Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2869 Sincerity

"Mr. Qi, if you want the shares of Wudang Group in our hands, Mr. Xiao, you must show some sincerity. Since Mr. Qi just said, the shares of Jindu Real Estate in his hand are not the same as the shares of Jindu held by Wudang Group. The combined shares of real estate are enough to own Jindu Real Estate. Then why not ask Mr. Qi to take out the shares of Jindu Real Estate in your hand and exchange them with Mr. Xiao, and that's it." Wen Xian Said with a smile.

Xiao Jiejie was very satisfied with Wenxian's suggestion. She nodded and said, "This is a good idea."

However, Qi Wuxuan's face immediately darkened and he said, "You are testing me."

"How can you say that..." Xiao Jiejie smiled faintly and said: "I know very well how many shares of our Jindu Real Estate the Wudang Group has. Mr. Qi also said that the chips in your hand plus the shares of the Wudang Group The chips in it are enough to kick me out. That means that Mr. Qi also has a lot of chips... Wouldn't it be just right to use these chips in exchange for the chips of the Wudang Group in my hand..."

What Qi Wuxuan just said was indeed right. Wenxian was testing him. Because after the initial battle with Fan Shiji, Jindu Real Estate's shares were held by Wudang Group, Tianzi Group, and Xiao Family. Later, Wudang Group reduced its holdings, and Tianzi Group transferred some of its chips to Xiao Jiejie. Although some Jindu Real Estate stocks were circulating in the stock market, Wenxian was able to conclude that even if the Qi family bought goods in the stock market, the money they ate Not a lot. In addition, the Qi family's battlefield was mainly on the Wudang Group, and Xiao Jiejie later went all out to sweep up goods in the securities market. If the Qi family could really come up with so many chips, Wen Xian wouldn't believe it.

Of course, if Qi Wuxuan can really use more than 10% of Jindu Real Estate's chips. Combined with the chips held by Wudang Group, there is a chance of winning. With 20%, Xiao Jiejie can basically be kicked out easily.

But does the Qi family really have that much leverage?

"Hahahaha..." Qi Wuxuan suddenly laughed and said, "Mr. Xiao, if you say that, you lack sincerity."

"You know who lacks sincerity." Xiao Jiejie said seriously.

"Okay..." Qi Wuxuan shrugged and said, "Our Qi family doesn't care about the shares of Wudang Group you hold. From today on, Mr. Xiao only needs to do a good job in merging Jindu Real Estate into Wudang Group. As long as the group is prepared... It's a pity, it's such a pity... A great opportunity is right in front of us. Originally, Zhang Yu died, and I planned to give Mr. Xiao a chance to settle down and settle down. If Mr. Xiao doesn't want it, you can't blame me..."

"I have always believed that opportunities should be grasped by oneself rather than relying on charity from others." Xiao Jiejie said seriously.

"You have courage..." Qi Wuxuan made a gesture of invitation and said, "Then I wonder if Mr. Xiao is willing to sit down and let's talk again."

"Is there anything we can talk about?" Xiao Jiejie asked back.

"Actually, I don't really have much shares in Jindu Real Estate, only 3.5%. It was just a bluff before, so Mr. Xiao mobilized funds to raise money in the stock market and had no time to take care of Wudang Group. If Mr. Xiao is willing, I am willing to use this 3.5% in exchange for 2% of Wudang Group's shares in Mr. Xiao's hands. What does Mr. Xiao think?" Qi Wuxuan said.

After saying this, he returned to where he was sitting before and sat down.

Xiao Jiejie didn't need to speak, Wenxian said: "Mr. Qi, are you kidding? Everyone knows that Wudang Group's assets are three times that of Jindu Real Estate. Trading 3.5% for 2% is not what business does. ."

"Of course I won't take advantage of Mr. Xiao. Everyone knows that Jindu Real Estate is mainly developing Guangming Mountain. It plans to build a resort and a wildlife park, but with Zhang Yu's death, Guangming Mountain has no prospects. , this investment will definitely end in loss. Mr. Xiao must find a way to make up for this loss." Qi Wuxuan said confidently.

"Then how to make up for it?" Xiao Jiejie said lightly.

After saying this, she walked straight to the seat opposite Qi Wuxuan, pulled out a chair and sat down.

Wen Xian also walked over and stood beside Xiao Jiejie, but did not sit down. The current situation has a great impact on Jindu Real Estate. Once the investment in Guangming Town suffers losses, the prospects of Jindu Real Estate may not be optimistic.

Qi Wuxuan said calmly: "Our Qi family bought a piece of land in Bibo Bay in Zhennan District two years ago. It cost 3 billion at that time. Although it has not been developed, the land price has risen to 5 billion. It is said that the town Subway Line 9 in the Southern District is being planned, and the goal is to connect to Bibo Bay. If the subway is opened, the land price in Bibo Bay will be enough to exceed 10 billion. The surrounding areas of Bibo Bay are already being developed, and people have already moved in. I am willing to transfer this piece of land to Bibo Bay. The land was transferred to Mr. Xiao at the original price of 3 billion. With this land, Jindu Real Estate will be able to recover the losses suffered in Guangming Mountain and even make a fortune."

"With such a good thing, you will take advantage of me?" Xiao Jiejie didn't believe it.

"This is also a mutually beneficial strategy. Mr. Xiao exchanged 2% of Wudang Group's shares for my 3.5% shares of Jindu Real Estate, which naturally resulted in a loss. Even if this piece of land is used to compensate Mr. Xiao for his losses, After all, Mr. Xiao will still earn hundreds of millions from this. Of course, there is also a prerequisite, that is, Mr. Xiao must sign a power of attorney for me, which means that he has full power to entrust the other 5.5% of the shares in his hand. Give it to me. This entrustment can be set for a small period, and I cannot resell it or use it as a mortgage. After I successfully acquire the Wudang Group, I will use the Jindu Real Estate shares held by the Wudang Group In exchange for the 5.5% shares of Wudang Group that Mr. Xiao entrusted to me. I believe that with the chips in Mr. Xiao’s hands, plus the newly acquired 3.5% of the chips, I think even if I break my promise, Mr. Xiao can keep it. Jindu Real Estate. Furthermore, we can also sign a contract and determine a period. During this period, I will exchange the shares of Wudang Group Jindu Real Estate for the remaining 5.5% of Mr. Xiao. I think it can be regarded as giving Mr. Xiao a share. Just a reassurance." Qi Wuxuan said confidently.

"This..." Xiao Jiejie was somewhat moved after hearing this plan. She subconsciously turned to look at Wenxian, wanting to hear what Wenxian meant.

Wen Xian had a solemn look on her face, obviously thinking about the feasibility of this deal and whether it was a good deal.

After a while, Wen Xian lowered her head and said in Xiao Jiejie's ear: "This proposal is quite safe and more beneficial to us. However, I think we should conduct an investigation first, firstly for the legal operability, so as to avoid the other party Take advantage of the loophole; secondly, what is the prospect of the land the other party mentioned?"

Xiao Jiejie nodded, looked at Qi Wuxuan, and said seriously: "Mr. Qi's plan this time is indeed somewhat sincere. However, it is impossible for me to make a decision on such a big matter as soon as it comes up. I need Mr. Qi's help." I’ll give you some time to think about it.”

"No problem..." Qi Wuxuan nodded and said, "As long as Mr. Xiao nods, you can call my secretary at any time. But I hope Mr. Xiao can be a little faster."

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