Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 280 My formation was broken

At the end of the banquet, there was a small dance, which was considered a social gathering.

Fang Tong and Nie Qian were not interested in this, so they left first. Fang Tao really liked participating, and happened to meet another female fan, and the two of them danced together.

Xiao Jiejie didn't like dancing because she had to wait for her father, so she found a place to sit down by herself. At this time, Jiang Yuting came over and invited Xiao Jiejie to dance. As a man, he should at least take the initiative.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Jiejie just said, "I can't jump!"

"I can teach you." Jiang Yuting said with a smile.

"No need, just go and do your own thing." Xiao Jiejie had been arguing with Fang Tong all day today, and Zhang Yu didn't come in the evening, which made her feel very bad, and her tone of voice couldn't be any better.

Jiang Yuting had no choice but to leave angrily. When he saw his elder brother, he looked at him asking for help.

Jiang Yulin immediately walked over to Xiao Jiejie and sat down next to him.

When Xiao Jiejie saw it was him, she didn't say anything.

"Why are you unhappy today?" Jiang Yulin asked gently.

"This stinky girl Fang Tong is always against me, how can I be in a good mood?" Xiao Jiejie said with a flat mouth.

"You two are young and energetic. In addition to bickering, aren't you also good friends?" Jiang Yulin said in a cheerful tone.

"Who is her friend..." Xiao Jiejie flattened her head and shook her head.

"Stop talking about this, talk about something else." Jiang Yulin immediately changed the subject.

"What are you talking about?" Xiao Jiejie was obviously not interested.

"What do you think of my third brother? He is handsome, has a good personality, and is very considerate." Jiang Yulin said gently.

"He... he's okay..." Xiao Jiejie was still not interested.

"What do you think... about finding a boyfriend like him? In this case, our two families will become even closer." Jiang Yulin said gently again.

"He and I... pull him down!" Xiao Jiejie realized now and said immediately: "I don't like pretty boys!"

"Then Wang Zhongshu from before..."

"Don't mention him to me, this bastard. If it hadn't been for Zhang Yu last time, I would have died! The pretty boy is just unreliable!" Xiao Jiejie gritted her teeth bitterly.

"Well...but my brother is very responsible..." Jiang Yulin said kindly.

"Then I don't like it either. Don't mention your boyfriend to me. Whoever mentions it to me will worry me." Xiao Jiejie said with a flat mouth.

Jiang Yulin also hit a wall, but for the sake of his younger brother, he had no choice. He just continued to say a few words, but then he noticed that Xiao Jiejie's expression was wrong, with a hint of grievance and sadness on her face. Jiang Yulin was so smart, and immediately said with concern: "Jiejie, do you have someone you like?"

Xiao Jiejie pursed her lips and nodded gently, but did not answer.

"Who is it?" Jiang Yulin asked again.

Xiao Jiejie remained silent, still feeling aggrieved.

Seeing her like this, Jiang Yulin immediately thought that the two girls were bickering constantly today, but it was because of Zhang Yu. Jiang Yulin asked: "Don't you like Zhang Yu?"

Xiao Jiejie said nothing and nodded slightly.

Judging from what she meant, she obviously acquiesced.

Jiang Yulin was a little confused for a moment, and could only say with concern: "But he is Fang Tong's boyfriend?"

"What's wrong? In what way is Fang Tong better than me?" Xiao Jiejie felt even more aggrieved.

"This is not a question of whether you are strong or not. We got to know each other first..."

"I don't care! No matter, no matter, no matter..." Xiao Jiejie said, her mood suddenly became very excited. She jumped up suddenly and shouted: "I'm going home!"

"Then I'll take you out..." Jiang Yulin was helpless. Normally, he could only coax this young lady.

After sending Xiao Jiejie away, Jiang Yulin went to find his third brother and told Jiang Yuting the bad news. However, he did not mention that Xiao Jiejie liked Zhang Yu.

On the sofa in the corner, four people were looking sad.

Ma Mingxue, Jiang Yuzhen, Master Qu, and Ma Mingfeng, the four of them have worked in vain for the past two days, and they have almost lost their face. It's a dance right now, but who's in the mood to dance?

"Where did Jiang Yulin find that boy? He is so capable!" Ma Mingfeng said angrily.

After saying that, he glanced at Master Qu intentionally or unintentionally, as if to say, your life is really in vain at such an old age, you can't even compare to a young boy.

Master Qu was also a little embarrassed. For the sake of his own face, he could only argue: "You can't blame me for this. In fact, we fell into the trap."

"Fell into a trap? How do you say this?" Jiang Yuzhen asked.

"Although that kid's level is not lower than mine, he is not better than me..."

As soon as Master Qu said this, Ma Mingxue said angrily: "I'm not better than you, how could this happen?"

"Listen to me..." Master Qu said aggrievedly: "It's all because you were anxious and asked me to set up the formation as soon as I came up. It's not like you didn't see the effect that day. But, my formation The boy also saw the method. He secretly broke my formation, and then he set up a formation on the other side, which naturally had an effect today. And because my formation was broken by him, it is ineffective today. .”

He has checked his Heaven, Earth, Man and Three Talents Gathering Wealth Formation, and there is nothing wrong with it at all. But at this moment, that's all I can say. You can't say that you are inferior to Zhang Yu.

"So that's it?" Ma Mingxue suddenly realized and said angrily: "These two boys are too cunning and hateful!"

Ma Mingfeng on the side was also heartbroken. Jiang Yuzhen, on the other hand, immediately brightened up after hearing this and said, "Master, you said that your formation was broken by that kid, are you sure that his formation was also broken?"

"Of course I'm sure, but I have to know where his formation is. I see that the ones outside are just to deceive others. There must be other mechanisms elsewhere. As long as I find the center of the formation, I can defeat his formation with ease!" Qu The master said carelessly.

"That's enough. I don't think it's difficult to find the formation. They set up the formation. It's impossible that they don't need other people. They can find it out just by asking." Jiang Yuzhen said confidently: "Since Jiang Yulin promised those owners today , if there is no improvement in South Plaza within three days, we will lower their rent. We might as well break Jiang Yulin’s formation, and then we’ll see what he does!”

"This method is good!" Ma Mingxue's eyes also lit up, and she looked at Master Qu and said, "Master, is this okay?"

"Of course it's no problem." Master Qu said, patting his chest.

He must get this place back, otherwise, how will he be able to survive in the future? Qu Pan didn't know anything. In his opinion, as long as he found the formation's opening, it was easy to break through Zhang Yu's formation.

But Jiang Yuzhen said thoughtfully: "If you break his formation, you will definitely be discovered soon. If he puts it back again, what will you do? He can't set up the formation every day, let's break the formation every day. "

"Second Young Master, you don't understand. Usually, after a profound formation arranged by a Feng Shui master is broken, its vitality will inevitably be damaged, and it will be difficult to set up another one in a short time. Even if he wants to set up another one, I'm afraid it will be difficult. You have to wait a week." Master Qu said confidently.

"If this is the case, things will be easier to handle. His formation must be set up over in the North Square. Ask someone to find out where it is set up. Let's go and break it for him now!" Jiang Yuzhen I immediately became energetic.

"Liu Ying must know." Ma Mingfeng said.

"This prodigal must have had an affair with Jiang Yulin. Asking her is a waste of time. Luo Qiutian, the deputy general manager of North Plaza, probably knows that Jiang Yulin is using his office now. I think it's better to ask Luo Qiutian. Mingfeng, what are you doing now? Just go find him, give him some sweetness, and promise him some benefits, and you will definitely be able to find out where the Feng Shui array's eye is." Ma Mingxue said.

"Yes, you can find him. I'll go now. I saw him just now." Ma Mingfeng stood up and walked towards the dance floor.

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