Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2899 Do I need him to give me face?

Zhennan Executive District Office.

Li Junao came to work early in the morning. For some reason, he felt a little flustered today.

He had never had any heart problems, so he started smoking as soon as he entered the office. Time passed slowly, and Li Junao's heart did not calm down, which made him feel particularly baffled.

"Ring ring ring..."

At this moment, his cell phone suddenly rang.

Li Junao picked up the phone, looked at the caller ID, and then answered, "Hello, Vincent."

"Executor, it's me." A man's voice sounded on the phone.

"What's the matter?" Li Junao asked.

"After the last mine auction, didn't you ask me to investigate the Bucks Mineral Development Company? We found that when the Bucks Mineral Development Company bid, it was not Han Ye, the nominal general manager of the company, who actually had the final say. , but Zhen Development Investment Company. So, we followed the lead and found Zhen Development Investment Company. Unexpectedly, we found that the chief and deputy managers in the company were arrested by the crime team. I thought there must be something wrong here, so I continued After investigation, it was found that Zhen Development Investment Company actually holds 8.5% of Wudang Group's shares. Based on Wudang Group's stock price, this stock is simply an astronomical figure. How can a mere investment company have so much money? Yesterday, we finally found out that the money was loaned from the Zhennan Branch of Huaxin Bank," Vincent said.

"Loaned from Zhennan Branch of Huaxin Bank..." Li Junao couldn't help but groan.

"That...Miss Su...seems to be the vice president in charge of loans at Huaxin Bank..." This time, Vincent said carefully.

"Who are you... Is Su Yalian related to Zhen Development Investment Company?" Li Junao's voice deepened.

"It seems...maybe...there is some relationship..." Vincent said again carefully.

"How do you say this?" Li Junao asked.

"According to our investigation, Zhao Dafa, the boss of Zhen Development Investment Company, is a gangster himself. As the general manager, he is just a decoration. Therefore, if he can open such a company, there must be someone behind him. Also, the Qi family The Wudang Group is currently being annexed. Everyone knows that Zhang Yu of the Wudang Group is from Wen Qiong in Zhendong District. If the Qi family swallows up the Wudang Group, it will be equivalent to cutting off one of Wen Qiong's arms. This will be very important to you, CEO. It's all good news..."

When Vincent said this, Li Junao said directly: "You mean, Su Yalian contacted the Qi family to annex the Wudang Group. The money for the real development of the investment company was run by Su Yalian. Even Su Yalian didn't It is possible that he is the boss behind Zhen Development Investment Company.”

Li Jun'ao is so talented. For Vincent's words, Li Jun'ao could already guess what Vincent was referring to without even finishing his words.

"It is indeed possible...and, just today, the Administrative District's Anti-Corruption Inspection Office made big moves..." Vincent said.

"What action?" Li Junao asked.

"We don't know the specific actions, but early in the morning, the first, second, and third law enforcement sections of the administrative district's Anti-corruption Inspection and Inspection Bureau came out with all their best, and clearly identified the several routes of action. Our people followed them secretly, because the incident was sudden, and only Tracked them all the way. This group of people went to Yinhua Community...and that seems to be Miss Su's residence..." Vincent said.

"Such a thing could happen..." Li Junao took a deep breath.

"We don't know now whether Miss Su is at the bank or at home. But my people also went to the bank and found suspicious vehicles nearby. I suspect that the Independent Commission Against Corruption wants to investigate Miss Su takes action... CEO, do you think you should inform Miss Su, whether there is anything wrong or not, you might as well go out and avoid the limelight..." Vincent suggested.

"Avoiding the limelight..." Li Junao groaned, and then said sharply: "Why avoid the limelight!"

"CEO, Chu Zhenhuan from the Independent Commission Against Corruption is a hard-nosed boss. If anything happens to Miss Su, he is afraid that he will not give you...face..." Vincent said cautiously again.

"I, Li Junao, need him to give me face!" Li Junao said proudly: "If Su Yalian has no problem, then no one can touch her! If she really does something illegal, it will not be his turn. Chu Zhenhuan If you arrest her, I will personally send her to prison!"

"CEO...Miss Su is..."

Vincent wanted to remind Li Jun'ao that Su Yalian was Li Jun'ao's sister-in-law, and if something happened to Su Yalian, Li Jun'ao would be involved to some extent.

But before Wen Xun could finish what he said, Li Junao shouted directly: "But what the hell! Anyone who dares to act lawless in the southern district of my town is making trouble for me, Li Junao. No matter who she is, I will Catch her with your own hands! I know this matter, you don’t have to worry about it, I will handle it myself!”

"Yes..." Vincent agreed quickly.

Li Junao immediately hung up the phone, grabbed the office phone on the table, and dialed a phone number.

As soon as the call was connected, a middle-aged man's voice sounded, "Hello, hello."

"Tang Mingyu?" Li Junao said directly.

This Tang Mingyu is none other than the current director of the Zhennan District Anti-Corruption Inspection Department. As soon as Tang Mingyu heard Li Junao's voice, he quickly said cautiously: "CEO, it's me..."

"Call your law enforcement class immediately and wait for me at the door of the office! I'll be downstairs in three minutes!" Li Junao's voice was filled with murderous intent.

"Yes, yes..." Tang Mingyu responded quickly, but Li Junao had already hung up the phone.

Li Junao stood up, his expression so gloomy that he looked ugly. Strangely enough, he had been feeling a little flustered from morning to now, but after hearing Vincent's report, he suddenly stopped panicking.

Not only that, Li Junao could even conclude that Su Yalian must have something going on here.

He stood up, lit a cigarette, and smoked slowly. It took him less than four minutes to finish smoking a cigarette. He then walked around the desk towards the door and went straight downstairs.

The Zhennan District Independent Commission Against Corruption Office and the District Office were in the same courtyard. When he arrived on the first floor, he saw a motorcade lined up downstairs. Tang Mingyu, director of the Independent Commission Against Corruption, stood cautiously at the door of the office building and waited. As soon as he saw Li Junao coming out, he immediately said flatteringly: "CEO, we are all ready. Who are we going to arrest?"

In fact, Tang Mingyu was also quite curious. He didn't know why Li Junao was so angry. Who was he going to catch in such a furious manner? You know, no matter who he is arresting, as long as he is in Zhennan District, Li Junao's words are enough, and there is no need to take action personally.

"No need to ask more, just follow me!" Li Junao said in a deep voice.

After saying that, he walked towards the car in front.

"Yes, yes..." Tang Mingyu responded quickly in a low voice, not daring to say another word. He carefully followed Li Junao and walked together to Tang Mingyu's car at the front.

At this moment, Tang Mingyu obediently rushed to the front, opened the door for Li Junao, and asked Li Junao to get in the car.

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