Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2929 The mysterious car god

"I don't know what to do all day long, I just play around." Mu Zhiling said with a smile.

"I really envy you. You can still play every day now. I'm not as free as before." Xiao Jiejie said with a smile.

"We are all just playing around, unlike you, Sister Jiejie, who is doing something big..." Chen Qiqi said.

"What a big undertaking, the main reason is that there is no other way..." Xiao Jiejie said, and soon found that four people stopped at a billiard table and looked in their direction. These four are all men, and all of them have strangely shaped hair. So, Xiao Jiejie said: "By the way, who are you playing with? Do I know him..."

"You don't know them, they are just new friends." Mu Zhiling said.

"Then I won't go over to say hello to them. What do you two want from me?" Xiao Jiejie said.

"We..." Mu Zhiling's face immediately showed embarrassment.

Chen Qiqi also said a little embarrassedly: "Sister Jiejie... we are... tight on money right now... I want to borrow some money from you..."

"So that's it, how much do you want to borrow?" Xiao Jiejie said carelessly.

"120,000..." Chen Qiqi said with her head lowered.

"120,000...what are you going to do?" Xiao Jiejie was stunned for a moment and then asked.

For Xiao Jiejie, 120,000 is not a huge number, but Chen Qiqi is just a girl and they don't do any business. A mouthful of 120,000 yuan doesn't make people suspicious.

"That..." Chen Qiqi subconsciously looked at the four boys next to the pool table.

Mu Zhiling also stammered, "We...we..."

Xiao Jiejie followed Chen Qiqi's gaze and looked at the four boys again, and then said: "What's going on? They forced you... You don't have to be afraid. If someone dares to bully you, I will settle it for you..."

"No, no..." Mu Zhiling shook her head quickly and said: "The mysterious car god and the six major car associations are going to have a decisive battle at Xiaoqiu Mingshan tonight... We are going to make a fortune, but we don't have much money... I'm wondering I'll borrow some from you now, and after I win, I'll pay you back right away..."

After hearing this, Zhang Yu couldn't help but become curious and said: "Mysterious racing god? The six major racing guilds...the decisive battle at Xiaoqiu Mingshan...what's going on..."

"Xiaoqiu Mingshan is actually Laiwei Mountain. There are roads on it that can lead to the countryside, making it easier to transport local products from the countryside to the city. However, because it was built early, the roads are not particularly wide, so it is basically open during the day. There are very few cars passing by at night. As a result, racing gangs often go there to race. I have been there before, but just to watch the excitement. The so-called six major car meets are actually just bragging, but It's some kind of second-five-eye racing club formed by some gangs of racing people. It's not formal. They often organize to race together. But... I haven't heard of that mysterious racing god..." Xiao Jiejie explained to Zhang Yu stand up.

"This mysterious car god is so awesome. I don't know where he came from. He has competed in six major car races. If he wins, he doesn't pay for it. He just takes off his opponent's car logo and sticks it on his own car. On. And those cars that lose can only put Wuling Hongguang's car logo on it. The six major cars will lose one after another, and now they all have Wuling Hongguang's car logo on their cars. Therefore, the six major cars will feel very Embarrassed, we decided to join forces and challenge the mysterious car god together. The mysterious car god has accepted the challenge, and the competition is tonight." This time it was Mu Zhiling who spoke.

"So awesome? What kind of car is he driving?" Xiao Jiejie curled her lips and said.

"Wuling Hongguang..." Mu Zhiling said.

"What!" Xiao Jiejie was immediately startled and said in surprise: "Wuling Hongguang... As far as I know, there are many good cars in the six major car associations. How come even Wuling Hongguang can't outrun..."

"How else can he be called a mysterious car god? I heard from people at the six major car associations that the car god's Wuling Hongguang must have been modified, and his driving skills are even more superb. In addition, the body is narrow and short, and it is very sensitive to control, especially It’s on a relatively narrow track, so I feel like a fish in water.” Mu Zhiling said.

"So what do you mean, you're going to bet on the mysterious car god to win tonight?" Zhang Yu asked.

"Yes."...Mu Zhiling and Chen Qiqi nodded together.

Xiao Jiejie was told by Mu Zhiling, and now she was full of curiosity and said, "What does this mysterious car god look like?"

"I haven't seen it before," Mu Zhiling said.

"If you haven't seen it, someone else must have seen it." Xiao Jiejie said.

"They have seen it before..." Mu Zhiling pointed to the red-haired and green-haired people standing next to the billiard table, and then said: "But they said that when the mysterious car god appeared on the stage, he always wore Guanxi Teacher on his face. His mask looks very mysterious. That’s why everyone calls him the mysterious car god.”

"It sounds quite interesting..." Zhang Yu glanced at Xiao Jiejie and said deliberately: "Otherwise, let's go to Xiaoqiu Mingshan at night. I haven't seen drag racing yet..."

He knew what Xiao Jiejie wanted to do at night, but he was too embarrassed to shirk it, so he took advantage of this matter to go to Xiaoqiu Mingshan to watch drag racing, which could smooth things over.

Xiao Jiejie herself is a fun girl. After her father died, she didn't go out to play for a long time because she had too many burdens on her shoulders.

She also became curious about the mysterious car god, and Zhang Yu also said he wanted to go, so she suddenly forgot her previous plan. She nodded immediately and said: "Okay, okay... I haven't been to Xiaoqiu Mingshan in a while, so I just want to go and have fun this time..."

"Sister Jiejie, you want to go too, this is really great." Mu Zhiling said excitedly.

"Well, I'm going to eat now, and I don't have so much cash on me. I'll get some later, and we'll see each other at Xiaoqiu Mingshan in the evening. I'll give you the money then, and you won't have to pay it back. It's rare for sisters to be so open after so many years. One mouthful." Xiao Jiejie said with a smile.

She was also happy today. She bought shares from the bank, which can be said to be a great victory. Tonight, I am even more excited to go to Xiaoqiu Mingshan with my beloved. One hundred and twenty thousand is a lot of money to others, but it is nothing to her.

"No, no, no..." Mu Zhiling said quickly: "One hundred and twenty thousand is not a small amount. When we win, we will pay you back."

"Okay, you can pay it back if you win. If you lose, you don't have to pay it back." Xiao Jiejie said carelessly.

She chatted casually with the two girls for a while before leaving with Zhang Yu.

When the two were about to go out, Chen Qiqi suddenly said: "Sister Jiejie, remember to go early. I heard that there will be a lot of people going tonight. We will go and reserve a seat later, but if you go If it’s too late, the good spot will be easily snatched away.”

"Okay, I understand." Xiao Jiejie said with a happy face.

In this way, Xiao Jiejie and Zhang Yu left Pan Xiaoting's billiard hall together. Xiao Jiejie first went to the bank to withdraw one million in cash, and then went to dinner with Zhang Yu.

After dinner, we took a large commercial vehicle to Xiaoqiu Mingshan.

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