Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 293 The Four Symbols of Money

"Ring ring ring... ring ring ring... ring ring ring..."

The bells in the shop kept ringing, and gray air slowly rose from the surface.

Four masses of red air noticed that another alien had arrived, and took the initiative to greet them.

But it was obvious that the red air flow seemed to be no match for the gray air flow, and kept losing ground.

Zhang Yu turned his head to look at the five nail holes at the center of the formation, his heart trembled suddenly, and he couldn't help but cursed, "Asshole! This is actually the Dragon Trap Gate!"

As Shang Wen expected, with Zhang Yu's cultivation level, it was impossible not to know about the Dragon Trap Gate.

It's just because he focused on breaking the five-pillar formation. Although he also thought that this was the place where the dragon was trapped, he was ready to change the luck here again after breaking the five-pillar formation. But he never expected that Shang Wen would place the formation eye on the Dragon Trap Gate.

At the moment, his Return to True Four Symbol Formation is obviously no match for the bad luck pouring out of the Dragon Trap Land. He knew very well that if he couldn't suppress the bad luck here, he was afraid that he would have to memorize words for the rest of his life.

"Ring ring ring... ring ring ring... ring ring ring..." "Ring ring ring... ring ring ring... ring ring ring..."...

The ringing got louder and louder, and the more I thought about it, the more urgent it became.

It is not difficult to determine that the Four Symbols Formation of Guizhen that he has arranged can no longer withstand it.

"What should I do?" Zhang Yu's mind was spinning rapidly, constantly thinking of ways.

The Feng Shui formation layouts he had learned came to mind one by one. He hoped to have a suitable layout to suppress the bad luck here.

Although he has learned many formations, it is almost impossible to suppress the bad luck that has accumulated for many years.

With a "clang clang" sound, the bell hanging on the side of the Qinglong Talisman suddenly fell down.

Zhang Yu quickly looked around and saw that the red airflow at Qinglong's position was getting thinner and thinner, and could no longer be sprayed out.

"Danglanglang" "Danglanglang" "Danglanglang"

Then, there were three more bells in a row, and the bells hanging in the other three directions almost fell down together.

The gray airflow rising in the room was already half a meter high, especially four gray airflows attacking in four directions. Four strings of bells fell off, and the four talismans attached to the wall were also shaking violently. It was expected that they would all fall off in a short time.

Zhang Yu could no longer see clearly the blood color in the formation eyes printed on the ground, but he was sure that the blood color must also be fading.

"Return to the True Four Symbols! Now we can only rely on the Four Symbols Formation!" Zhang Yu realized that counting on other formations would be in vain.

The only thing that can create miracles is the four phenomena of true return that I have not fully understood yet.

He has already arranged two Return to True Four Symbol Formations one after another. They have different methods, but they achieve the same purpose. But he knew that neither of them had truly returned to their original nature. Compared with the four-image array in the cave, they were still far behind. If you can take out four stones and create such a mysterious four-image array, you will truly be able to return to your original nature.

With the little time we have now, it is too late to consider returning to nature. Now I am still thinking about how to arrange a more powerful four-image array to suppress the bad luck here.

"Poof!" "Poof!" "Poof!" "Poof!"

All four talismans floated up, and suddenly ignited.

"Broken! Completely broken!" Zhang Yu's eyes widened. Once the formation was broken, he would be plagued by bad luck.

"Fight! Fight! I don't care, no matter how powerful you are, you can do it! The Big Four Elephant Formation!"

Zhang Yu gritted his teeth and immediately took out the money sword from his bag. This is his most powerful magical weapon. In the past, he could only barely control it, but after his true energy increases, he can be a little better.

He immediately bit the tip of his tongue, spurted a mouthful of blood onto his sword, and spoke with eloquent words, "The four images are wandering in the beginning of the year, the essence of the essence is spreading, and the soul is spreading, looking forward to the endless glory that will come to me, casting a Zhujing upward to relieve the stagnation and open my mind! Open!" "

With this "open" sound, Zhang Yu threw the money sword in his hand towards his head. As soon as the money sword was released, it immediately spread out above his head and turned into one hundred and eight copper coins.

"Pure fuck!"

Zhang Yu said and pointed to the left. The nine copper coins seemed to have wings and flew to the wall on the left in an instant.

"Pure Yin!" Zhang Yu then pointed to the right, and nine more copper coins flew to the wall on the right.

"Become dry!" "Become Kun!"

Zhang Yu pointed to the front and back again, and nine copper coins were nailed to the front and rear walls.

This was not over yet, Zhang Yu followed up and shouted: "Qinglong Jiujiao! White Tiger Liujiao! Suzaku Qizhao! Xuanwu Four Stars!"

"Swipe, swipe, swipe..."

Copper coins flew in all directions one by one. Nine copper coins were printed on the left wall again, six copper coins were printed on the right side, seven copper coins were printed on the front, and four copper coins were printed on the back.

"Wood, metal, fire, and water, the four palaces and the twenty-eight constellations return to their respective positions!" Zhang Yu shouted and pointed directly at the canopy.

"Swish, brush, brush..." "Brush, brush, brush..."...

Twenty-eight copper coins were immediately scattered in all directions, seven in each direction, representing the twenty-eight constellations such as Jiao, Kang, Di, Fang, Xin, Wei, and Qi respectively.

"Eighteen changes in the universe! The formation is complete!" Zhang Yu finally pointed to the top of his head. There were only eighteen copper coins left on top of his head. These eighteen coins directly formed a circle and were printed on the ceiling.

"Whirring whirring!"……

On top of the one hundred and eight copper coins, a stream of red air was spraying out at this moment. It was instantly intertwined with the gray air mass in the room, and for a while it was indistinguishable.

However, Zhang Yu's face became increasingly pale.

This formation is purely composed of magic weapons, and it also needs to be controlled by magic power. Zhang Yu only has so much Qi, and using his cultivation level to control this formation is almost life-threatening.

You know, someone used this money sword on the pavilion to suppress the black dragon with the layout of Tiangang and Earth Evil. This shows how powerful this sword is.

The bad luck here and the dragon energy in the black dragon are not worth mentioning at all. For this sword to be so powerful, it requires so much mana.

If Zhang Yu had the cultivation level of the owner of the money sword, he would probably be able to suppress the bad luck here in an instant, without even using the money sword. But Zhang Yu doesn't have this ability yet.

The rising bad luck is now slowly dissipating. When Zhang Yu set up the formation, it was almost one meter high. Now it is less than half a meter under pressure and is still lowering.

Less than half a minute later, the gray air flow was suppressed as high as Zhang Yu's instep.

Zhang Yu's face turned extremely pale. He felt that his legs were weak and he sat down on the ground unconsciously. As soon as the talent sat down, the copper coins on the roof and walls began to "buzz". You see, they didn't have much magic power to support them, and they would fall down anytime and anywhere.

One goes and the other goes, the gray airflow that had just been suppressed to the height of the instep seemed to stretch and began to rise again.

"Lost...I won't lose..." Seeing this scene, Zhang Yu couldn't help but look desperate in his eyes. He knows better than anyone how much true energy he still has in his Dantian.

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