Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2939 Overtaking

Driving is indeed a bit difficult for Zhang Yu. After all, it is his first time driving. The so-called learning process is Xiao Jiejie's little guidance. Everyone knows that driving is a skilled job, and no matter how smart a person is, if he wants to drive a car well, he has to drive it for a while.

It also depends on the fact that this car has an automatic transmission. If it had a manual transmission, Zhang Yu would probably be in vain. His car finally entered the track, but the car in front had long since disappeared.

Brother BOSS originally planned to plot against Zhang Yu, but Zhang Yu's speed was too slow, so Brother BOSS gave up the plan to plot against him.

Lamborghini entered the track at lightning speed and chased all the way. There is not much difference in everyone's level. It is not easy to catch up with the people in front immediately. When he reached the first overtaking corner, he didn't even see a car, so he could only use full power and continue to catch up.

When we reached the second corner, we finally saw Brother Crab's taillights. It was impossible to overtake him here, because Brother Crab had already started to turn, and everyone was going very fast, so turning was just a blink of an eye. , Brother BOSS knew it was too late, so he could only follow Brother Crab and wait for the opportunity.

Not long after, the track in front widened. Brother BOSS suddenly stepped on the accelerator and forced a turn to the right side of Brother Crab. The Lamborghini drew a beautiful arc and grabbed the lead of Brother Crab.

Although Brother Crab is the last one, he is not far from the car in front. If you pass Brother Crab, you can basically see Brother Crab’s taillight in front. Brother BOSS has never turned on his headlights, because when racing here, turning on his headlights will make his opponents wary. Of course, driving here without headlights and driving so fast is very dangerous. However, Brother BOSS already knows the terrain here very well, and even if he drives with his eyes closed, he will not go wrong.

He followed Brother Da Xia's car, and within a moment, there was a curve in front of him. Brother BOSS knew that this was the best time to overtake, so he increased his horsepower and caught up with Brother Prawn. The curve here is a bit narrow and cannot accommodate two racing cars passing by at the same time. When Brother Xia was turning the corner, he was also worried that a car would overtake him from behind, so he deliberately walked in the middle. But this is the case when driving. When you turn a corner, the car will subconsciously go to the far right. Because the speed is too fast, it is almost impossible to stay in the middle.

Brother BOSS seized this opportunity. When the Lamborghini turned the corner, it suddenly drifted and the car came to the left side of Brother Big Shrimp.

With a "chi" sound, the bodies of the two cars rubbed together, creating brilliant sparks. But it was only a moment, and Lamborghini had already grabbed the lead of the God of War GTR.

Brother BOSS was so proud that he couldn't help shouting: "You trash, how can you be my opponent!"

He continued to chase forward, and after chasing around a corner, Brother Aku's car appeared in front of him. Brother BOSS looked for an opportunity and successfully overtook Brother Aku's car at the next corner.

To be honest, with such driving skills, it is too easy to pick up girls. If Xiao Jiejie had not met Zhang Yu, but had gotten into Brother BOSS's car earlier, she would probably have been extremely admired.

The one driving at the front was Wiesengo's Maserati. He was the first to enter the track and had good skills, so he remained in the top spot. Brother Weisen felt proud, but he did not dare to neglect. He always remained vigilant to avoid being followed by a car and suddenly overtaking him.

The car galloped all the way along the track, and before we knew it, it had covered about one-third of the distance. The track in front of you is a relatively spacious section, and it is easiest to overtake here. Therefore, Brother Weizen needs to pass here as quickly as possible and let the car occupy the middle position.


Weizenge passed quickly, but at this moment, he saw an Elantra suddenly passing through on his right. This Elantra was faster and jumped ahead of him in an instant before disappearing.

"Holy shit!" Seeing this scene, Brother Weisen couldn't help being shocked. He stepped on the accelerator in a hurry. He had already stepped on the accelerator to the bottom, and it was useless to step on it any further.

"Why so fast!" Brother Weisen couldn't believe his eyes. At the most critical moment, Elantra, who had surpassed him, was now gone.

The second in line is Brother Adu, who came here two seconds after Brother Weizen crossed this wider road. What he has to do now is to cross quickly, firstly to catch up with the car in front, and secondly to prevent someone from overtaking him.

However, the moment he passed here quickly, he saw an Elantra suddenly rushing past him, and then disappeared, so that he could not even see the taillights.

Seeing this scene, Brother Adu couldn't help but be startled, and couldn't help shouting: "What the hell! So fast!"

He had just stepped on the accelerator to the bottom, and immediately stepped on the accelerator again. The car immediately passed this section of the road, but there was no trace of the Elantra anymore. However, he could barely see the Maserati in front of him.

"Holy crap! This kid is so damn fast, he even overtook Wesson! How did he do it..." Brother Adu said in astonishment in his heart.

In third place was Wuling Hongguang, the mysterious car god. In a blink of an eye, Wuling Hongguang's car also arrived on this wide road. Just when he wanted to pass at speed, the car behind him suddenly turned on its high beam.

The mysterious car god noticed the high beam, and the car subconsciously slowed down and moved to the side. Then, he saw a Lamborghini passing by him. But at the same time, he saw an Elantra and a Lamborghini passing by.

Immediately afterwards, the Lamborghini could still be seen, but he could no longer see the shadow of the Elantra.

"What's going on..." The mysterious car god couldn't believe his eyes.

The Lamborghini that surpasses him is naturally BOSS's car. Brother BOSS easily surpassed the mysterious car god and originally planned to continue the pursuit. But the moment he passed the Wuling Shenqi, he suddenly saw an Elantra passing by his car.

"What?" Brother BOSS was suddenly startled, and then Elantra could no longer be seen.

"Why is this kid so fast!" Brother BOSS was shocked and hurriedly increased his power to catch up.

Brother BOSS was very fast, and he successfully passed Brother Adu when he was about to enter the country track, but he never saw the Elantra passing him again.

In his opinion, there were two cars in front of him, one was Brother Weizen's Maserati, and the other was Brother Wuming's Elantra.

Brother BOSS gritted his teeth and continued to chase. Aduge's car has been following Maserati, surpassing Aduge, and Maserati's taillights can be clearly seen.

The car left the track, and the two cars turned back to the track one after another. BOSS made a sudden drift and got in front before the Maserati entered the track. He entered the track first and then drove forward wildly. .

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