Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2754 Burglary

The actions and words of Chu Xue and others made Zhang Yu feel confused for a while, and he really couldn't figure out what happened.

But the thirty-year-old patrolman was rude and waved his hand directly and said: "Catch him and take him back to the patrol room!"

The two young police officers following him immediately rushed towards Zhang Yu and held down Zhang Yu's arms respectively.

With Zhang Yu's ability, if he wanted to resist, these two little patrolmen wouldn't be enough to watch him. But I can't say anything about beating a patrol officer in public.

Zhang Yu quickly said: "Why are you arresting me? I didn't break the law..."

The patrolman in his thirties walked directly in front of Zhang Yu. He pointed at Chuxue first and then said: "The night before yesterday, did you go into her office at Guangcai Investment Company and get her bag?" Come out?"

"Yes..." Zhang Yu couldn't even admit it, because it was obvious that Chu Xue said this. But Zhang Yu immediately explained: "She said she forgot her bag in the office because Mr. Cao wanted to rape her before, so she didn't dare to go upstairs to get the bag, so she asked me to help her go up and get it down."

"Boy, stop spouting nonsense here! Who did you say raped her..." Cao Bin immediately became anxious and shouted angrily.

"Originally, you wanted to rape her. When I was patrolling from floor to floor, I happened to pass by. When I heard the sound, I pushed the door open and walked in, which just stopped you from further actions! She can testify to this!" Zhang Yuhao! He said without showing any weakness.

The thirty-year-old patrolman did not expect such an incident. He turned to look at Cao Bin and said, "What's going on?"

"It's didn't happen at all. I was just discussing business with Chuxue. She was sitting on the sofa and I was standing on the edge of the sofa. After I finished talking about the matter, I was about to leave, but accidentally, I fell on my foot. After a knock, she fell to the sofa... The sofa was so big, and Chuxue was sitting on the sofa, and it happened to fall on top of her. Chuxue must have been startled at the time, so she yelled... I didn't do this unintentionally. , can even this be considered rape?" Cao Bin explained plausibly.

At the end of the sentence, he turned to look at Chuxue, widened his eyes and said, "Chuxue, tell yourself, is this the case?"

"I..." Chuxue couldn't help but feel scared. After all, Cao Bin was the boss of an investment company, and Zhang Yu was just a small security guard in the countryside. There was no way he could compete with Cao Bin. Moreover, this was an attempted rape, so it shouldn't be anything serious. If he offended Cao Bin again because of this, he might have a difficult life in the future. Chuxue hesitated for a moment, nodded slightly and said: "It is indeed a misunderstanding..."

"Captain, you heard it, it was just a misunderstanding..." Cao Bin said with grievance.

He then pointed at Zhang Yu and said: "This kid doesn't know anything, he's just yelling and screaming here! Look at him as a country bumpkin, he must have stolen Wu Chang's necklace!"

The patrolman in his thirties looked at Chu Xue, then at Cao Bin, and finally his eyes fell on Zhang Yu. He said slowly: "As I said, it was just a misunderstanding. There was no such thing as rape. But what about you? You are not an employee of Guangcai Investment Company, you are the security guard of the building. What right do you have to enter the office of another company? This lady..."

As the patrolman spoke, he pointed to the middle-aged woman next to Cao Bin and continued: "She said that a necklace worth eight thousand yuan was missing from the drawer of her desk... because after get off work, you were the only one who entered her office. , you are not from their company, so I suspect that you stole the necklace..."

"I didn't steal it, I just took out her bag and didn't stay for another minute." Zhang Yu explained quickly.

Similarly, he also knew in his heart that Chu Xue said it was a misunderstanding, but actually he was afraid of Cao Bin. Based on the identities of both parties, Cao Bin did not succeed in this kind of thing, but Chu Xue's one-sided words may not be of much use in the court. Also, even if Cao Bin is sentenced, he probably won’t be given a harsh sentence, and it might just be a suspended sentence.

"Didn't you stay for a minute?" Cao Bin curled his lips and said, "Don't talk about this first, I'm going to ask you how you got into the office! Chuxue is a newcomer to the company and doesn't have the key to the office at all. I left the office When I arrived, the door was obviously locked, can you give me a reasonable explanation?"

After hearing this, Zhang Yu now completely understood what was going on. Cao Bin must have a good memory. When Chuxue left that night, he forgot to take his bag, and he noticed it.

The next morning, Chuxue's bag was missing, so Chuxue must have taken it away when she came back at night. Chuxue got in through the lock on the door. Even if it was your own company, but you didn't have the key, how did you get in?

Cao Bin obviously wanted revenge, so he deliberately asked an employee in the same office as Chuxue to frame Chuxue by saying that the necklace was lost. Cao Bin called Chuxue and asked Chuxue to collect her salary, which was basically a lie to her. After the people arrived, the patrolman was already waiting here and took them down directly. Chuxue must be scared, and since she really didn't go upstairs, she would naturally have to testify against Zhang Yu.

Although he knew what was going on, the other party insisted, and he indeed entered the office and took the bag away, leaving Zhang Yu a bit unable to argue. Zhang Yu could only bite the bullet and said: "When I went there, I thought you were in the room, so I turned the door handle. It turned out that the door of the room was not locked at all. It opened as soon as I turned it. I just didn't see you inside... "

"Captain, listen to what he said. When he arrived at our company's office, he didn't even knock on the door. He just turned the doorknob and treated it as his own home? This man has no quality at first glance. He said he stole the necklace. How can he still do it? Do you have any questions?" Cao Bin immediately caught Zhang Yu's words and said this.

The thirty-year-old patrolman nodded and said to Zhang Yu: "Whether you stole it or not, please go back to the station first."

How dare Zhang Yu go back to the patrol room with him? After this, his identity must not be exposed. By that time, not only will there be big trouble, but it will also alert others.

Just when Zhang Yu was in danger, the elevator door opened and three people walked out. Of these three people, one is the captain Fatty Sun, one is Min Zhengyi, and the other is naturally Leng Lingxue.

As soon as the three people came out and saw the situation, they were all stunned. Fatty Sun said in confusion: "Captain, Mr. Cao, what is going on?"

Cao Bin said directly: "You come and ask me, what should I ask you? What's wrong with your building? The security guards dare to come to my company and burglarize. It's like they're guarding themselves!"

"Ah?" Fatty Sun was startled on the spot and said quickly: "How is this possible?"

"How is it impossible..." Cao Bin pointed at Zhang Yu and shouted loudly: "It's him who entered our company's office without permission and stole the gold necklaces of our employees!"

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