Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2986 Things are getting big

That night. In the clear water room on the fifth floor diagonally opposite Li Meizhen's house.

Pisano, Padoin, and De Sciglio sat cross-legged, but all three of them had their eyes closed, and it was unclear whether they were asleep.

The young man from before was gone, and now the man standing by the window staring at him was a man in his thirties.

The man looked out the window from time to time, lit a cigarette from time to time, and stayed here staring downstairs, deciding that this was a boring thing. Men didn't dare to play with their phones, even if Pisano and the three of them had their eyes closed.

At eight o'clock in the evening, Pisano slowly opened his eyes. There were only dim lights in the room, which were barely used for lighting.

"How is the situation? Has the car left?" Pisano suddenly asked.

As soon as the man heard Pisano's voice, he quickly replied politely, "The car is not leaving..."

"I haven't left yet..." Pisano couldn't help but show doubts on his face.

Padoin and De Sciglio, who had their eyes closed, opened their eyes after hearing the teacher's voice.

Padoin said: "Teacher, why haven't you left yet?"

"It's Zhang Yu and Yuan Tianru's car that has been parked downstairs and never left," Pisano said.

"I haven't left this whole day, and I haven't left yet... What's going on..." Padoin also became puzzled.

Desilio also understood what was going on and said, "Teacher, is it possible that Zhang Yu found a way to break the formation..."

"How is this possible?" De Sciglio said immediately: "The formation arranged by the teacher is so exquisite. How could Zhang Yu find a way to break the formation?"

His words directly poked Desilio, which made Desilio feel quite unhappy. Everyone came here with the teacher, and they just wanted to express their own opinions. Do you need to be so anxious and afraid of flattery?

However, De Sciglio immediately said with a smile: "With Zhang Yu's strength, it is definitely impossible to break the formation. But I suspect that he and Yuan Tianru have not left, and there must be some problem in this. Teacher , or let me go take a look and see what they are doing inside."

"You go..." Pisano shook his head and said, "If you go, it will definitely be inappropriate if you bump into Zhang Yu..."

"I know this too, but he hasn't come out for so long. There may be something wrong here." De Sciglio pretended to be worried and said, "Teacher, please don't worry. I will definitely be fine. We will definitely find out what the two of them are doing inside."

De Sciglio knew in his heart that it was almost impossible for his teacher to pass on the inheritance to him. But this time when he came to Zhenhai, Padoin had not done anything for the teacher. He had first dealt with the Yuan family on behalf of the teacher. Now if he helps find out Zhang Yu's actions at Li Meizhen's house, he will definitely be the first to attack. In this case, the teacher will more or less give some rewards.

"Teacher, I don't think we need to rush into these things. If De Sciglio goes there rashly, things will be very troublesome if he bumps into Zhang Yu." Padoin said quickly.

He knew that De Sciglio wanted to take credit. Here in Zhenhai, I have achieved nothing. If I don't perform at all, how can I let the teacher pass the inheritance on to me?

Therefore, Padoin believes that he can no longer let De Sciglio make meritorious deeds, but he should find a way to perform.

Pisano nodded and said: "Yes, it's too early now, don't worry. If my formation is broken, I can feel it. There is no movement now, so we don't need to worry. In fact, I I also want to see what kind of tricks Zhang Yu can pull off."

"The teacher is wise." "The teacher is wise." Padoin and Desilio said quickly.

Pisano then looked at the man in his thirties and said, "Call your boss Qi and ask him to find a way to investigate the news about Li Meizhen and the Yuan family."

"Yes." The man agreed quickly, then took out his mobile phone and dialed Qi Wuxuan's phone number.

The call was quickly connected, and the man immediately conveyed Pisano's message to Qi Wuxuan. This is an important moment now, and when faced with something like this, I naturally agree readily.

Time passed quickly, and one night passed like this. The three masters and apprentices of Pisano closed their eyes to rest from time to time. The man in his thirties worked hard on duty, staring at Yuan Tianru's car downstairs.

After dawn, someone comes to take over the job. The man tells the person who comes to take over his main job, and then he can get off work.

The new one, who was almost thirty years old, was also staring hard at the window. Even though he spent the whole day in this boring time, Yuan Tianru's car still never left there.

In the evening, this man's phone rang, "Ring, ring, ring..."

The man looked at the caller ID and answered quickly, "Hey,'s'll report it to the big astrologer..."

After hanging up the phone, the man came to Pisano's side and said respectfully: "Great Astrologer, what you asked our boss to investigate yesterday has been investigated..."

"Tell me, how is the situation?" Pisano asked calmly.

"Yuan Jucheng and his wife went to the hospital yesterday. The doctor's test result was acute otitis. He said that when they were in the hospital, they couldn't hear the sound at all. But today, Yuan Jucheng specially found a few Feng Shui masters to come to their home to see Feng Shui, it turned out that the Feng Shui master who looked at Feng Shui also experienced slight tinnitus... So Yuan Jucheng reported the case and heard that some scientists would be invited to come and check the situation..." the man said truthfully.

Upon hearing this, Pisano couldn't help frowning. He then looked at De Sciglio and said angrily: "What did you do? I asked you not to make a big deal out of it. You just need to make the Yuan family make a fuss. Just jump! It’s okay now, everyone has gone to find scientists to investigate! Can you do something?”

"I..." Desilio immediately showed a look of grievance and said, "Teacher...Actually, I followed your order to let Zhang Yu know how powerful...that's why...I used the Leo Formation..."

"De Sciglio, you are trying to show off..." When Padoin saw the teacher scolding De Sciglio, he immediately took the opportunity to suppress him. Who said that De Sciglio wanted to take credit for what happened yesterday? Padoin said deliberately: "The teacher specifically told you not to make a big deal out of it, just target Yuan Jucheng's family. But if you set up such an array, whoever enters it will suffer from tinnitus. Do you think you are being asked to create a killing formation... No matter what kind of scientist comes forward now, it is impossible for Zhang Yu to get his turn... You, you really fail to succeed and fail..."

"I..." De Sciglio cried in his heart, he also wanted to show off, God knows this kind of thing will happen. For a moment, he didn't know how to explain it to the teacher.

Pisano stopped paying attention to him, looked at the man again, and said, "How is the situation with Li Meizhen?"

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