Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 28 Black Emperor

Evil spirit! Very strong evil spirit!

Normal people usually cannot feel the evil aura, but how could Zhang Yu not feel it? The large living room was filled with a strong evil aura as soon as he entered. This kind of evil spirit is very strange. It is completely different from the evil spirits that Master Lao Wangtou mentioned. It is a kind that I have never heard of.

Miss Xia's expression was dull, while Han Yanyan looked left and right, as if she was envious of such a large villa.

She didn't feel any evil spirit at all and quickly took out her phone and started taking pictures.

Miss Xia saw that Zhang Yu had not moved since he came in, so she asked, "Did you find anything?"

"The evil spirit here is very strong!" Zhang Yu said solemnly.

"The evil spirit... is still very strong..." Miss Xia said doubtfully: "How did you discover it? Why didn't I feel it? What does the evil spirit look like?"

Although Zhang Yu could tell that she was unwell, he was not the only one who could tell. She had a bad look on her face after being tortured, and anyone with some medical knowledge could see that, which is not unusual. It can be said that when you ask the immortal for help, the immortal can also see it. Moreover, she found several others, and they all said so.

The immortals all said that she was pressed into bed by a ghost, but only Zhang Yu said it was evil spirits, so the question became, who do you believe? She wanted to test whether Zhang Yu really understood or was just talking nonsense.

"Ordinary people can't feel the evil spirit." Zhang Yu said seriously.

"I have also found many masters and immortals who read Feng Shui and fortune-telling. They have also been here. Why don't they feel it?" Miss Xia asked again.

"This may be...the level of cultivation...there may be some people who pretend to understand..." Zhang Yu said.

"Okay, tell me, can the evil spirit on my body be resolved?" Miss Xia asked.

This is the issue she is most concerned about. If Zhang Yu can cure it, it means it is true. If he says it cannot be cured, then it is probably nonsense.

Zhang Yu said solemnly: "Now I must find the source of the evil spirit and determine where it comes from, so that I can prescribe the right medicine and find a way to cure the evil spirit in you."

"Okay, then I'll leave it to you." Miss Xia nodded.

Zhang Yu took a few more steps inside. Han Yanyan was still filming. She heard everything Zhang Yu just said. But she didn't dare to interrupt. Miss Xia had a bad temper, so don't make others angry.

Zhang Yu looked around, and suddenly gathered his true energy in his eyes. He put his finger to his mouth and took a bite, but he saw some blood. He then swiped his finger in front of his eyes, and the surrounding scenery changed instantly.

The entire large living room was filled with black mist, and such a strong evil aura was unprecedented.

Not only was it downstairs, but the stairs were also full of evil spirits. Zhang Yu walked directly over and followed the stairs upstairs.

Miss Xia immediately followed her, and Han Yanyan wanted to go upstairs to take pictures, so she also followed. On the first and second floor is a small living room with four rooms scattered around it. The entire second floor was also covered with black mist. Zhang Yu soon discovered that there was still black mist pouring in. He followed the direction in which the black mist came, until he reached the back window.

Through this window, you can see the outside scene.

Not far away is the mountain. The scenery on the mountain is beautiful and surrounded by green trees. Logically speaking, this location should have the best feng shui. However, the mountains facing us are two mountains intersecting each other, with the middle one being shorter. The lower part looks like a pavilion.

Bursts of black mist drifted over from the intersection of the two mountains and penetrated into the villa.

Facing the evil spirit coming towards him, Zhang Yu's senses became clearer.

"Huh?" He suddenly realized that there was a hint of domineering aura in this evil aura.

Zhang Yu secretly thought: "What's going on? Why is there a kingly aura in the evil aura..."

Old Wangtou told him that only dragon veins can produce royal energy, and ordinary mountains cannot have royal energy.

He began to observe the mountain carefully. The mountain stretched like a dragon.

"Dragon Vein! Could it be that this mountain is really a dragon vein..." Zhang Yu was greatly surprised. Normally, it is impossible for dragon veins to produce evil energy.


Suddenly, a strong wind blew by, making a loud sound, like the roar of a dragon. At this moment, Zhang Yu faintly saw what seemed to be a huge black dragon shadow in the mountains.

The dragon's shadow flashed away. If ordinary people saw it, they would think that they were dazzled, but Zhang Yu was sure that it was not dazzled. There is a real dragon hidden in every dragon vein, and the dragon in this dragon vein is a black dragon.

"Black Dragon Vein...could it be...could this be the Black Emperor..." At this moment, Zhang Yu thought of a legendary story that Old Wangtou had told him.

Legend has it that there are five emperors in the world, and thus there are five emperors' sons reincarnated, namely the Red Emperor, the White Emperor, the Black Emperor, the Green Emperor and the Yellow Emperor. The most famous one is that Liu Bang, the son of the Red Emperor, killed Hu Hai, the son of the White Emperor. It was only after the reincarnation of the White Emperor that Wang Mang avenged his original sword.

"The dragon veins are all auspicious places. How could there be such a strong evil spirit? There must be something weird in this. I must go and take a look!"

As the doubts intensified, Zhang Yu made up his mind and decided to go and check first.

He turned to look at Miss Xia behind him and said, "I want to go over and have a look."

"Go over and take a look? What are you looking at? Could it be that there is something wrong with that mountain?" Miss Xia asked.

"I can't tell you the specific issue now. I can only confirm it first. Sorry, I'll excuse you now." After Zhang Yu finished speaking, he walked quickly downstairs.

Seeing that Zhang Yu was gone, Han Yanyan was overjoyed. She quickly stepped forward and said, "Miss Xia, I think this kid seems to be acting on purpose."

"How?" Miss Xia asked.

"How could he, a salesman of an agency, know Feng Shui and tell fortunes? If he was really that talented, would he still need to work in an agency? He would have made a fortune long ago. I think he must be seeing you as rich. There is a dull look on your face. Even I can tell that it is due to lack of sleep and you must be unwell. He took the opportunity to exaggerate, and it is nothing more than that you feel flustered. Once he leaves, when he comes back, he will definitely say that he has found the source. Then he will help you solve the problem. You are so beautiful and rich, he will definitely take advantage of you. In fact, his methods are just tricks, and all the magicians on the street can do it." Han Yanyan said seriously.

Miss Xia had some doubts before because Zhang Yu's statement was different from that of other immortals. What Han Yanyan said now reached her heart.

My face has become dull in the past few days, and I feel unwell, but there is nothing wrong with it. In addition, Zhang Yu said that there was evil spirit here, but couldn't explain why. She gradually became convinced of Han Yanyan's statement.

However, since I am indeed not in good health, I cannot say that I directly deny Zhang Yu's statement. She decided to wait and see what happened, and wait to see what Zhang Yu said after he came back.

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