Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2800 Death Place

"Old man... Whether we can get a mortgage loan is not a particularly important matter. But I think there is most likely a trap... I have received news that the deputy general manager in charge of loans at Zhennan Branch of Huaxin Bank seems to be Her name is Su Yalian, and she is the sister-in-law of Zhennan District CEO Li Junao. The money used by Zhen Development Investment Company to acquire Wudang Group shares was loaned from Huaxin Bank. Zhen Development Investment Company also provided money to Jinyan Investment Company A large amount of borrowing... I can even conclude that the money that Jinyan Investment Company borrowed the shares of Wudang Group was given by Zhen Development Investment Company... Now, they want to sell the shares to me again, and they have to let the little aunt Take my shares to get a loan from Huaxin Bank... This is one link after another. If there is no conspiracy, I will never believe it..." Zhang Yu said seriously.

"It turns out that there is such a thing... Li Junao's sister-in-law is actually the vice president in charge of loans at Huaxin Bank... If you say so, the spearhead should be found. The person who unites the Qi family to deal with us should be this one Woman." Pan Chonghai said.

"Yes, I think so too." Zhang Yu said.

"Then have you noticed that there is another problem here?" Pan Chonghai said.

"What you mean is...the 3% of the shares are actually in the hands of Su Yalian. According to the bargaining chips held by Qijia Hezhen Development Investment Company, plus these 3%, it is enough to have a showdown with us. But , Su Yalian did not do this." Zhang Yu said solemnly.

"In the past few days, I have been observing the trend of the stock market. The turnover rate has been extremely high recently, but the Jiang family should not have bought many stocks. A large number of stocks should have been eaten by their opponents. This is a showdown. , the opponent’s chances of winning are already quite high.” Pan Chonghai said.

"In this case, the problem here is even bigger. Why did Su Yalian want to sell the stock to me? She has already reached this point, is she still testing..." Zhang Yu said in confusion.

"I'm not sure about anything else, but one thing I can be sure of is that Su Yalian and the Qi family are not of the same mind. Su Yalian has a big tree like Li Junao. Regardless of whether Li Junao knows about this cooperation, at least this woman is She won't be afraid of the Qi family. The reason why she did this is to test. If you think about it deeper... I think she wants to kill Yang Ying!" Pan Chonghai said at the end, his tone changed. Extremely serious.

"She wants to kill her little aunt... How do you say this... And my little aunt has no enmity with her... How can she kill her..." Zhang Yu said inexplicably and a little worried.

"It is true that Yang Ying has nothing to do with her. Of course, her target will not be Yang Ying, but you!" Pan Chonghai said solemnly.

"It's me..." Zhang Yu said in surprise: "She and I are on the same page. Even if I am helping Wen Qiong, she won't kill me..."

"Sometimes, women tend to do things much more harshly than men." Pan Chonghai said slowly: "Once Yang Ying gets a loan, if you lose to the Qi family in the end, Yang Ying will never be able to turn around. You know, You have made a will and it will be announced in a few days. After the announcement, the mortgage shares and other parts need to be distributed according to your will. After all, the time when the will was made comes first, and the time of Yang Ying's loan is after Finally, the part allocated to Yang Ying cannot be offset by the bank's 7 billion loan. The bank will definitely require Yang Ying to repay the money. If Yang Ying cannot get the money, she will naturally be sued in court and imprisoned. It is inevitable that you will be imprisoned. Not only that, the bank will also sue you, thinking that you collaborated with Yang Ying to defraud the bank for loans. If you don't show up, forget it. Once you show up, you will definitely be punished like Yang Ying. Sent to jail.”

"This..." Zhang Yu took a breath and said, "This move... is really powerful... In this case, I can never let my little aunt get a mortgage..."

"That's not entirely true..." Pan Chonghai said meaningfully.

"Old man, why do you say that?" Zhang Yu asked immediately.

"The situation is complicated right now, and the key to victory or defeat may lie in these 3%. One is ebbing and the other is ebbing. If you want to win against your opponent, you must get these 3%." Pan Chonghai said seriously.

"But...but if I lose, won't I have to kill my little aunt..." Zhang Yu said worriedly.

"It depends on the attitude of the other people in your will!" Pan Chonghai said.

"How do you say this?" Zhang Yu asked.

"Mortgage loan... the first thing to look at is the collateral..." Pan Chonghai said seriously: "If they are willing to keep the shares in the bank as collateral for the shares you give to others, then the bank has no reason to sue Yang Ying.”

"Yes..." Zhang Yu laughed and said, "What the old man said is right. I am confident about this..."

When he said the last sentence, Zhang Yu seemed confident.

"Another thing you have to remember is that bank loans are not about how much money is lent, but the interest is repaid. The collateral is complete, and if the bank does not owe interest, the other party can do nothing. But the loan interest of 7 billion, It’s not a small number. Yang Ying used equity as a mortgage loan. This is not the name of Wudang Group, but her own name. This interest may also kill people," Pan Chonghai said.

"Then what should we do?" Zhang Yu knew that Mr. Pan must have a solution.

"Obviously, the other party wants to kill Yang Ying. The loan should not be difficult. In this way, Yang Ying actually takes the initiative in terms of loan interest. The current commercial mortgage interest rate is 5.6%. After bargaining, Below, plus some discounts, the minimum should be 4%. But this is the going price, and the loan party is passive and eager to use money. Therefore, in the loan negotiation, Yang Ying must come up with a method of whether you want to borrow or not I proposed to the bank that the first three months would be interest-free, and then interest would be paid at an interest rate of 4%. The other party would definitely not agree, so Yang Ying would leave. I believe the people from that Jinyan Investment Company They will definitely ask Yang Ying what is going on. Yang Ying only needs to answer that this is a loan in her own name. Without the company to pay interest, she simply cannot afford to pay back so much money. As long as Amelia Su really intends to scheme against Yang Ying , then in the end, the bank will agree to this condition!" Pan Chonghai said.

"The old man has indeed been through the ups and downs of the business world. If you waive the interest for the first three months, there will be no pressure. At that time, no matter the victory or defeat, I will have time to help my little aunt settle the debt." Zhang Yu said.

"Another point is that when Yang Ying pursues interest reduction or exemption, she sends a signal to her opponents, that is, Yang Ying has not contacted you. She only did this for your sake and had no choice but to do so." Pan Chonghai warned.

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