Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2959 I want Zhang Yu to become like this!

At the intersection of the patrol house where Li Meizhen was arrested, an inconspicuous Geely car was parked. No one would notice this car, but this car followed Li Meizhen here after he rushed out of the community.

There were three people in the car. The driver was in the front, and Qi Wuxuan and the great astrologer Pisano were sitting in the back.

Qi Wuxuan saw everything that happened to Li Meizhen, and his eyes were full of surprise. It can be said that just after returning home yesterday, the old man Qi Guang told him to go see a good show with Pisano in the middle of the night.

What kind of drama is this makes Qi Wuxuan quite curious, and he still can't figure out what kind of drama will be staged. He asked his grandfather, but he didn't say anything. He went out with Pisano in the middle of the night and waited outside the community where Li Meizhen lived. He also asked Pisano several times, but Pisano also said nothing and just asked him to wait.

It wasn't until he saw Li Meizhen like this that Qi Wuxuan knew what kind of show it was, but he couldn't understand why Li Meizhen became like this. He looked at Pisano next to him in astonishment, and said dumbfounded: "The great astrologer... this, this... what is going on..."

Pisano is proficient in many languages. He smiled and said in fluent Mandarin: "Just yesterday, I went to his home and installed a psychedelic star array there. He went home and slept for the night. People will be deeply trapped in this formation, and hallucinations will appear in front of their eyes. Even if they leave home, they will still be entangled by the formation. That is, it will become what it is now. How about it, is it interesting? "

"It's so interesting!" Qi Wuxuan said excitedly.

It can be said that Qi Wuxuan already hated traitors such as Li Meizhen and Yuan Tianru so much that he wanted to eat them alive. Now that Li Meizhen is like this, he is obviously a psychopath, which really makes him feel bad.

Qi Wuxuan continued: "The great astrologer has such skills, why don't we just use this kid Zhang Yu!"

Before that, he wanted to rely on his own ability to defeat Zhang Yu in the mall. But at this moment, he no longer had that thought. As long as you can win, any means can be used.

"Don't worry, I came here this time just to let Zhang Yu know how powerful I am." Pisano said coldly: "This formation is extremely powerful. I believe that even if Zhang Yu gets here, he won't be able to survive." Live. By then, he will definitely become like Li Meizhen!"

"Okay! It's really great!" Qi Wuxuan said excitedly.

If Pisano turned Zhang Yu into a psychopath, it would be really exciting.

Pisano's face also showed a proud smile, and he said secretly in his heart: "Zhang Yu, you have ruined my good deeds several times, and even destroyed two of my powerful treasures... You are forcing me to take action. ...Now that I'm here, be prepared to accept the move...This time, I will definitely make your death ugly, and let you know how powerful Western astrology is..."

Jixiang Villa District, Zhang Yu’s family villa.

On the big bed, Zhang Yu lay there with his arms spread out in a "tai" shape. His eyes were closed and he was sleeping soundly. Xiao Jiejie leaned in his arms, like a bird clinging to someone. Her smooth shoulders were exposed, and her eyes were closed. There was a hint of pink clouds on her face, showing a look of satisfaction.

After a while, Zhang Yu slowly opened his eyes. He turned to look at the little beauty with half of her body pressed against him, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

He knew in his heart that Xiao Jiejie had fallen in love with him ever since he heroically saved the beauty, and the two of them had experienced a lot together since then. Women are always jealous, but as time goes by, Xiao Jiejie seems to have adapted to living with other women. She no longer cares about anything else and only wants to be with him forever.

Xiao Jiejie has no father, and her only support is Zhang Yu. The two often sleep together, all they need is the last layer of window paper. Last night, this layer of window paper was finally pierced, and he became Xiao Jiejie's man, and Xiao Jiejie became his woman.

Recalling every bit of the time when the two were together, all kinds of joys, sorrows and joys, these may really be the destined fate.

Zhang Yu looked at Xiao Jiejie's face and thought about those past events. Unknowingly, Xiao Yatou beside him slowly opened her eyes.

When Xiao Jiejie opened her eyes, she saw Zhang Yu also opening his eyes and looking at her. The two looked at each other. In an instant, Xiao Jiejie couldn't help but think of everything that happened between them last night. This made Xiao Jiejie feel ashamed. She turned around quickly, not daring to look at Zhang Yu.

At this moment, her little heart was beating wildly. You know, what happened between the two of them last night was the first time in her life, but this first time was really passionate and unforgettable.

This is an indescribable feeling. Even before this, the two of them would occasionally do something quite embarrassing.

At that time, Xiao Jiejie understood why Fang Tong liked doing this kind of thing with Zhang Yu so much.

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