Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 270 Big joke

Early the next morning, Jiang Xianzhang, Ma Mingxue, and Jiang Yulin went to Tianzi Square together.

Today, they are all dressed very formally. On the second anniversary day, the big boss also has to go on stage to say a few words. For such a big event, it is impossible to miss out on the program.

The celebration time is at 10:30 in the morning, when the crowds are at their peak. But they arrived at nine o'clock, which was also preparation in advance.

When we arrived at the south gate, there were a few customers coming in. There were a little less people, but at this point, it was okay.

Master Qu and his two assistants had arrived a long time ago, and Xiao Mingshan and his daughter had just arrived. After everyone gathered, Ma Mingxue proposed to go around and take a look before going upstairs to meet the guests present today.

She did this for a purpose, mainly to see how Jiang Yulin arranged it.

Jiang Yulin also wanted to see if everything he had requested was ready. The time for his appointment with Zhang Yu was almost up.

People didn't take cars and walked over.

East 1st Gate and East 2nd Gate belong to the south, and there are clivias outside. Although not many people go in, you can still see people. Further ahead is Zhenhai Old Street. Here at the street entrance, the color stage has been set up and many staff are still busy.

As soon as they saw the bosses coming, they hurriedly greeted them politely, hoping to leave a good impression on the bosses so that they might be promoted in the future.

Jiang Xianzhang and others nodded after them, and continued forward, arriving at the East 3rd Gate.

The dragon gate has been prepared according to Jiang Yulin's instructions, but there is no flow of people entering the square. Seeing no one walking inside, Ma Mingxue was secretly happy. The passenger flow over the south gate was a little less, but at least it was better than here.

She didn't say anything, and everyone continued to move forward. After turning the corner, we came to Beimen Street. There were two flagpoles at each of the four doorways. Red lanterns were hung on the flagpoles, and there were red bird patterns on the lanterns.

Others were just wondering why there were so many extra flagpoles. But Qu Pan is knowledgeable. When he saw this, he immediately knew that this should be Suzaku. Think back to the east gate you just passed. There are two dragon gates there, and there are dragon-shaped patterns painted on them, which are obviously green dragons.

Since there are Qinglong and Suzaku, there must also be White Tiger and Xuanwu. Walking around to the west gate, sure enough, eight children in white tiger costumes were jumping around and handing out New Year's flyers to passers-by.

Qu Pan still didn't say anything, just thinking in his mind. When he reached Zhenhai Street on the other side, Qu Pan suddenly said: "Everyone, how about we go in from here?"

Everyone was puzzled. The original plan was to go around in a circle and then go back. Why did they suddenly have to leave from here?

Ma Mingxue said curiously: "Master Qu, why should we go from here?"

"I saw Mr. Jiang setting up a Feng Shui formation here, so I wanted to broaden my horizons." Qu Pan said with a smile.

"Oh?" Hearing this, everyone present was stunned. They said that the Feng Shui formation was arranged, but they really didn't see it.

Unlike Qu Pan's arrangement, there are flower pots everywhere, all with Clivia in full bloom, which looks eye-catching.

"I'm not sure now, I'm just going to confirm it first." Master Qu said pretending to be mysterious.

"Then let's leave from here." Ma Mingxue said immediately.

In this way, everyone entered Zhenhai Old Street. The street is deserted, but the shops are modeled after the beach town era. The waiters are also wearing clothes from that era, but there are not even a few people wearing modern clothes strolling around, let alone eating or shopping.

When I walked to the middle, I saw a stall selling turtles. The turtles were quite big.

Seeing this, Qu Pan finally couldn't help laughing, "Hahahaha...hahahaha..."

His laughter made everyone more confused. Ma Mingxue couldn't help but ask: "Master, why are you laughing?"

Qu Pan laughed and shook his head, as if he had encountered the biggest joke in the world.

He shook his head for a long time, and then said: "I am the boy named Zhang. I am too boastful. This Feng Shui formation is even more ridiculous."

Ma Mingxue immediately became interested and asked deliberately: "What's so funny? Tell me and let us laugh too."

Qu Pan stroked his beard and smiled again: "Did you just see that there is a dragon gate at the east gate, which represents the green dragon, and a child wearing a white tiger costume at the west gate, which is a white tiger. Over at the north gate is Suzaku lantern, the turtle here means Xuanwu.”

"Green Dragon, White Tiger, Suzaku Xuanwu, they seem pretty good." Jiang Yuting also heard about the Four Symbols, so he said it casually.

"The Four Elephants are good, but the way he puts them is simply ridiculous. The Four Elephants Formation has big and small, front and back, and the emphasis is on the Suzaku in the front and Xuanwu in the back, with the green dragon on the left and the white tiger on the right. From this direction, the Suzaku is in the front, and the Suzaku is in the back. It's Xuanwu, that's true. But on the left..." Qu Pan pointed to Ximen Street, and then said with a smile: "The white tiger is placed over there, but the green dragon is placed over there at the east gate. There is no distinction between good and bad. And he The alternatives are even funnier. Let the children wear white tiger clothes, and let people put on turtles, then it is a four-image layout... Ridiculous, it is simply too ridiculous... Hahahaha..."

Jiang Yulin couldn't help but frown when he saw that Zhang Yu's formation was immediately revealed, and that he was even criticized for being completely naked. Will this work?

Ma Mingxue also started laughing, as if he had picked up some big joke. He laughed forward and backward, "I thought this guy was unreliable. I didn't expect him to be so ...What should people say to you... It would be better to let Master Qu make arrangements yesterday... Now, now... Even if I want Master Qu to make arrangements, I'm afraid it's too late..."

"Hahahaha..." Ma Mingfeng also deliberately laughed a few times, but then started to frown, "Oh my... I thought this guy was unreliable... I didn't expect him to be so unreliable... What's there to compare with... How old is that kid? How can he compare with Master Qu... This formation is just fooling people..."

In fact, other people also think it is unreliable. What kind of Feng Shui formation is this? It's just because of Jiang Yulin's face that I'm embarrassed to say it.

Xiao Jiejie didn't know the formation arranged by Zhang Yu, but she could tell that he was mocking Jiang Yulin. She came closer to Jiang Yulin and whispered: "Brother Jiang, what's going on? Who did you ask to arrange the Feng Shui formation? Why does it look so unreliable... It's a bit of a fool's errand..."

"I asked Zhang Yu to arrange it. I guess it's not so subpar..." Jiang Yulin said in a low voice.

When Xiao Jiejie heard the word "Zhang Yu", her heart trembled, and then she pouted and said: "It turns out to be this brat! He doesn't know any Feng Shui formation, he must be deliberately lying to you. Where is he now, let's go find him , I will say this for you!"

Jiang Yulin also felt a little embarrassed to stay here, and he also wanted to ask Zhang Yu what was going on. He was about to say goodbye to his father, but Ma Mingfeng suddenly said, "Don't embarrass a few turtles here, hurry up Withdraw."

"This is not okay!" Upon hearing this, Jiang Yulin immediately objected. Zhang Yu had a message not to move.

"Forget it, forget it, he is willing to be deceived, there is nothing we can do... The guests should have arrived, let's go up quickly..." Ma Mingxue was so proud that if Jiang Xianzhang hadn't been present, he would have said something more sarcastic. .

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