Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2714 Difficulties

After seeing the letter of commitment, Yuan Tianru's face showed shock at first, and then relief. And none of this escaped Zhang Yu's eyes.

Zhang Yu is now absolutely sure that Yuan Tianru has made a complete decision. Zhang Yu subconsciously looked at Yuan Tianru's face. He wanted to see Yuan Tianru's face.

After reading the commitment letter, Yuan Tianru put it aside. She wanted to say a few words, but she saw Zhang Yu standing by the bed looking at her intently. Yuan Tianru was not wearing any clothes and was completely covered by the quilt. Only her arms and neck were exposed.

Being stared at so closely by a man at this moment, she couldn't help but feel nervous. She stammered, "Mr. Zhang, Mr. Zhang... what are you looking at..."

Zhang Yu immediately realized that he was a little out of character. Even if he wanted to see her face, he shouldn't do it in this situation. After all, she was a big girl.

But Zhang Yu smiled calmly and said: "I have some knowledge of physiognomy, and I just showed Miss Yuan's face... I found that although Miss Yuan has some emotional twists and turns, it is just a disaster of Hong Luan, and lovers will still Finally got married..."

After hearing this last sentence, Yuan Tianru couldn't help but sigh, "Alas..."

She continued: "He has already proposed to break up with me and wants to become the Qi family's son-in-law... The Qi family is rich and powerful, and there is a bigger platform for him to ride on. How can he change his mind again... Besides, the Qi family has great wealth and a bigger platform for him to ride on." , the moment he proposed to break up, it already showed that in his heart, everything the Qi family gave him was more valuable than the relationship between the two of us... This kind of man is not worthy of my love... "

At the end of the sentence, Yuan Tianru couldn't help gritting his teeth.

This is how a woman thinks sometimes. When a man abandons her for money or power, it means that the love between two people is not worth much.

Of course, in this world, there are many people, whether men or women, who abandon each other for money. In line with that sentence, there is no such thing as loyalty in this world, it just depends on whether there are enough chips for betrayal.

"Miss Yuan doesn't need to be so absolute. Li Meizhen's betrayal may have its own reasons. There are countless people who want to marry the Qi family, but the Qi family now only has one little girl to be married. The Qi family can take a fancy to it. Li Meizhen and Du Quan naturally want it. Even Li Meizhen's parents will put a lot of pressure on their son and force him. In this case... Li Meizhen is really in a dilemma... I'm afraid he has to make a decision. At that time, my heart was already as sharp as a knife..." Zhang Yu said earnestly.

"I don't care if he is heartbroken or not, but since he has made a decision, it means that in his mind, I am not as valuable as the Qi family!" Yuan Tianru said bitterly.

"Then on the other hand, a man from the Qi family has taken a fancy to you and wants to marry your family. If your parents are willing, what about you?" Zhang Yu said with a smile.

"Of course I will never obey!" Yuan Tianru said bluntly.

"Then if at this time, your parents are threatening life and death, crying to the sky and wiping away tears, looking for death and survival... what should you do..." Zhang Yu said slowly again.

"This..." Yuan Tianru hesitated, not knowing how to answer for a moment.

Zhang Yu said seriously: "Li Meizhen is very likely to have encountered this situation."

"But... if, if this is really the case... he can tell me... I am not an unreasonable woman..." Yuan Tianru said aggrievedly.

"Similarly, if you encountered such a thing, would you discuss it with Li Meizhen before making up your mind?" Zhang Yu asked.

"I..." Yuan Tianru was stunned for a moment and shook his head slightly, "This may hurt him more..."

"If you discuss it with the other party, it will make the other party fall into the entanglement of love and hate. This kind of harm will affect the other party's life. It will take ten or eight years at the shortest... If you just propose to break up directly, the other party will really hate you. But it is just hatred, time will erase this pain... At least, it will not cause the other party to get into entanglements and delay the other party's words..." Zhang Yu said gently.

After hearing this, Yuan Tianru smiled bitterly and said, "Thank you, Mr. Zhang, for your guidance. I really didn't expect that Mr. Zhang is also an emotional expert."

"I can't call you an emotional expert. What I'm talking about is just human nature. It's just that in this case, the authorities are confused and the beholder is clear..." Zhang Yu said gently.

"But the matter has come to this, even if I can understand him, so what..." Yuan Tianru smiled sadly.

"It's very simple. You can ask Li Meizhen out alone and have a calm chat. Ask him if he is forced to do this by his family. Regardless of whether he admits it or not, I think with Miss Yuan's eyesight, he can see A clue." Zhang Yu said gently again.

"Then what? If this is really the case, wouldn't it make me feel even more uncomfortable..." Yuan Tianru showed a hint of bitterness.

"Miss Yuan's words are wrong. If you are sure that Li Meizhen really loves you and this move is just forced, then you can let him join you and come to my side. Since you are willing to put your treasure in my It shows that you have confidence in me. Since I have been able to defeat the Qi family over and over again, I can also win this time!" Zhang Yu said seriously.

"This..." Yuan Tianru was moved. She thought what Zhang Yu said was very reasonable. If Li Meizhen followed the Qi family, then there would be no hope for him and Li Meizhen. Only by following Zhang Yu can lovers finally get married.

Yuan Tianru bit her lower lip lightly with a pair of white teeth, and then said: "I can tell him this, but I don't know if you can tell him about Mr. Zhang's hiding in the dark. Also, I don't know. That is, Li Meizhen will not be able to take control of Du Quan's 2% shares like me."

"You don't need to tell him about the meeting between the two of us. After all, the place where you and I are meeting right now..." Zhang Yu said, stretched out his hand and shook it slightly, and then said: "It's really not appropriate to say it. ... Just say, since you have no choice, why can't you choose me, Zhang Yu... Follow me, although there is only half a chance of winning or losing, but if you win, you two can be together... As for Du Quan's 2% , Li Meizhen really can’t make the decision, but Miss Yuan should know that if Li Meizhen really betrays the Qi family, Du Quan will not get anything good to eat. In this case, if Du Quan doesn’t choose me, who else will he choose... …”

"This..." Yuan Tianru's eyes couldn't help but light up, and she said, "Mr. Zhang is right! As long as Li Meizhen decides to help Mr. Zhang, even if Du Quan turns to the Qi family, he will have no choice but to fall to our side. …”

Zhang Yu nodded and said: "And I won't make it difficult for you. When the time comes, I will also give 2% of my shares to Li Meizhen."

"Mr. Zhang..." Yuan Tianru looked at Zhang Yu in disbelief, as if he couldn't believe his ears.

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