Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2807 Re-survey

"Jiaju, what's the matter?" Li Junao on the phone spoke in a very easy-going tone.

"It's about today's bidding." Wang Jiaju whispered immediately.

"Is that company taking the lead?" Li Junao asked.

Today is the day for iron ore mine bidding, and Li Junao has been waiting for this day.

"CEO, my little beast just called me and asked me what the current highest price is, but he didn't say what the name of the company was. He just said that he would go home for dinner at night... I'll call you. The call was because another problem was discovered..." Wang Jiaju whispered again.

"I found another problem..." Li Junao said in confusion: "What problem?"

"Well, after the discovery of this iron ore mine, I personally visited it. There is no doubt that the mine stored in the mountain is iron ore. After careful evaluation, we gave an estimated value of 120 million. It can be made What I didn't expect was that among the bids submitted today, the prices of seven of the bids exceeded one billion, and the highest bid even reached two billion. This is simply crazy, an iron mine, Even if the mountains were full of iron, they wouldn't be worth so much money. I really can't figure out why someone would quote such a price, so I think this matter is very suspicious and I specially report it to you." Wang Jiaju said in a low voice.

He spoke very slowly, but I believe Li Junao on the other end could hear him clearly.

"There is such a thing..." Li Junao was also surprised after hearing what Wang Jiaju said, but he quickly said: "No wonder someone would operate behind the scenes for an iron ore mine. It seems that this mine is not simple. …”

"CEO..." Wang Jiaju said a little helplessly and aggrieved: "I really took people to carefully survey this mine. It is indeed an iron ore, and there will never be anything else. Otherwise, I Bring someone with you to survey again..."

There must be something wrong with an iron ore mine that can elicit such a high price. If there is no other reason, this is absolutely impossible. As the CEO of Xingye Mining Group, Wang Jiaju has been conscientious and hands-on since he took office, for fear of making any mistakes. This position was hard-won and he had to cherish it. If it hadn't been for Li Junao's appointment, he would never have been able to reach this position in his life.

After personally surveying, he didn't see anything valuable in the mine. To attract so many people to it, he inevitably felt that he was negligent and was unworthy of Li Junao's respect.

Li Junao didn't say anything immediately, as if he was thinking about it. After a moment, Li Junao said: "There is no need to go surveying, so as not to reveal the truth... No..."

Having said this, Li Junao immediately changed the subject, and then added: "We still have to re-survey, otherwise, it will be even more suspicious. After all, as you said, someone can pay 2 billion for an iron mine." Quotes, there are so many quotes over one billion, it is a suspicious thing in itself.”

"Yes, I will personally take people to re-survey later. I will report to you as soon as I have the results." Wang Jiaju said.

"Very good..." Li Junao said with satisfaction: "I did not misjudge the person... Don't worry, when this matter is over, I will not pursue your son. Even if he is my undercover, there will be something wrong." Reward. However, you have to tell him to behave in a down-to-earth manner and behave himself in the future."

"Thank you, Chief Li, thank you, Chief Li..." Wang Jiaju said hurriedly: "Please rest assured, Chief Li, after this time, if this little brat dares to misbehave again, there is no need to patrol to catch him, I will personally send him to the patrol room... "

You know, your son Wang Ci is considered accepting bribes. If he really wants to be investigated, he will not be able to escape in jail. Wang Jiaju has actually been worried in the past two days, fearing that his son will be liquidated together. Li Junao's words gave him reassurance.

What kind of person is Li Junao? He is not only the highest official of Zhennan District, but also a well-known figure in the entire Zhenhai Administrative District. This matter about Wang Ci can be solved in one sentence. If you say he is an undercover agent, then he is an undercover agent. Not only does he have no fault, he must also have merit.

Wang Jiaju was able to resign in front of Li Junao that day because he was afraid that his son would get deeper into the situation and eventually be unable to extricate himself, and the whole family would be involved.

"Okay, go and do your work now. After you find out, tell me." Li Junao said gently.

"Yes." Wang Jiaju agreed immediately.

After hanging up the phone, Wang Jiaju immediately hid the secret phone, then picked up the office phone on the table and dialed the number of the company's inspection department. He directly asked people to bring all the equipment and follow him to the mine.

The mine is in the suburbs of Zhennan District and is very remote. It was already four o'clock in the afternoon when we arrived. When they arrived at the foot of the mine, Wang Jiaju's phone rang. He took it out and saw that it was his son calling again.

Wang Jiaju walked aside and answered the phone. He whispered to his son that the highest offer was two billion, and then hung up the phone immediately.

Because it is a mine, in order to prevent unauthorized mining, Xingye Mining Group will also send security guards to guard the mine before auctioning it off.

Wang Jiaju and his party boarded the mine with ease. After meeting with the security guards guarding the mountain, Wang Jiaju ordered a re-survey of the mine. Wang Jiaju's old profession is in surveying. What exactly is in the mine cannot be hidden from his eyes.

After the Xingye Mining Group discovered the mine, it also dug a deep and long mine specifically for surveying and confirming the mine's storage. After careful investigation again, Wang Jiaju was still able to determine that the ore stored in the mine was iron ore and no other metals.

This made Wang Jiaju confused and really confused. There is no choice but to evacuate.

When I got home, it was already eight o'clock in the evening. The daughter-in-law has prepared the meal, the son is also at home, and there is Maotai wine on the table. The food was not touched, it was all waiting for him.

Seeing his father coming back, Wang Ci immediately greeted him and said flatteringly: "Dad, you are back... You are already the general manager. Just let the people below do the work. Why are you still busy with me... …Hurry up and eat…”

Wang Jiaju nodded and took off his coat. Wang Ci quickly took it over and hung up the clothes.

The family of three sat down in the restaurant and started eating. Wang Ci was very attentive, pouring wine and picking up food for his father, which made Wang Jiaju feel quite uncomfortable.

After dinner, Wang Jiaju's wife cleared the table and Wang Jiaju went to the living room to sit down. Wang Ci diligently made tea and poured tea for his father. Then, he picked up a document bag placed under the coffee table and said, "Dad, this is a tender document. Just bring it to you when you go to work tomorrow."

Wang Jiaju took it with a sullen face, then opened the document bag and took out the tender documents inside.

I saw that the name above said-Bucks Mineral Development Company. The price quoted by this company is 2 billion and 30 million.

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