Qi's Investment Company.

Qi Wuxuan was sitting behind the boss desk in the general manager's office. On the computer display screen, there was still the market price of Wudang Group. In the past few days, the stock price has continued to fall. He asked Xu Changxing to sell the stocks to make a profit, and he and Su Yalian were responsible for taking over. Although the Jiang family would occasionally try to grab funds, he could be sure that the Jiang family had limited funds and could not grab it. How many chips. On the contrary, retail investors saw the stock price fluctuating and a large number of profit-making chips hoping to make timely profits, so they sold off their chips one after another.

All this is as Qi Wuxuan expected. At this moment, he is holding a report in his hand, which is the current proportion of his position. Initially, the Qi family held 16% of the shares of Wudang Group. After the reorganization and merger of Wudang Group, the Qi family held 8% of the shares.

At this moment, after some absorption, the Qi family currently holds 11% of the shares of Wudang Group. However, in the process of suppressing the stock price this time, Xu Changxing sold 3.2% of his chips, from the previous 19.2% to 16%.

However, Qi Wuxuan was not worried because he knew that the Jiang family could not get the big head, and the big head must be with Su Yalian.

Qi Wuxuan confidently picked up the phone and dialed Su Yalian's phone number.

The call was quickly connected, and Su Yalian's voice rang, "Hello, hello."

"Hello, President Su..." Qi Wuxuan said with a smile.

"Why did Mr. Qi have time to call me today..." Su Yalian also said with a smile.

"It's like this... After absorbing money in the securities market these days, I would like to ask President Su how many chips you have in total." Qi Wuxuan asked.

"A total of 8.5% has been mastered." Su Yalian replied.

"What?" Upon hearing this number, Qi Wuxuan was obviously stunned. The stocks he bought were sold by Xu Changxing, which meant there was no change. But the trading volume on the stock market is so high that it has exceeded 10%.

"What's wrong with Mr. Qi?" Su Yalian said in confusion.

"President Su, the turnover rate of the stock market has been extremely high in the past few days. Before this, you had already taken 6%. Before the surge, you still had foodies. How could it be only 8.5% now? You know, my Qi family has already eaten 3% in the past few days, and Miss Su’s side should at least exceed 10%." Qi Wuxuan said seriously.

"I'm really not sure about this... I really only took in so much. I thought those chips were eaten by Mr. Qi before, so I didn't care much about it." Su Yalian said in surprise. .

"How could it be that I ate it? I don't have much funds in my hands. President Su also knows about this matter. You are the main force in sweeping goods. In the hands of the person named Jiang, He didn't have much money, and I could tell a long time ago that he could only raise the stock price from time to time and get some chips, but he didn't dare to make a big deal to grab the chips. With so much trading volume and so many big-ticket eaters, except for At least 3% of the chips taken by the Jiang family and some retail investors were lost. These chips are not with me, nor with you, so where did they go?" Qi Wuxuan said a little anxiously.

"I really don't know about this, and you know that I'm not in this business. I just pay the money... By the way, could it be Zhang Yu who ate it..." Su Yalian said a little aggrievedly.

"This is even more impossible. Zhang Yu is most likely dead. The Wudang Group is leaderless. Only Jiang Xianzhang can barely resist. The others are at most using small tricks and cannot do anything like this. If you have more funds, come and raise money with us!" Qi Wuxuan said almost in an affirmative tone.

"But... it's not Zhang Yu's side... it's not us... who else could it be... maybe some mysterious funds have appeared..." Su Yalian guessed.

"Mysterious funds..." Qi Wuxuan said with some disbelief: "The stock price of Wudang Group is at a high level now. Who would risk taking chips at this price? This is not asking for trouble..."

"You can't say that. Now all fools know that your Qi family is trying its best to buy into the Wudang Group. If someone uses a large amount of money to buy the shares of the Wudang Group at this time, they can wait for the price and sell it to you. The two families will pay a higher price to buy it and make a profit from it." Su Yalian speculated again.

"Impossible!" Qi Wuxuan said decisively: "If someone really does this kind of thing, they must first find out the financial status of both parties. Zhang Yu of the Wudang Group is not here, and he can't come up with the money at all, how can he ask for a price? And sell. At most, he sold his shares to me. Without competition, would he think his chips are valuable?"

"Then I really don't know...what's going on..." Su Yalian said innocently.

"Bastard!" Qi Wuxuan gritted his teeth. The sudden turn of events really left him at a loss as to what to do.

Who this mysterious source of funds came from was a bit confusing to him, who was always shrewd.

"Mr. Qi, I don't think you need to get angry. Didn't you say that Zhang Yu has already made a will? In a few days, the time limit for notarization will come. By that time, as soon as the will is announced, the shares he holds will be Everything will be disrupted. It will not be easy to take down the Wudang Group by then, so why do you need to be so angry over such trivial matters." Su Yalian said with relief.

"That's true..." Qi Wuxuan clenched his fist with his left hand. What kind of person he is, he arranged the whole situation. Qi Wuxuan vaguely thought that there must be some problem with Su Yalian, but he couldn't explain what the problem was. At this moment, Qi Wuxuan could only accept it and temporarily agreed with Su Yalian's statement, but he still said: "President Su, you and I are at a loss now. Taking down the Wudang Group is our common goal. Therefore, I hope that President Su can Go all out and don’t have any other worries.”

His words were clearly a hint to Amelia Su not to have any other crooked ideas.

Su Yalian smiled and said: "Look what you said, can I not understand this truth... Don't worry, Mr. Qi, I will do my best here..."

"That's good." Qi Wuxuan said.

The two exchanged a few token polite words before Qi Wuxuan hung up the phone.

He raised his head, leaned on the back of the chair, and muttered to himself, "The stocks that were taken away are definitely not enough. At least 3% were taken away by others. Where did these chips go... Su Yalian said she didn't know. Even if she didn't know, she should have eaten at least as much as that person. How could she eat so little..."

"Calm down...calm down..." At this moment, a voice sounded in his mind.

Qi Wuxuan picked up the cigarette on the table, lit one, and after taking two puffs, his expression gradually softened.

"Su Yalian, I don't care what kind of medicine you are selling in your gourd... You have bought so many shares of Wudang Group, and you don't want to lose after all..."

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