Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2821 Mine Mystery

The drivers all use voice when playing WeChat. Not only the master driving the car can hear it clearly, but Leng Lingxue on the side can also hear it clearly.

But the driver still said: "Your husband should go to Luojiashan."

"What is that place?" Leng Lingxue asked.

"I don't know the specifics. I've never been there. To get there, you have to turn on the navigation..." the driver said.

"Then go to Luojiashan." Leng Lingxue said directly.

"Okay..." the driver agreed and called up the navigation. At a glance, Luojiashan was located in the suburbs of Zhennan District, and the estimated arrival time was two hours.

Generally speaking, no driver would be willing to do such a job, but this driver took Leng Lingxue's 10,000 yuan, so he was embarrassed. He said from the bottom of his heart: "Beauty, I think it's not necessarily true that your husband is cheating on you when he goes there, there might be something else. I think you'd better not go there, that place is so far away, I If I can make money by sending you there, I’ll definitely be willing to take him. But it’s easy when you go there, but you may not be able to get a ride when you come back.”

Leng Lingxue naturally knew that Zhang Yu must have something to do when he went to Luojiashan, and she was just full of curiosity.

What the driver said makes sense. It's easy to get over, but what happens when you come back? After thinking about it for a while, she made a calculation and said, "You are right. Even if you have an affair with someone, you can't travel that far by car."

"Isn't that right? We can't fight in the field, why do we need to travel so far..." the driver curled his lips and said.

"Excuse me, master..." Leng Lingxue opened the door and got out of the car, rushing towards the parking lot.

Although the driver didn't take the job, he still earned 10,000 yuan. Soon he saw someone hitching a ride and hurried over.

When Leng Lingxue arrived at the parking lot, she naturally got into her Mercedes-Benz G and drove to Luojia Mountain.

That's right, the place Zhang Yu went to was Luojiashan.

That's where the mine is. It takes basically two hours to get there by taxi. There was no conversation all the way, and at noon, Zhang Yu came to the foot of Luojia Mountain. After paying the fare, Zhang Yu got out of the car. As he followed, he saw a banner hanging at the bottom of the mountain with the words "In this mine, idlers are not allowed to enter. Violators will be fined." In order to show the seriousness of the content, the name of the XX patrol room was specially marked on it.

Generally speaking, there are few people in this kind of place where rabbits don't poop, and no one will wander up the mountain. With this tip, even less people will go up the mountain. Although there are mines on the mountain, so what, ordinary people cannot just transport the ore away casually. If we talk about gold and silver mines, they may still be a bit attractive.

After the taxi left, Zhang Yu went straight up the mountain. He didn't care about the fines for violators. After all, who could catch him?

Zhang Yu walked all the way up the mountain without seeing anyone. After a while, he arrived halfway up the mountain. Xingye Mining Group did send security guards to watch, but security guards are also human beings. It is impossible to say what to do if you get frozen while walking in the mountains in the middle of winter. So we stayed in the car at the foot of the mountain, with the air conditioner on, chatting and spanking.

As for whether anyone will go up the mountain, the mine does not belong to them, and if they want to open the mountain for mining, there will be a lot of noise. Especially now, if the formalities are handed over today and the mine is handed over tomorrow, these security guards will not pay attention even more.

After wandering around the mountain for a while, Zhang Yu quickly discovered the mine, but he was still cautious so as not to encounter anyone and cause unnecessary trouble. When he came to the entrance of the mine, he closed his eyes first, listened to the movement inside, and made sure that there was no one close by, then he stepped inside.

Zhang Yu walked very slowly. After taking more than ten steps, his eyes were pitch black and he couldn't see anything. There was gravel in the mine. Zhang Yu picked it up and looked at it. He could tell that it should have been excavated not long ago. Because in some years, the stone does not look like this.

It's not very cold inside the cave. It's winter after all. This isn't a negative sign, but it's reassuring. Zhang Yu didn't use fire talismans for lighting, he just closed his eyes and walked forward slowly. After spending a long time with the Great Protector Qin Xiyun, Zhang Yu also understood the wonderful power of the mind's eye. Only ordinary people see the world with the naked eye, while real masters see everything with the mind's eye. In the dark, people who can take advantage of good intentions are very advantageous.

Zhang Yu kept walking forward with his eyes closed. The mine was not particularly deep. It was about forty meters before reaching the end. After all, this mine is only for surveying, and it is enough to find the veins.

"It's over." When he reached the end, Zhang Yu could be sure that he had reached the end without opening his eyes.

He subconsciously stretched out his hand and pressed it on the stone layer in front of him. The stone layer was cold to the touch, and he didn't know if it was iron ore.

However, under the touch, Zhang Yu suddenly realized that something was wrong. On top of this stone layer, in addition to the cold feeling, Zhang Yu also felt a trace of spiritual energy.

The spiritual energy is not very strong and is relatively weak, but the problem is that this is a stone!

"What's going on..." Zhang Yu was obviously startled. This was the first time he encountered this situation.

If it is some kind of magic weapon, then that's it. There is spiritual energy on the stone. This is so unbelievable.

Zhang Yu then reached out and patted the stone layer, trying to confirm whether it was a mechanism.

After photographing it up, down, left and right for a while, Zhang Yu was able to conclude that the inside was solid and definitely not some trap door. The most important thing is that Zhang Yu can feel the slightest aura in every place he touches.

"This..." Zhang Yu was stunned.

There were also gravels under his feet. Zhang Yu bent down and picked up a piece. On this small piece of gravel, Zhang Yu still felt a trace of spiritual energy.

The gravel is very small, and it is indeed extremely rare to have a trace of aura. Zhang Yu put the gravel into his palm, closed his eyes, and felt it with his mind's eye. Soon he would realize that the aura on the gravel was not instilled, but was generated innately. Of course, no one would be bored and inject spiritual energy into the stone.

"This is ore... yes, ore... iron ore... iron ore with spiritual energy..." Suddenly, such an idea came to Zhang Yu's mind.

"No wonder someone would quote more than one billion, or even two billion... No wonder the True Development Investment Company would bribe Wang Ci and drag Wang Jiaju into the water for an iron mine... This is an iron mine with spiritual energy... On the black market, it's just There is iron and black iron for sale... So what kind of iron can this iron ore be... Whether it is iron ore or black iron, it is worth countless things..." Zhang Yu muttered in his heart again.

"Iron mines with spiritual energy... Since this is the goal of the True Development Investment Company, it means that there must be cultivators among them... cultivators... the thunder splitting the wood in the forest farm... they are definitely in the same group. Damn..." At this moment, Zhang Yu could completely confirm the connection between Zhen Development Investment Company and the previous ones. However, a bad thought also arose in Zhang Yu's mind, "This group of people wants a large amount of lightning to chop wood, and a large amount of spiritual energy iron ore. It is absolutely impossible for these people to be ordinary cultivators... only Which sect would be able to do something like this..."

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