Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2967 Hypnosis

"Is he pretending? Let's ignore him for now. I want to have a good chat with you." Zhang Yu said gently.

"What do we have to talk about? I've been caught by you. What do you want?" Li Meizhen turned to look at Zhang Yu and stared.

"According to what you said, you are now under my control. I can kill you if I want to, and I can do whatever I want to you with you..." Zhang Yu said with a smile.

Li Meizhen didn't say anything this time, but he obviously admitted it.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Zhang Yu asked again: "What did you do after you came home last night, or who did you see?"

"I only saw the people you sent to kill me!" Li Meizhen said coldly.

"Didn't you say it was when you got up in the morning...I mean, before you went to bed at night..." Zhang Yu said calmly.

"If I sleep alone, who else will I meet? After returning home, I will go to sleep directly!" Li Meizhen said carelessly.

"That's it..." Zhang Yu nodded slightly. Others were unclear about Li Meizhen's situation, but he, Zhang Yu, knew it. Li Meizhen did not have any amnesia, but Li Meizhen's eyes were full of illusions.

This illusion is very strange. It is not a complete illusion. It is half true and half false, half false and half real. Why is this happening? Zhang Yu believes that it is entirely caused by this twin star array. The twin stars are one black and one white, and they are wrapped in Li Meizhen's soul. This makes Li Meizhen's eyes half reality and half illusion.

"What's wrong? What tricks are you trying to play again..." Li Meizhen didn't understand what Zhang Yu meant by saying this, and said with confusion.

But when he spoke, his tone was full of anger.

Zhang Yu did not share his common knowledge and said, "I think you must not have had a good rest last night. Otherwise, you should close your eyes and take a rest."

"I had a good rest." Li Meizhen said loudly and proudly.

"Since you have a good rest, why do you always talk in your sleep?" Zhang Yu said with another smile.

"What did I say in my sleep..." Li Meizhen said coldly.

"I know that in your eyes, you only know me and Yuan Tianru, your mother, and your aunt. In your eyes, the others are probably not good people. Of course, maybe even me He's not a good person either." Zhang Yu said with a faint smile.

"It's good that you know!" Li Meizhen said through gritted teeth.

There were only a few people in the inspector's office. Yuan Tianru, Du Quan, Li's father, and Li's mother looked at each other and frowned.

However, they all agreed with Zhang Yu's statement. In Li Meizhen's eyes at this moment, the situation should be like this.

They couldn't understand why Li Meizhen was like this. But they could tell that Zhang Yu should have discovered what the problem was.

In particular, Li's father once thought that Li Meizhen might be possessed by evil spirits. Now it seems that the possibility is very high.

Zhang Yu was still calm and said: "I think you should close your eyes and rest. It would be better if you could get some sleep."

"Are you trying to keep me awake?" Li Meizhen said without appreciation.

"If I really want you to stay awake, don't you think it could be easier?" Zhang Yu deliberately spread his hands and said.

"This..." Zhang Yu's words immediately made Li Meizhen speechless. In his eyes, judging from the current situation, it would be too easy for Zhang Yu to let him sleep forever.

"So..." When Zhang Yu spoke this time, he deliberately made his voice very long, "Even you yourself understand that if I want you to sleep forever, it would be so easy. Then close your eyes now, There's nothing wrong with taking a rest. Maybe when you open your eyes, you'll find that it was just a dream before."

Du Quan, Yuan Tianru, Li's father and others all felt that Zhang Yu's words made sense. Li Meizhen may also be in a trance due to overexertion. She may close her eyes and rest, and her mind may return to normal.

But they didn't know that Zhang Yu's words were actually a form of hypnosis. If it is to relax the other party's spirit, Li Meizhen is now in a state of high tension, and it is not easy to make him fall asleep.

Sure enough, after hearing Zhang Yu's words, Li Meizhen slowly closed her eyes. Perhaps, he also hoped that this was all a dream.

Seeing Li Meizhen close her eyes, Zhang Yu raised his left hand and slowly placed it on the back of Li Meizhen's head.

He only pressed a few times gently, and Li Meizhen's body tilted, and she fell asleep directly, with her head resting on Mother Li's shoulder.

Seeing her son suddenly turning upside down, Mother Li was startled and shouted quickly: "Meizhen!"

"Auntie, keep your voice down, he fell asleep..." Zhang Yu said quickly and softly.

Mother Li looked at her son's face and saw that he had indeed fallen asleep, and he was breathing slightly from his nose, which made her sigh in relief.

Yuan Tianru and others were also very nervous. Seeing what Zhang Yu said, Mother Li also believed that Li Meizhen was asleep, so they felt relieved.

Zhang Yu then said: "Meizhen is probably too tired and needs a good rest. You don't have to be anxious or worried."

After saying this, he put his hand on Li Meizhen's wrist, then closed his eyes and looked at Li Meizhen's spiritual soul with his inner eye.

As seen before, two little figures, one black and one white, surrounded Li Meizhen's spirit soul and kept spinning slowly.

"Huh?" After probing for a long time, Zhang Yu suddenly became confused.

After Zhang Yu heard that Li Meizhen had a headache, Zhang Yu stopped using the formation and stopped trying to break the Gemini formation. As a result, Li Meizhen's head no longer hurt immediately. At that time, Zhang Yu thought that the two villains in Li Meizhen's body must be related to the formation, so he wanted to find out.

But now, Zhang Yu discovered that there was no trace of the formation in Li Meizhen's body, including the location of Ling Hui Po. These two villains seemed to have nothing to do with the Gemini formation.

If there is a connection, generally speaking, there should be some aura of formation. There is none now, which inevitably makes Zhang Yu a little confused.

"What should I do..." Zhang Yu muttered in his heart.

He immediately thought that no matter what, if he wanted to break the formation, he had to deal with the two villains in Li Meizhen's spiritual soul first. After all, if these two villains are not dealt with, Li Meizhen may die from a headache when the formation is broken.

Zhang Yu's mind was spinning rapidly, thinking of ways to deal with the two villains. After pondering for a while, Zhang Yu had a plan. He opened his eyes, glanced at the people in the office, and said, "You guys have been through a lot of trouble just thinking about it. Why don't you all go and have a rest? I want to check on Meizhen's situation alone."

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