Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2909 What should he do?

Li Junao walked into the emergency room alone, and even the nurses in the emergency room ran away in despair.

On the hospital bed, Su Yalian was lying there, covered with a white cloth, with her head exposed. Her face was pale and without any blood.

The electrocardiogram meter next to him has become a straight line, announcing that the person has no heartbeat and is completely dead.

Li Junao pulled a chair and sat down by the bed. He looked at Su Yalian on the bed and couldn't help but shook his head, tears filling his eyes again.

"Human beings are not grass and trees, how can we be ruthless... Ya Lian, I don't understand your thoughts... However, I am an important member of the public office, so it is already destined that we cannot be together... You are actually very good, very Excellent, this may be life, there are always those helpless..."

Li Junao muttered lonelyly. At this moment, he looked much older and so weak.

"Ashes return to dust, dust returns to dust, as you said, this may also be a relief for you... If there is an afterlife, I will not be your brother-in-law, but your husband..." At this point, Li Jun The tears in Ao's eyes finally burst out.

He stood up, grabbed the white sheet covering Su Yalian, and raised it to cover Su Yalian's face.

Li Junao turned around, raised his hand to wipe his tears, sobbed twice, and then clenched his fists tightly.

"You are dead, but my brother-in-law will definitely get this debt back for you! No matter who is using you, no matter how capable they are, I will let them die!"

After saying this, Li Junao gritted his teeth, and the veins on his forehead had popped out.

He took his cell phone out of his pocket and dialed a number.

The call was quickly connected, and Vincent's voice sounded, "Hello, are you the CEO?"

"It's me... Yalian is gone..." When Li Junao said this, he couldn't help feeling sad.

"Please have your condolences..." Vincent said quickly.

"She was able to run away... It's all my fault for stopping her..." Li Junao said, blaming himself.

Vincent hesitated for a moment, then said cautiously: "If Miss Su runs away like this, she may be a wanted criminal for the rest of her life... This may not be a good thing for her..."

"Everything that happened in Zhennan District was done by someone using Ya Lian! Vincent, you should know my temper. I will never allow anyone to harm my family!"

"You mean, kill... Chu Zhenhuan..." Vincent said a little worried.

"What's wrong with him!" Li Junao said sternly: "This is his job. If he doesn't investigate seriously, then he doesn't deserve to be in this position!"

"I understand! Please give me the CEO's orders!" Vincent said immediately.

"Yalian said before she died that she learned her Taoist skills from Taoist Master Heyun of Jiuyangguan, Jiming Mountain, Meicheng Executive District... Everything she did was also instructed by Taoist Heyun... And that Heyun The Taoist priest seems to be just a chess piece in that organization..." Li Junao said in a calm tone: "Mobilize all the forces we can mobilize, including those in Xuanmen, as quickly as possible Rush to Jiuyang Temple to investigate... We must find the organization that uses Ya Lian, and I will kill them all!"

"Yes, CEO!" Vincent replied solemnly.

"Okay, go and do your business..." After Li Junao finished speaking, he was about to hang up the phone.

However, Vincent said first: "CEO, we have just discovered a piece of news."

"What's the news?" Li Junao asked.

"This Zhenhai Anti-Corruption Inspection Bureau's operation covered a large area. They arrested people at Bucks Mineral Development Company, Zhen Development Investment Company, Wudang Group, and Lambert Bar. Not only that, but also With lightning speed, people were arrested in some hospitals and institutions. Naturally, the Independent Commission Against Corruption did not have the power to carry out such a large-scale operation. The person cooperating with them was not the Zhenhai Patrol Chief, but... Zhennan District The power of the patrol chief, it seems that Song Feng, the detective of the serious crime team, personally presided over the arrest..." Vincent said.

"What?" After hearing this, Li Junao couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, and then said: "The Zhennan District Patrol Chief has not reported to me such a big matter."

"This..." Vincent did not dare to say anything.

"Lin Chaorong's courage is really getting bigger and bigger. I know about this, go ahead and do your thing." Li Junao said calmly.

"Yes." Vincent quickly responded.

Li Junao hung up the phone and walked outside. There was no one in the corridor. Li Junao walked all the way to the elevator entrance, only to see Tang Mingyu and the driver waiting there cautiously.

"CEO." "CEO."

When the two saw Li Junao, they greeted him respectfully.

Li Junao nodded and said, "Let's go."

"Okay, okay..." Tang Mingyu hurriedly pressed the elevator button.

When the elevator came up, the three of them entered the elevator, went downstairs and left the hospital.

Arriving at Tang Mingyu's Audi car, the three of them got in, and Li Junao sat alone in the back.

Tang Mingyu was very respectful and said, "CEO, where are we going now?"

"Go to Zhennan District to patrol the main office." Li Junao said calmly.

"Okay." Tang Mingyu agreed immediately and asked the driver to drive quickly.

There was no talking all the way, and the car soon arrived at the patrol headquarters in Zhennan District.

Tang Mingyu was always confused. He didn't know what Li Junao meant when he suddenly wanted to patrol the main house.

When he arrived at the gate of the patrol headquarters compound, Tang Mingyu said, "CEO, are we going in right now? It's better to tell Lin Chaorong in advance and ask him to come down to pick you up."

"I won't go up. I'll wait for you in the car. You go find Lin Chaorong by yourself. Just ask him, their patrol chief office and the Zhenhai Anti-corruption Patrol Office handle the case together. The case is so big. Why don't I do anything? I don’t know the news either." Li Junao said lightly.

"This..." Tang Mingyu was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Yes, yes..."

Tang Mingyu didn't know what was going on specifically, but since Li Junao said so, it meant that the Zhennan District Patrol Chief had been involved in today's incident.

Li Junao was the first person in charge of Zhennan District, and his sister-in-law died today. If the Chief Patrol Officer of Zhennan District was involved and kept it from Li Junao, the problem would definitely be serious.

Tang Mingyu asked the driver to drive the car into the yard. The guards were not allowed to ask questions. Tang Mingyu just showed his name, which was enough.

The car stopped in the parking lot of the courtyard, and Tang Mingyu walked alone towards the office building of the patrol main office.

As soon as they reached the elevator entrance in the front hall, the elevator door opened, and a middle-aged man wearing a patrol uniform and a high-level badge came out.

As soon as Tang Mingyu saw the person coming, he immediately smiled and said, "Detective Lin, what a coincidence."

That's right, the person who came out of the elevator was Lin Chaorong, the chief inspector of the Zhennan District Patrol Office.

As soon as the gate of the hospital heard that Tang Mingyu was visiting in person, he had to notify his superiors. Although Lin Chaorong had a high status in the district, he was still quite afraid of Tang Mingyu's position. In addition, Tang Mingyu came to the door suddenly, which inevitably aroused suspicion. Therefore, Lin Chaorong went downstairs to greet him personally.

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