Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2748 There is really a woman crying

Zhang Yu arrived at the 20th floor. The corridor was dark. He was familiar with the road and turned left, heading towards Guangcai Investment Company. Walk all the way to the end of the corridor, outside Mr. Cao's office door.

Zhang Yu took out the pin and inserted it into the keyhole. With a click, the door opened. Zhang Yu stepped in and turned on the light in the room unceremoniously. The door closed and Zhang Yu came to the second roll cabinet. After unlocking the locker, Zhang Yu remembered that the account book was placed on the middle floor, and he also generally remembered the position where it was inserted back.

He immediately pulled out a folder from that position and opened it. What followed inside was just printed customer information. Zhang Yu closed it casually, inserted it back, and took out a folder from the side.

As a result, the contents of this folder were the same as the one just now. They were also ordinary customer information, not a ledger at all.

Next, Zhang Yu checked one after another and found more than fifty folders in a row, which were all normal customer information. He didn't see the notepad from last night at all.

Zhang Yu was absolutely certain that the notepad was pulled out from the middle. Why is it gone now?

"Could it be that the man named Cao noticed something, so he changed his position..." Zhang Yu continued to rummage, and he pulled out all the folders in the cabinet, but the result was still the same.

Unavoidably unwilling, he locked the locker and opened the locker next to it to look through it.

This cabinet contained stock information. Zhang Yu checked it and found the same notepad as last night.

"Where did this guy go..." Zhang Yu couldn't help but gritted his teeth and secretly regretted in his heart. If he had known that this notepad was so useful, he should have taken pictures with his mobile phone last night. Good thing now, I can’t find it anymore if I try to look for it.

There was no other way, and Zhang Yu couldn't give up. After locking the cabinet, he rummaged through the drawers on Mr. Cao's desk. There are a few notepads here, but they only record some insignificant things, and Zhang Yu also looked through them last night.

The notepad called the ledger seemed to have disappeared out of thin air.

"Ohh Ohh ohh……"

At this moment, Zhang Yu suddenly heard the faint sound of a woman crying from the corridor.

"Crying! A woman's crying..." Upon hearing this cry, Zhang Yu immediately froze.

When I came here last night, I didn't hear the woman's cry that Zhu Youzhi mentioned. I didn't expect that when I came here tonight, I actually heard it.

"What's going on? There wasn't one last night, but there is one tonight..." Zhang Yu was confused. He turned his right hand and the money sword appeared in his palm.

He stood up and listened quietly. After a minute, the crying was still the same and there was no change.

Now, he was standing behind the boss' desk. He closed the drawers and locked the locked drawers. Then he slowly walked around the boss' desk and walked towards the door.

Arriving behind the door, Zhang Yu held the money sword across his chest, then pulled the door handle and slowly opened the door. As soon as the door opened, Zhang Yu subconsciously took a step back in case someone attacked him.

The corridor was pitch dark, but once the door opened, the crying in the corridor could be heard more clearly than before.

"Ohh Ohh ohh……"

The woman's cry sounded very sad and helpless, which could be described as miserable.

Zhang Yu took a step forward and snatched it away. At the same time, he pointed the money sword to the right to avoid any accident. When he came to the corridor, Zhang Yu couldn't see a single figure. With his current level of cultivation, even if there was a ghost causing trouble, Zhang Yu would still be able to detect it.

"Who are you pretending to be? Come out..." Zhang Yu said in a deep voice.


Zhang Yu didn't get any answer, only the crying continued.

"Okay, since you want to play, then I will play with you..." Zhang Yu said in a deep voice again.

He is still not sure whether someone is pretending to be a ghost or whether there is really a ghost at work. After all, when Zhang Yu came last night, he found nothing and found the account book easily. But this time when I came back, the account book was gone, but I heard crying.

Therefore, Zhang Yu could not help but suspect that he was acting like this because he accidentally left some traces last night.

There must be a master of cultivation around this mastermind. It is not impossible that someone is planning this.

Zhang Yu was cautious and slowly closed his eyes, feeling everything around him with his inner eye.

Except for the sound of crying, there was no sound from anyone around. There seemed to be no one in the entire corridor. The only thing I discovered was that the crying seemed to be coming from the other end of the corridor.

"Is there no one..." Zhang Yu opened his eyes, hesitated for a moment, and then muttered to himself, "No matter what it is, let's go and take a look first..."

Zhang Yu was still very careful. He turned off the lights in Mr. Cao's room, closed the door, locked it again, and then walked forward step by step along the corridor.

Zhang Yu didn't open his eyes, he just forced his eyes to move forward, feeling everything in the corridor with only his inner eyes.

After spending some time with Qin Xiyun, Zhang Yu gained a lot of insights. Although a blind man cannot see the world or the surrounding scenery, he can see the most real side of everything.

Therefore, in this case, it is more beneficial to walk forward with your mind's eye.

Zhang Yu's footsteps were very light, making almost no sound. Even though he walked slowly, he passed the middle elevator room in a short while. Walking further to the opposite side, you will find the Justice Law Firm.

When he came last night, Zhang Yu didn't pay attention to this law firm at all. However, today he met Leng Lingxue and the owner of the firm, Min Zhengyi, which gave him a little understanding of this law firm.

The crying sound seemed to come from the office, and Zhang Yu was very puzzled by this. After all, if something really happened, it should be with Mr. Cao. Why would it appear in the law firm?

As he walked, Zhang Yu was almost certain that he had reached the end of the corridor. In addition, the crying sound came from behind the door to his right.

Zhang Yu opened his eyes and turned to look at the door on the right. This door is different from other doors. It is a large iron door. There is a sign hanging on the door. Through the starlight coming from the window next to it, Zhang Yu can vaguely see the words written on the sign - Archives.

"It's here..." Zhang Yu took out the pin and put it into the keyhole.

This is a security door. The door lock is relatively high-end. I flipped the pin inside several times before unlocking the door.

With a "click", the iron door opened, Zhang Yu pulled it outward, and subconsciously took a step back, with the money sword guarding his chest, and then he looked inwards.

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