Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2745 Can’t Recognize

Zhang Yu and Leng Lingxue sat in front of each other at a table, both drinking tea. Of course, there are differences between the two of them when they drink tea. Leng Lingxue sipped the tea in small sips, savoring the taste, and Zhang Yu felt it was like boiled water, quenching his thirst.

After a while, Zhang Yu's cell phone rang. He picked it up and saw that it was Song Feng calling. Zhang Yu answered directly and said, "Hello, Brother Song?"

"It's me, I'm already here, right at the door." Song Feng's voice rang on the phone.

"Okay, I'll go out right now." Zhang Yu said.

Just when Zhang Yu's phone rang, Leng Lingxue, who was sitting at the table in front of him, stood up and walked outside.

Zhang Yu hung up the phone and stood up, Leng Lingxue happened to pass by him. Naturally, Leng Lingxue would not take Zhang Yu seriously. Although the two had met, they did not have a deep impression. In addition, Zhang Yu's skin color now resembles that of a West Asian, and Leng Lingxue was even more uncomfortable. Maybe he recognized him and just thought he was a rural person. Zhang Yu walked behind Leng Lingxue, and the two of them paid the bill at the bar one after the other. They left the tea restaurant one after another.

Song Feng's car was parked on the road in front of the tea restaurant. Song Feng stood beside the car and was looking towards the door. Leng Lingxue walked out first. When Song Feng saw Leng Lingxue, he felt that she looked familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had seen her before.

Leng Lingxue, on the other hand, recognized Song Feng at a glance. One was the detective of the serious crime team, and the other was a barrister. When she was helping someone solve a criminal case, Leng Lingxue had met Song Feng and knew that the man in front of her was the detective of the serious crime team.

Just as Leng Lingxue was about to say hello to Song Feng, Zhang Yu happened to come out behind her. Of course Song Feng didn't recognize Zhang Yu, but Zhang Yu directly shouted: "Brother Song, I'm here..."

Hearing his voice, Song Feng took a closer look and found that his figure and voice were no different from Zhang Yu himself, and his facial features were similar, but too dark.

"Brother, get in the car." Song Feng said immediately.

"You came really fast..." Zhang Yu responded and walked quickly past Leng Lingxue.

At this moment, Leng Lingxue had no choice but to subconsciously turn her head to look at Zhang Yu. Zhang Yu's appearance was unremarkable, he looked like a country bumpkin. This made Leng Lingxue couldn't help but murmur to herself, "Who is this person? He is a brother-in-law with the detective of the serious crime team. It seems that the relationship between the two people is not shallow..."

While she was still mumbling, Zhang Yu had already gotten into Song Feng's car. Song Feng didn't care who this familiar-looking woman was, opened the car door, got in, started the car and left. After all, he was a patrol officer, started from the grassroots level, and had met a lot of people.

Song Feng was responsible for driving, but he still said in confusion: "Brother, why have you become so dark and cold, I can't even recognize you..."

"Isn't this a cover-up..." Zhang Yu said with a smile.

"That's's just how you put on this makeup..." Song Feng couldn't help but laugh.

"He's just blind..." Zhang Yu laughed and said, "I'll call Director Chu..."

He took out his mobile phone and dialed Chu Zhenhuan's phone number.

The call was quickly connected, and Chu Zhenhuan's voice rang, "Hello, hello."

"Hey, Uncle Chu, I'm Zhang Yu. Is it convenient for you to talk over there..." Zhang Yu said directly.

"Xiao Yu... It's convenient for me to talk here. I'm alone in the office. What's the matter?" Chu Zhenhuan said.

While talking, Chu Zhenhuan was a little puzzled and didn't understand why Zhang Yu was so mysterious. However, Chu Zhenhuan also heard about the Wudang Group. It was rumored that Zhang Yu was not in the country, but now he suddenly called. Moreover, the phone number used by Zhang Yu was not the previous number, but an unfamiliar number.

"That's it... Inspector Song and I discovered some problems with Xingye Mining Group and wanted to report them to you. But it's not convenient for me to go to your place now. It's best if we can find a place to talk alone." Zhang Yu said.

"Oh? There is such a thing..." Chu Zhenhuan was even more surprised. He immediately said: "Okay, let's go... There is a Wandao Coffee on Fuchun Road. There are private rooms inside, which are very suitable for talking about things. Let's go there now. , whoever arrives first will open a private room and call us..."

"Okay, Brother Song and I will go over right away..." Zhang Yu said.

After hanging up the phone, he told Song Feng to go to Wandao Coffee on Fuchun Road to meet Chu Zhenhuan.

Their location was quite far away from Fuchun Road. When they were about to arrive, they received a call from Chu Zhenhuan, saying that they had arrived at Wandao Coffee, which was in private room 03 on the second floor.

Song Feng drove for a while and finally arrived at Wandao Coffee. He found a parking space and parked his car. They got off the car together and went upstairs to Private Room 03.

As soon as he entered the private room door, he saw Chu Zhenhuan and Qin Yu sitting inside.

Chu Zhenhuan recognized Song Feng at a glance, but did not recognize Zhang Yu. He looked at Zhang Yu in confusion, as if wondering who Song Feng had brought.

Zhang Yu immediately said: "Uncle Chu, I am..."

Chu Zhenhuan naturally heard his voice immediately. He was about to ask Zhang Yu what was going on, but then he found a waiter following him.

Chu Zhenhuan was so alert that he immediately said: "It's you. You're so tanned. Where have you been traveling... Sit down quickly..."

Zhang Yu and Song Feng sat down, ordered coffee, waited for the waiter to bring the things, closed the door and left, and then they started to chat.

Zhang Yu said that he also put on makeup like this in order to deceive others. Chu Zhenhuan couldn't help but nod, praising Zhang Yu's skill in makeup, which was really hard to recognize.

Even Qin Yu couldn't help but admire him, saying that the Independent Commission Against Corruption sometimes wore makeup to conduct investigations. This makeup technique seems to be inferior to Zhang Yu. It is a pity that Mr. Zhang is not an investigator. His words made several people laugh.

After laughing for a while, Chu Zhenhuan said again: "Xiao Yu, you said that you found that Xingye Mining Group has another problem. I don't know what the problem is?"

"It's like this. I originally planned to investigate who was trying to swallow up my Wudang Group together with the Qi family, but I unexpectedly discovered that someone bribed Wang Ci, the son of Wang Jiaju, the new general manager of Xingye Mining Group. Not only did he give Wang Jiaju Five million, and even some connections were made to allow Wang Ci to intern at the Medical University, and he could even become a full-time employee quickly," Zhang Yu said.

Chu Zhenhuan nodded and said, "Then can you find out who is the person who bribed Wang Ci?"

Seeing that Chu Zhenhuan was not surprised at all, Zhang Yu was stunned for a moment and said, "Did Uncle Chu already know about this?"

Chu Zhenhuan nodded again and said: "We also discovered that Wang Ci suddenly became rich after his father became the general manager. After follow-up investigation, we only found that a man named A Ming was in contact with Wang Ci. Ah Ming hopes that Wang Ci can draw Wang Jiaju into the water, change a newly discovered mine from an open bid to a hidden bid for auction, and conduct a secret operation."

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