Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2775 Perfect

Why did Zhang Yu appear in detention room No. 2? He was originally sleeping in No. 3. In fact, it was very simple. Not long after he entered the detention room, he heard the sound outside the door.

A total of four patrolmen were guarding the doors of the two detention rooms No. 2 and 3. The two detention rooms were right next to each other, so there was no need for so many people. Therefore, according to the usual practice, they can work in shifts. The patrol officer who won the lottery and the patrol officer watching Cao Bin went to the duty room to sleep first. The bamboo pole patrol officer and another colleague were responsible for guarding the two detention rooms.

At this time, Zhang Yu thought that the opportunity had come. He knocked on the door in the room. The bamboo pole patrol officer was grateful to Zhang Yu. When he heard Zhang Yu knocking on the door, he immediately opened the door and asked about the situation. Zhang Yu said that the bed inside was uneven and always "squeaky", making it particularly uncomfortable when sleeping.

Normally, the patrol would take care of this matter. It is estimated that no suspect in custody would approach the patrol for this matter. However, Zhang Yu had this face. The bamboo pole patrolman called his companions and came in together to help check the bed. The result was good, Zhang Yu had already arranged a small magic array inside. The bed legs were quickly flattened, and the two of them seemed to have returned to guard the door. In fact, this was just their own illusion. They were still trapped in Zhang Yu's room.

Zhang Yu took the opportunity to leave Detention Room No. 3 and entered Detention Room No. 2. Even though the door was locked, it was too easy for Zhang Yu to open it with his ability. Entering the detention room No. 2, Zhang Yu activated the formation he had arranged before, and then shook Cao Bin awake. Everything was completely under Zhang Yu's control.

After asking everything, Zhang Yu put Cao Bin back on the bed to sleep. He left the No. 2 detention room, locked the door again, and returned to the No. 3 detention room.

Of course, Zhang Yu couldn't just remove the formation directly, otherwise the two patrolmen trapped inside would definitely become suspicious. Zhang Yu could only continue to act, making the two patrolmen mistakenly think that Zhang Yu was knocking on the door again, and then opened the door to ask about the situation. Zhang Yu said that the bed was still uncomfortable and he needed help. Another patrolman was very dissatisfied and asked Zhang Yu directly if he was looking for trouble, but the bamboo pole patrolman quickly put in a good word. Just like that, the two of them entered Zhang Yu's room again and helped flatten the mattress.

At this time, Zhang Yu withdrew the formation, thanked him profusely, sent the two patrol officers out, and was locked up in the No. 3 detention room again.

All this seems to be seamless, but there are surveillance cameras in the corridor of the crime team, and everything Zhang Yu does will naturally be recorded by the surveillance cameras. But there is one important point. Song Feng is in the monitoring room at the moment and has conveniently erased all of this.

The two Bamboo Patrol Patrolmen returned to the corridor and stood in the corridor. The other patrolman was slightly younger. He said a little dissatisfied: "Brother Dong, what do you mean by taking care of this kid like this? His bed is uneven, let's go in and help him." Twice... By the way, there was luggage in Detention Room No. 2 before... This person can't be a relative of yours..."

"If my family had such relatives, why would I be a patrolman? I would have already become rich." The bamboo pole patrolman curled his lips and said in a low voice.

"What do you mean by that? This guy... seems to be a security guard from the countryside..." Another patrolman said in confusion.

"I'm telling you, don't tell anyone else." Patrolman Zhugan whispered again.

"Okay, I definitely won't tell anyone else." Seeing how mysterious the Bamboo Patrol Patrol was, the little patrol officer was even more curious and nodded repeatedly.

"You don't know, this guy is a living god. When we interrogated him again, he said that he saw the grievances in the Justice Law Firm and followed the grievances to find the female body. He also said that he could tell fortunes. About this We patrolmen definitely couldn’t believe this statement. So, Brother Wang asked him to help him to check it out, hoping to expose him. Unexpectedly, this guy was so accurate. He not only told Brother Wang’s family situation When he came out, he even said that Brother Wang would make a fortune in the next two days. Immediately afterwards, Brother Wang received a call from his sister-in-law. He had won a lottery at Tesco two days ago. When he went to see it today, he found that he had won the first prize and the second prize. One hundred thousand... In addition to Brother Wang, Xiao Nan also told him to forget it. He told Xiao Nan that if he went out and walked east today, he would meet the right man. Otherwise, he would have to wait for a year or two. Detective I gave Xiaonan a leave, and let Xiaonan go, but in the end... I really met him... In addition, there was me..." The bamboo pole patrolman then told them exactly what happened to Zhang Yu telling their fortunes. There is no need to add any extra fuel or vinegar, it already looks amazing. At the end of the sentence, Inspector Zhugan added, "The boss specially told us that this matter belongs to feudal superstition and cannot be leaked... Moreover, if everyone knows about it and asks him to tell their fortunes one by one, our serious crime team will not be able to succeed. The market has become a joke... We brothers have a good relationship, so I told you, you must not let it out..."

"I know, I know..." After hearing this, the little patrol nodded repeatedly. Only then did he understand why the Bamboo Patrol Patrol and the others were so polite to Zhang Yu. It turned out that they had met an expert. It's okay if you don't know about this kind of thing. Now that you know it, you must ask Zhang Yu for help.

Time passed slowly, and nothing else happened that night.

Cao Bin, who was in the No. 2 detention room, slowly opened his eyes. As soon as he opened his eyes, he subconsciously looked around and said in his heart: "That Inspector Song, what is going on? After interrogating me, I Why don’t I know anything... Where am I now, am I not dead..."

He sat up and realized that he was under the quilt on the bed. The quilt was still the same as before, no surprise at all.

"Eh... why am I still here..." Cao Bin scratched his head in confusion, and a thought gradually came to his mind, "Could it be that I had a dream... No way, what happened at that time was so real. , It doesn’t look like a dream... But, if it wasn’t a dream, what happened next and how did I come back here..."

The reality of the phantom formation and the fact that he was still lying in bed made Cao Bin unsure whether his being silenced and interrogated really happened or if it was just a dream.

He was worried and kept thinking wildly.

Zhang Yu, who was next door, was taken to the interrogation room by Song Feng early in the morning for interrogation. Song Feng was still the same as before, asking Zhang Yu if he had stolen the necklace. To put it bluntly, it was all nonsense. However, interrogation requires interrogation skills. Even if it is acting, he has to pretend. After all, he is not interrogating alone, and there are three subordinates sitting next to him. He asked Zhang Yu the questions he had asked before, out of order, which was also a common method used during interrogations.

After struggling for half an hour, after recording the notes, Song Feng took out a cigarette and asked someone to light one for Zhang Yu. Then he signaled that his men could go out first and he wanted to interrogate Zhang Yu alone. He was the detective. , what others can say, they can only go out obediently. In the opinion of his subordinates, it may be that Inspector Song wants to ask Zhang Yu for fortune telling again.

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