxuan to enter the main room and the main room.

There was an old Taoist who was over fifty years old sitting in the room. As soon as Qi Wuxuan saw the old Taoist, he immediately said politely: "Hello, Mr. Chen."

"Infinite Heavenly Lord, Mr. Qi is polite, please take a seat quickly." The old Taoist said, pointing to the seat next to him.

Qi Wuxuan went straight over and sat down. The tea had been made, and the Taoist boy just closed the door and left. After Qi Wuxuan sat down, Chen Zhenren said: "Mr. Qi suddenly came to the door this early in the morning without notifying him in advance. I wonder if there is something important..."

Anyone could tell that Qi Wuxuan must have something important to do if he came in such a hurry.

Qi Wuxuan immediately said sincerely: "To be honest, after the real person left Panjiashan, my grandfather invited the great Italian astrologer Pisano to deal with Zhang Yu. Now Pisano is dead in Zhang Yu's hands. I think Zhang Yu will definitely take revenge on our Qi family. He must have extraordinary ability to kill the great astrologer... Wu Xuan is also helpless. At this point... please save my Qi family..."

"There is such a thing..." Chen Zhenren could not help but frown slightly and said: "Your family has conflicts with Zhang Yu, and it is also a business matter. The last time Pindao helped you layout in Panjiashan, it was an exception. Your family He also asked a great astrologer to deal with Zhang Yu, and he probably had murderous intentions. Otherwise, how could he have killed someone... It is inconvenient for a poor man to take action against this kind of Liangzi..."

At the end of the sentence, he shook his head slightly.

Seeing Master Chen shaking his head, Qi Wuxuan quickly said: "I didn't expect that Zhang Yu would have such a great ability. I didn't want to kill him, I just wanted him to know how powerful he was... Who would have thought that Zhang Yu's ability It's so big... Master, if you don't save my Qi family, I'm afraid all the Qi family will be buried in the hands of Zhang Yu... Please remember the past kindness and help our Qi family... …”

It can be said that Qi Wuxuan was really scared this time. Pisano can easily drive Li Meizhen crazy, but Zhang Yu has the ability to kill Pisano. He was just an ordinary person. If Zhang Yu had done something to him, he might not have died, but God knows whether he would have become like Li Meizhen.

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