Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2859 Let him come back to sign the contract

Lu Dai took Han Ye and Leng Lingxue to go through the withdrawal procedures. Han Ye had to meet with Zhao Dafa and Tian Weiren. Zhao Dafa did not dare to make a fuss now, while Tian Weiren was quite polite to Han Ye.

After signing the formalities for withdrawing the lawsuit and both parties signing the settlement document, the matter is settled. Zhao Dafa and Tian Weiren had to wait for other prisoners to arrive, so they could not leave for the time being. Han Ye said that he still had something to do and went ahead with Leng Lingxue.

The two left the patrol room and got into Leng Lingxue's car. As soon as the car door closed, Han Ye complained, "Lawyer Leng, why didn't you discuss this report with me..."

Leng Lingxue was not ambiguous and said directly: "What? I'll discuss it with you and you can agree!"

"No...I mean, you can't just listen to my opinion..." Han Ye said with a frown.

"If you have any opinion, just say it, I'll listen..." Leng Lingxue said carelessly, and then drove off.

With a "whoosh", the car sped out. Han Ye was unprepared. In addition, Leng Lingxue deliberately drove too fast. Han Ye didn't fasten his seat belt either. He first stumbled backwards and then jumped forward.

He quickly reached forward to support himself. After he stabilized himself, he said helplessly: "You have already reported this, so what's the use..."

"It's what you want to say, and I didn't force you to say it..." Leng Lingxue looked as if nothing had happened, then took out her mobile phone and dialed Zhang Yu's number.

When the call was connected, Leng Lingxue asked Zhang Yu if he had finished his meal. Zhang Yu had already finished his meal and was going to Hanye's company with the driver.

Leng Lingxue immediately said that she and Han Ye had just come out of the patrol room and were going to the company immediately. Let's meet at the company.

Silent all the way, I came to Bucks Mineral Development Company twice. Han Ye was sitting in the car looking listless. First he complained about Leng Lingxue in his heart, and then he complained about his son.

"This brat, I told you to become a vegetarian, but you just didn't listen. Now, you're going to be in big trouble. If it weren't for you, would I beg the people from the White Eyebrow Palace? Why would I be so embarrassed..."

But he didn't complain. He met Zhang Yu at the company and went upstairs to get the contract. Han Ye didn't dare to stay in the company for too long because he was worried about meeting a fat man.

He also made a special call to Yuan Zhenren and proposed to meet him at the Overseas Chinese Hotel and then go to Baimei Palace together.

Thousand Island Cafe.

In the private room with a minimum consumption of 1666, two people are sitting at the moment.

Amelia Su always likes to come here to drink coffee and talk about things. The person sitting opposite her now was the fat black man.

"How are things going?" Su Yalian said lightly.

"We are waiting for news from Han Ye. Don't worry. Han Ye was scared to death by me. He will definitely be honest today." Fatty Hei said.

Su Yalian nodded and said, "That's good, but don't be careless..."

"Ring ring ring..."

At this time, Fatty Hei picked up his cell phone. He took it out and looked at the caller ID, then said, "There should be news."

He put the phone to his ear to answer it and said: "Hello, hello... um, very good... I understand..."

After only saying a few words, the fat man hung up the phone.

He looked at Su Yalian and said: "Han Ye has gone to the patrol house to withdraw the lawsuit and complete the settlement. Zhao Dafa and Tian Weiren will be out soon."

Su Yalian nodded and said: "It seems that the matter can finally come to an end. Let's get a better grip on the mine matter."

"Since Han Ye has withdrawn the lawsuit, it means that there is no problem with the mine. When Tian Weiren comes out, he will definitely contact me. At that time, I will ask Tian Weiren to call Han Ye and sign the contract as soon as possible." Hei Fatty said.

"This is the best." Su Yalian said with satisfaction.

About an hour later, Fatty Hei's cell phone rang again. That's right, it was Tian Weiren who called and reported to Fatty Hei that he had come out of the patrol main room, and Zhao Dafa and others had also come out.

Fatty Black directly ordered Tian Weiren to call Han Ye and act in accordance with the conditions originally promised to him, but the price increased from 2.5 billion to 2.6 billion.

After hanging up the phone, Fatty Hei began to wait for the good news from Tian Weiren. After waiting for about twenty minutes, the phone rang again.

The call was from Tian Weiren. Fatty Hei immediately answered the call and said, "Hey, how are things going?"

"I just got the news that after Han Ye left the patrol office, he went to the company and then left. I called Han Ye, and Han Ye said that he has gone to Baimei Palace now and it is not convenient for him to sign a contract with us for the time being. ." Tian Weiren's voice rang on the phone.

"What?" the fat black man said angrily: "What is he doing in the White Eyebrow Palace?"

"Han Ye said that Baimei Gong had previously offered to buy his mine for 2.4 billion. Our offer was higher, so he naturally wanted to sell it to us in order to turn hostility into friendship. However, this morning, his son suffered an emergency. , the hospital couldn't treat it, so we had to ask President Yuan of Baimei Palace for help. President Yuan relieved his son's pain, but he didn't cure it. He said that there was no medicine here and wanted to take his son back to Baimei Palace. treatment, and asked about the mine. Han Ye said that for the sake of his son, he could only go to Baimei Palace first, but he said that he would never sign a contract with Baimei Palace. As soon as his son recovers from his illness and leaves the medical expenses, he will Let’s go.” Tian Weiren said.

"Fart!" After hearing these words, the fat man couldn't help but curse.

How could Tian Weiren on the other end of the phone not know Fatty Hei's temper? He was so frightened that he dared not speak out.

The fat black man was so angry that he could only breathe heavily, and after a while he said angrily: "Call Han Ye right away! Tell him that if he doesn't come back immediately to sign the contract, I will kill his whole family!"

"Yes, yes..." Tian Weiren agreed hastily.

The fat man hung up the phone and was so angry that he almost smashed the phone.

Su Yalian, who was sitting opposite him, kept staring at him. When she saw him hang up, she said, "What happened?"

"Han Ye, that bastard..." The fat black man angrily recounted what Tian Weiren had just said exactly.

After listening to his story, Su Yalian couldn't help frowning and said: "In that case, Baimei Palace is obviously determined to win the mine. It is not difficult to see that Han Ye's son suddenly fell ill. It must be the fault of the people from Baimei Palace, and they came to blackmail Han. Industry sells mines to them.”

"White Eyebrow Palace is from a well-known and upright family! Damn it, why do you act so shamelessly!" The fat black man said angrily.

"The so-called decent people from famous families are just hypocrites. In order to achieve their goals, they will do whatever it takes. Sometimes, they are more ruthless than us." Su Yalian said coldly.

"Then what should we do now? Han Ye said that he will not sell the mine to Baimei Palace, but is this possible... When people arrive at Baimei Palace, they probably won't be able to get out without signing the contract..." Fatty Black said anxiously.

"He should have just left the company. The White Eyebrow Palace is not close to here, and he will definitely not be able to get there. Please ask Tian Weiren to call him quickly and tell him about his son's illness. Let's help treat it. Let him come back to sign the contract!" Su Yalian! said forcefully.

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