Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2978 Ending

"You, you know?" Paris couldn't help being shocked when she heard Zhang Yu say this.

I really didn't expect that Zhang Yu even knew about her teacher.

Zhang Yu smiled slightly and said: "The people who set up the formation are very strong, and their cultivation level is probably higher than mine. Among the Western masters that the Qi family can invite, and those with such strength, except for your teacher, I really I can’t think of anyone else.”

Paris nodded and said, "You are indeed very smart. Since you already know that the person who plotted against you is my teacher, I hope you can choose to be patient and not confront him head-on."

"Forbearance..." Zhang Yu shook his head and smiled, and said: "At this moment, I'm afraid even if I want to be patient and don't confront him head-on, I don't think he will let me go. I believe that he will definitely follow suit. If you keep pressing forward, you will definitely not give me a way to survive."

"This..." Zhang Yu's words left Paris speechless. Because she knew the character of her teacher, and since she had personally dealt with Zhang Yu, she would never let it go unless Zhang Yu knelt in front of the teacher and begged for forgiveness.

But obviously, it is impossible for Zhang Yu to do this.

Zhang Yu smiled calmly and said: "The so-called soldiers will block the water and cover it up with the soil. Since it's troublesome, I can only face it...but..."

At this point, he smiled again and continued: "You are quite strange. My opponent is now your teacher. Why are you facing me like this..."

Hearing this, Paris couldn't help but feel her cheeks heat up, and she quickly shouted: "What do you mean by facing you! That is to say, you saved me last time. I, Paris, never owe others any favors, so I came to inform you." Yes! As for whether you are dead or alive, that is none of my business!"

How could Zhang Yu not see that Paris's cheeks were slightly red under the moonlight. Zhang Yu didn't dare to continue, so he hesitated and said, "Your teacher is indeed a great astrologer. His formations are really very powerful."

"It's good that you know..." Paris curled her lips and said: "My teacher still wants to hide his behind and make you fall into trouble. It seems that I am really worried. You are much more cunning than I thought. "

"Thank you for the compliment..." Zhang Yu said with a smile: "How does your teacher plan to make me fall into the urn..."

"My teacher asked my junior brother De Sciglio to deal with the Yuan Tianru family tonight. In fact, De Sciglio's methods are not enough at all. You must be able to resolve them easily. However, according to my analysis, the reason why the teacher By doing this, I actually just want you to underestimate the enemy and think that your opponent is nothing more than this, so that you can confidently and boldly enter the formation at Li Meizhen's house," Paris said.

Zhang Yu nodded and said with emotion: "It seems that the formation your teacher arranged at Li Meizhen's house is indeed a real killing move!"

"That's natural. I don't know exactly how powerful this formation is, but according to De Sciglio, as long as you take that Li Meizhen into the formation, I'm afraid there will be no way in or out! Not only that, My teacher is hiding near Li Meizhen's house. Even if you can break the formation, you will probably suffer a lot of losses. If the teacher suddenly kills you at that time, you will be dead!" Paris said seriously.

"That's true..." Zhang Yu originally planned to wait until Ye Fenghuang, Meng Xing'er, Wang Jie, Zhang Qingfeng and others set off tomorrow, then he and Qin Xiyun would take Li Meizhen to Li Meizhen's house to break the formation.

But Paris' words suddenly reminded Zhang Yu that Pisano was nearby and could launch a sneak attack at any time. My own cultivation itself does not have the upper hand, and the Great Protector's cultivation is completely lost. I rely solely on experience and knowledge. It is okay to help break the formation, but if I really do it, it will definitely be in vain.

"As long as you know..." Paris said seriously again: "So I think it's best for you to give up on Li Meizhen now and don't take risks!"

"Give up..." Zhang Yu immediately smiled, shook his head and said, "I will never give up on my friends! Just like in England, I will not give up on you for the same reason!"

"I..." Paris's heart suddenly trembled, and there was another warmth in her heart. But she still said: "I know your character, in your Eastern dialect, is very loyal. But... my master is really amazing..."

"I know your master is very powerful, so I plan to end things with him!" Zhang Yu said seriously.

"Find a break with him..." Paris said in astonishment, "Do you really want to fight to the death with my master?"

"That's right!" Zhang Yu said seriously: "We in the East also have a saying, which is that we are not afraid of thieves, but we are afraid of being missed by thieves! Since your master has been caring about me so much, I naturally can't let him. disappointment!"

"You...your too, too big..." Paris showed an eager look on her face, and her voice was stuttering, "Do you know that my master is a great astrologer... ...The great astrologer... I know that you are also very powerful, even more than the university president Dhruv... However, the great astrologer is beyond the reach of your cultivation..."

"I have made a decision, and I will never change it!" Zhang Yu said seriously: "I am very touched that you can inform me here, but in this contest between me and your master, I hope you don't Intervene, let alone help anyone. You just need to watch quietly!"

After saying this, Zhang Yu's face showed a look of confidence.

Paris had also seen this confidence on Zhang Yu's face before. It can be said that when Zhang Yu is full of confidence, he has never lost.

Paris stared at Zhang Yu closely. After a moment, she nodded and said, "I hope you can win!"

"You want me to... win..." Zhang Yu's face showed a smile again.

"As long as you don't die!" Seeing Zhang Yu's smile, Paris' cheeks felt hot again. She said angrily, then turned around and walked down the mountain.

"Where are you going?" Seeing Paris leaving immediately, Zhang Yu asked quickly.

"Go back to where I should be..." Paris said again deliberately and in a bad mood.

She knew in her heart that since Zhang Yu said so, the battle between Zhang Yu and his teacher Pisano was inevitable.

During the day, she received news from De Sciglio that she proposed to discuss it separately with Dhruv. In fact, she also expected that Zhang Yu would most likely go to Wudang Taoist Temple. She came to inform Zhang Yu, which shows her feelings towards Zhang Yu.

The battle between Zhang Yu and her teacher made her feel heartbroken and conflicted. She wanted to stop him, but found that she was so humble and couldn't stop him at all.

She turned her back to Zhang Yu and walked slowly towards the foot of the mountain. Tears fell unconsciously from the corners of her eyes.

"Zhang Yu, I believe in you... You will be fine... You will be fine..." At this moment, deep in her heart, she kept praying for Zhang Yu.

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