Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2839 Accumulation and Precipitation

After careful discussion, Zhang Yu will give Han Ye a good plan tomorrow.

In fact, Tian Weiren's plan was too generous, and Han Ye didn't agree on the spot, which was already considered very good.

Zhang Yu knew that businessmen like Han Ye mainly valued profits. If he makes it clear that he is not the chairman of the group, Han Ye will definitely look at him differently and follow Zhang Yu's request. But at the moment, it is really inconvenient for Zhang Yu to reveal his identity. The fewer people know about this kind of thing, the better.

After dinner at Han Ye's house, he and Leng Lingxue said goodbye and left. Han Ye personally sent the two of them out and watched Zhang Yu and Leng Lingxue get into the car and drive away before turning back.

As the car left the villa complex, Leng Lingxue said, "Where are you going now?"

"Just walk a little further ahead and drop me off." Zhang Yu said.

"Aren't you going back to Double Star Building?" Leng Lingxue said.

"There is something else." Zhang Yu said.

"Where are you going? Can I take you there? Are you still worried about me?" Leng Lingxue turned to look at Zhang Yu.

Zhang Yu smiled slightly and said: "It's not that I'm worried, it's mainly because it's a very important matter..."

"Mysterious..." Leng Lingxue curled her lips and said: "The conditions proposed by Tian Weiren are very generous. It seems that Han Ye is already very inclined to the other party's proposal. Next, do you still need my help?"

"Of course." Zhang Yu nodded and said, "But right now, there are some things that are not convenient to talk about. I will contact you tomorrow."

"Okay then." Leng Lingxue drove forward for some distance, then stepped on the brakes and stopped the car at an intersection.

"I'll get off the car first." Zhang Yu said.

"Yes." Leng Lingxue responded and said, "I'll contact you tomorrow."

Zhang Yu got out of the car and Leng Lingxue drove away.

It's not too late now, that is, nine o'clock in the evening, and there are still many pedestrians and vehicles passing by on the street.

Zhang Yu took out a cigarette from his pocket, lit one, and took a few puffs. At the moment, he was quite hesitant. He did have a way, but this way was impossible.

I originally thought I could attract a big fish, but in the end, I only attracted Tian Weiren. Obviously, Tian Weiren is not Zhang Yu's target, Zhang Yu's target is someone above Tian Weiren.

To put it bluntly, it's the fat black man or the middle-aged man with a white face. As long as one of them shows up, that's enough. Of course, these two people must be led out by Tian Weiren.

"The mine must be obtained, and the people behind Zhao Dafa must also be lured out... But I can't reveal my identity, so I can only find someone to help... This help is not in vain... Benefits, everything depends on profit..."

After thinking about it for a while, Zhang Yu took out his mobile phone and dialed Mr. Pan's phone number.

The call was quickly connected, and Pan Chonghai's voice sounded, "Hello, hello."

"Hey, old man, it's me..." Zhang Yu said with a smile.

"Xiao Yu, why are you so late?" Pan Chonghai also said with a smile.

"I have something I want to discuss with Grand Master Uncle, but time is tight, so I can only make a phone call. Can you hand the phone to Grand Master Uncle for me," Zhang Yu said.

"Of course it's no problem, just wait..." Pan Chonghai said.

Soon, Zhang Yu could hear Pan Chonghai's footsteps and the voice greeting Sun Zhaoyi.

The phone fell into Sun Zhaoyi's hand, and Sun Zhaoyi's voice also sounded inside, "Abbott?"

"I am Grand Master Uncle. I have something to discuss with you now," Zhang Yu said.

"What's the matter?" Sun Zhaoyi asked.

"It's like this... I discovered an iron ore mine in Luojiashan. The iron ore there has spiritual energy and can be used to refine large quantities of magic weapons. But at the moment, the sovereignty of Luojiashan lies in the development of Xionglu Minerals There are many people in the company's hands who are eyeing this mine. Among them is a mysterious organization, those who are with Zhenjun Viper. There are also Erlin Temple and many sects, who are all looking at it. I already know Han Ye, the boss of Bucks Minerals, and I can offer a high price to win the mine. But the problem is that I can’t show up now, so I can only ask other people for help, and this person must be a member of the Taoist sect. The most suitable one is White Eyebrow Palace... Even if the disciple has some friendship with Master Yuan, for such a job, people definitely don’t help at will, they must have their share..." Zhang Yu gave an overview of the situation, especially his current difficulties. , and everything is explained clearly.

After listening to Zhang Yu's statement, Sun Zhaoyi thought for a moment and then said: "I think you can ask Qin Xiyun for his opinion on this matter."

"Senior Qin..." Zhang Yu was stunned for a moment, not expecting Sun Zhaoyi to say that.

"He is well-informed. Not only is he highly skilled in cultivation, but he is also good at maneuvering. I believe he can give you the best advice on matters involving interests." Sun Zhaoyi said seriously.

"Well, I will communicate with Senior Qin." Zhang Yu said.

"Okay, then I'll ask Pan Chonghai to call Qin Xiyun." Sun Zhaoyi said.

Zhang Yu then heard Sun Zhaoyi telling Pan Chonghai to call Qin Xiyun. Mr. Pan left Sun Zhaoyi's room and quickly found Qin Xiyun.

The phone also fell into Qin Xiyun's hand, and Qin Xiyun's voice sounded on the phone, "Is it Xiao Yu?"

"Senior Qin, it's me." Zhang Yu said.

"What's going on?" Qin Xiyun asked.

"That's it..." Zhang Yu immediately told Qin Xiyun exactly what he had just said to Sun Zhaoyi.

After hearing this, Qin Xiyun thought for a moment and then said: "As far as I know, Baimei Palace is one of the best Taoist temples in Zhenhai. The leader of Baimei Palace has always been the president of the Zhenhai Taoist Association. Is that right..."

Even though Qin Xiyun has lived on the island for a long time, he still knows everything about domestic affairs.

"Yes." Zhang Yu said.

"Every man is not guilty, but he is guilty of having a jade..." Qin Xiyun said slowly: "Although your cultivation is not weak, there is still a considerable gap between Wudang Taoist Temple and Baimei Palace. There are now such iron ore mines in China It is already very rare, relying on the strict domestic legal system, otherwise it will have caused fighting from all sides. If you want to monopolize it, even if you have legal support, you will eventually attract hostility from all sides. Therefore, you need someone you can rely on. Helpers, don’t be greedy in the moment, which may lead to disaster in the future.”

Qin Xiyun's words immediately made Zhang Yu suddenly enlightened. Isn't it? When I slept on my phone, I caused a lot of trouble. This was just a small trick. The income from sleeping on my phone would not be noticed by the big sects.

The Binite Mine is different. It is definitely the focus of attention from all sides and cannot be defended by oneself. The appetite is too big and easy to overpower.

"Thank you, senior, I understand what you mean." Zhang Yu said sincerely.

"Be careful with your ten-thousand-year ship. Your disciples' cultivation is too weak and they need to accumulate and accumulate." Qin Xiyun said solemnly.

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