Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2739 Damn it

"Wang Ci..."

Zhang Yu groaned, he really didn't expect that he accidentally found the records about Wang Ci by browsing randomly.

He immediately checked carefully and found that the records on the notepad were the same as those of the previous ones, with relatively few dates.

November 2, XX, 0.2.

November 8, XX, 0.2.

November 15, XX, 0.5.

November 24, XX, 1.

December 8, XX, 10.

December 14, XX, 1.

January 1, XX, 1.

January 21, XX, 50.

After reading the above records, Zhang Yu can confirm that they are the contents of last year and this year, and the period is only two months. Moreover, the last record, January 21, happens to be today.

"What exactly is written on this..." Zhang Yu muttered to himself, but he really couldn't understand it.

But he could vaguely realize that the records above might be more important. If you deliberately take the notepad away, Mr. Cao may find out soon. But now, I don't know what the contents of the notepad are for.

After hesitating for a moment, he decided to keep the things and stuff them into the locker again.

Zhang Yu looked at his phone and saw that it was already 12:10 in the morning.

Standing here, Zhang Yu didn't hear any unusual sounds. After locking the locker, Zhang Yu turned off the lights in the office, then locked the door and left the room.

The corridor was dark and quiet, and the woman's cry that Zhu Youwang mentioned did not exist at all.

"There was no crying... Did he hear it wrong? It shouldn't be..." Zhang Yu muttered in his heart again, "Could it be that the owner of the building asked experts to solve the problem..."

After all, Zhang Yu is not the only one in this world who has the ability to solve this kind of problem. Baimei Palace, Yangchun Temple, and other Taoist temples in Zhenhai City all have such capable people. As long as it's not particularly difficult, it can pretty much be solved.

Thinking of this floor, Zhang Yu decided to ignore the things on the 20th floor for the time being and go down to the Zhen Development Investment Company on the 15th floor to check it out.

He immediately thought of the two security guards at the entrance of Zhen Development Investment Company. Zhang Yu couldn't help but feel angry when he thought of the attitudes of these two guys. After thinking for a moment, a faint smile appeared on his face, "You two guys, let's see how I deal with you later..."

On the fifteenth floor, Zhen Development Investment Company. Outside the company, opposite the elevator entrance, is the reception desk. Behind the reception desk, sit the two burly security guards. These two guys are also extremely bored and spend most of their time holding their mobile phones every night. One of them specializes in eating chicken, and the other, who is of a higher grade, is reading the novel "The Art of Controlling the House" serialized by Tie Suo.

The security guard glanced at his chicken-eating companion and said, "What's the point of eating chicken all day long? You haven't had enough... read a novel with me..."

"If you don't have that hobby, it's better to eat chicken..." said the security guard who was eating chicken.

"You really have no future at all. Otherwise, you should pay attention to Tie Suo's official account first. There will be unexpected surprises when the time comes. Maybe you will fall in love..." said the security guard who was reading the novel.

"What surprises can there be..." said the security guard who was eating chicken.

"There are constant surprises..." said the security guard who was reading the novel.

The two people were talking when they suddenly heard the elevator door opening.

The two people immediately raised their eyes to look at the elevator. Sure enough, the elevator door opened, but there was no one in the elevator room, and there was only a travel bag. The travel bag was open, revealing stacks of banknotes inside, and there were even a lot of banknotes scattered outside the bag.

As soon as they saw so much money, they both looked at it. The security guard who was eating chicken said: "What's going on?"

"I don't know...why so much money..." The security guard who was reading the novel subconsciously walked around the reception desk and walked towards the elevator entrance.

When the security guard who was eating chicken saw his companion passing by, he quickly bypassed the reception desk and walked quickly to the elevator as if he was afraid that his companion would take away his money. The two of them almost entered the elevator front and back, but as soon as they entered the elevator, the elevator door suddenly closed.

The elevator room, which was originally lit, instantly became pitch black.

"This, this..." The chicken-eating security guard was startled and immediately screamed.

The security guard who was reading the novel was also scared, but he managed to calmly say: "Maybe there is a power outage. Open the elevator door and take a look..."

With that said, he reached out and opened the elevator door.

However, just as he put his hand on the elevator door, he felt the elevator suddenly fall at high speed.

The falling speed was extremely fast, as if the elevator was out of control. The two security guards were caught off guard and both screamed, "Ah..." "Ah..."

Fortunately, the elevator stopped again in the blink of an eye, because it was pitch dark inside, and they didn't know which floor the elevator had fallen to due to the fall just now.

The security guard who was reading the novel wanted to open the elevator door, but at this moment, the elevator suddenly rose sharply.

The elevator's rising speed is also extremely fast, no less fast than its falling speed just now. I don't know which floor the elevator went to, but it suddenly stopped again.

This move was enough to dodge the two of them, and the last move made the security guard sit down on the ground.

The security guard who was reading the novel swayed but had not yet sat down. However, the elevator fell down again, and after a moment, it stopped again.

The pause in the fall was really unbearable. The security guard who was reading the novel felt his legs staggering and he sat down on the ground.

"Oh my god...what's wrong with this elevator..." the security guard who was reading the novel shouted.

"I don't know... could it be a ghost..." The chicken-eating security guard no longer had the same momentum as before, and was trembling now.

After hearing this, the security guard who was reading the novel couldn't help but tremble and stammered: "You, don't scare me... there is a ghost somewhere..."

"If not..." the chicken-eating security guard said, but before he could say the next words, the two of them felt that the elevator suddenly rose up, and then paused.

The security guard who was eating chicken was even more frightened, and his teeth began to chatter, "If there is no could this elevator be like this...Also, the money we just saw...that bag doesn't seem to be in here..."

At this moment, his voice was mixed with tears.

Come to think of it, whoever would encounter this kind of thing in the elevator would be very frightened.

"Yes... that bag... still has money..." The security guard who was reading the novel reacted immediately after being reminded.

It was dark here. Sitting on the ground, he hurriedly reached out to find any bags and the scattered money.

"What a's really a money..." Good guy, this time the security guard who was reading the novel changed his voice to a cry, and he was completely frightened.

"What to do... what to do..." the chicken-eating security guard said nervously.

While he was talking, the elevator that had just risen suddenly fell down again.

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