Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2724 Who came up with this harmful idea?

"How can this be allowed? It's too hasty..." Xu Changxing became anxious when he saw Mr. Jiang saying 'yes'.

Du Quan also said: "It is indeed too hasty."

Yuan Jucheng also said: "The meeting will be held on the same day, and the vote will be taken on the same day... You have to give everyone some time to think..."

Yang Ying was amused, but she said calmly on the surface: "Actually, it can't be said to be hasty. Normally, the resolution of the board of directors only needs more than half of the people. I think... it's better to have a vote first. If If the number of people exceeds half, then it will pass... If the number of people does not exceed half, then we will go back and think about it... Isn't that all..."

At this point, Yang Ying's face showed a look of embarrassment, and she continued: "I have promised CEO Wen... If I can't reply to her on time, it would be a bit inappropriate... But after all, it is a big deal, and we still Let's vote first and see if we can get more than half..."

"It makes sense." Jiang Xianzhang nodded and said.

With the support of this old fox in the shopping mall, Yang Ying was bolder. Without even waiting for Xu Changxing and the others to say anything, she raised her hands and said, "If you agree with Wudang Group's investment in this project, please raise your hands! "

"I agree!" Jiang Xianzhang raised his hands.

When he raised his hand, Jiang Yulin and Jiang Yuzhen naturally did not hesitate and raised their hands along with their father.

When Xiao Jiejie saw the Jiang family and his son raising their hands, even if she didn't understand what it meant, she knew it was beneficial and harmless. So, she also raised her hands.

The result of this kind of voting will definitely be like this. Xu Changxing and the others have no chance of winning.

Yang Ying was about to announce the results, but before she could speak, Xu Changxing stood up and said, "Mr. Yang, I'm sorry. I abstained from voting this time..."

After saying that, he left the meeting directly and walked towards the door of the conference room.

Seeing that he left on the spot, Du Quan did not hesitate, stood up and said: "I also abstain!"

Du Quan immediately followed Xu Changxing and left. When Li Meizhen saw her uncle leaving, she naturally stood up and helped smooth things over. She said, "Mr. Yang, I'm sorry, my uncle is feeling a little unwell today. Let's leave first."

Yuan Jucheng couldn't stay any longer, so he immediately stood up and said, "I had a bad stomach at lunch. I will also abstain from voting this time!"

Yuan Tianru also stood up. She originally wanted to be polite, but she didn't want Yang Ying to stand up first. Yang Ying said loudly: "It's okay for the three directors to abstain, but now the voting results have come out. According to the regulations of the board of directors, the minority obeys the majority, and the investment in the vegetable basket project was passed. I will ask the three directors to wait a moment now, because the group The agreement will be signed with the district office soon, so all the directors must be present!"

After saying that, Yang Ying pressed a button on the conference table.

This button is only available on the chairman's side. Generally speaking, it is for the secretary to come over and bring tea and water.

At this moment, she pressed the button, and within a few seconds, the door of the conference room opened. As soon as they followed, Luo Chen led six people in. As soon as the seven people entered the door, Luo Chen said: "Mr. Yang, these are the executive officer in charge of the vegetable basket project of the District Office, the director of the Secretary Office of the District Office, and the District Office Secretary." Section Chief of the Planning Department..."

"Hello, I am Yang Ying, the acting chairman of Wudang Group. Our group has completed the board meeting and has decided to invest in the construction of a vegetable basket project!" Yang Ying immediately said enthusiastically.

"Hello, Mr. Yang, I am Qiao Guoding, executive officer of Zhendong District. Chief Wen arranged for me to come here this time to sign the vegetable basket project agreement with Wudang Group." Executive Officer Qiao Guoding came to Zhang Ying's side with a smile on his face. Shake hands with Yang Ying.

"Executive Officer Qiao is here. If you miss me from afar, please atone for your sins. I wonder if Executive Qiao has brought the contract with you."

"Already brought..." Qiao Guoding said with a smile on his face: "The content of the agreement is this. Wudang Group must complete the vegetable basket project within half a year. If there are special circumstances, the project can be overdue, but it must not be overdue. Breach of contract. If it was intentional delay or intentional breach of contract, then Wudang Group will have to compensate the Zhendong District Office for losses of 20 billion. I think the directors should have no problem with the agreement."

When they heard this statement, Xu Changxing, Yuan Jucheng, and Du Quan almost vomited blood. Isn't this an unequal treaty? The company pays for the Office to do the project. If something goes wrong, it has to compensate the Office 20 billion. It's not like grabbing money.

However, everyone understands that as long as you dare to sign this kind of agreement with the Office of the Commissioner, if it is not completed by then, the Office of the Commissioner will really dare to act in accordance with the contract and not care about your money. If you don't give it, you will be in trouble. Businesses had to be confiscated.

Of course, Yang Ying's signing of such a contract with the district office was clearly intentional.

When Xiao Jiejie heard this, she felt more and more outrageous. How could someone be so prodigal? What kind of contract is this?

Jiang Xianzhang was so amused that the old man almost laughed out loud, but he held it back.

He secretly wondered who gave Yang Ying this idea, and it was so brilliant.

You know, the previous trick of letting the trolls build momentum in major post bars and forums was already powerful enough. Now this move has dug a big hole for the Qi family.

Jiang Yulin and Jiang Yuzhen now understood what was going on. They, like their father, were all curious. It was absolutely impossible for Yang Ying to come up with this trick. Behind Yang Ying, there must be an expert. Who is this person who makes suggestions and comes up with such a harmful idea?

"No problem. I have already discussed this contract with CEO Wen before, and I fully agree. We, who are on the board of directors of the group, also agree," Yang Ying said.

"I don't agree!" Xu Changxing shouted immediately.

Yuan Jucheng and Du Quan also wanted to object, but before they could say anything, Jiang Xianzhang stood up and said, "Didn't you three abstain from voting? Are you in favor or in favor? Now you can no longer express your opinion. Regarding this contract , as a director of Wudang Group, I support it!"

"I support it too!" "I support it too!" Jiang Yulin and Jiang Yuzhen said immediately.

"I...I also support..." Seeing that both the Jiang family and his son supported it, Xiao Jiejie had nothing to say and could only support it.

Yang Ying smiled, faced Qiao Guoding, and said, "Executive Qiao, more than half of the board of directors already support it, so there is no problem. We can sign the agreement now."

"Okay, Secretary Sun, bring over the agreement. On behalf of the District Office, I will sign the agreement with Wudang Group now!" Qiao Guoding said loudly.

The agreement had been prepared long ago and both parties signed it immediately. Yang Ying is now the acting chairman and has all Zhang Yu's seals. The documents are signed and take effect on the same day.

This kind of agreement was signed between Wudang Group and the District Office. To put it bluntly, no matter who the chairman of Wudang Group is, he must admit his fault. After all, the Qi family's intention to swallow up the Wudang Group has not been made explicit. Yang Ying and the others have to make the final decision on all matters related to the Wudang Group. Once they sign, it is signed.

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