Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2683 Parting

"I didn't cry... I was happy..." Yang Ying choked and said, "Something happened to Pan Jiashan now. Pan Chonghai, your apprentice, and your senior sister seemed to have disappeared from the world after they went up the mountain. All are gone. We asked people from Baimei Palace for help. They still had signal just now, but when we called just now, they couldn’t get through either...Xiao Yu, what do you think we should do..."

"There is such a thing..." Zhang Yu was shocked. He really didn't expect that something happened to Panjiashan. He hesitated for a moment, guessing what formation it was, and said, "In this case, I will rush over right away..."

"Okay, okay..." Yang Ying said repeatedly.

When she was talking to Zhang Yu, Ouyang Yanyan had already come to her side. Ouyang Yanyan said, "Can I say a few words..."

Yang Ying looked at her, then nodded and handed the phone to Ouyang Yanyan.

Ouyang Yanyan answered the phone, couldn't help but feel excited, and said: "Xiao Yu, you are back!"

"Yes, are Ouyang..." Zhang Yu said in surprise.

He also didn't expect that Ouyang Yanyan would be with Yang Ying.

"It's are...ok now..." Ouyang Yanyan said still a little nervously.

She knew better than anyone that Zhang Yu only had half a month to live. Now, half a month has passed.

During these days, Ouyang Yanyan was worried about Zhang Yu all the time, and would pray for Zhang Yu in front of the Patriarch from time to time.

Zhang Yu could hear Ouyang Yanyan's worry and said solemnly: "I'm fine now!"

"It's okay, it's okay, it's okay..." For a moment, Ouyang Yanyan also shed tears.

Yang Ying looked at Ouyang Yanyan, wondering in her heart, not understanding how Ouyang Yanyan could still cry. She looked at Ouyang Yanyan carefully. Ouyang Yanyan was wearing a Taoist robe. Yang Ying didn't think anything of it before. At this moment, she suddenly felt familiar, as if she had seen it somewhere.

Soon, Yang Ying finally remembered that a very similar mother and daughter once lived in her home, and they seemed to be poisoned.

"It turns out it was her..." Yang Ying muttered in her heart, "No wonder she disappeared after that. It turns out she became a Taoist priest... Xiao Yu once saved their mother and daughter, she must be grateful... Now she cares so much about Xiao Yu , which is also reasonable..."

She didn't think much about it. After all, Ouyang Yanyan's age was there. Even if Zhang Yu had a relationship with the mother and daughter, it would only be normal for her to be a daughter.

While Yang Ying was thinking about it, Ouyang Yanyan chatted with Zhang Yu for a while and then returned the phone to Yang Ying. Yang Ying told Zhang Yu the specific situation of Bai Panjiashan on the phone before hanging up the phone.

That's right, the person who called Yang Ying was Zhang Yu, and it was guaranteed to be true.

Zhang Yu is currently standing on the beach of Zhenhai with the young man, Zhang Yinling, the Great Protector, and Agou.

This place is relatively remote. It's 4:30 in the middle of the night, and there's no one there.

They had just landed. With the memory of the Great Protector, Zhang Yu, although he had no driving skills, crossed the sea and returned to the country without any danger. As soon as they landed, Zhang Yu called Yang Ying to ensure her safety.

Unexpectedly, I was safe, but something like this happened on Panjia Mountain.

Zhang Yu looked at the people around him, thought about it, and said, "What are your plans?"

The young man said directly: "Of course I am going back to where I came from. I will also take my master's body back."

The bodies of the young man's master and the little girl's third uncle were carried down. Zhang Yu had ice crystals in his hand, and he had been using them to protect the body in the past two days, but it did not cause the body to become too rotten.

Zhang Yu nodded and said, "I'll call someone later to take you back."

He looked at the little girl again. The little girl originally wanted to be with Zhang Yu, but when she heard the young man mention "master's body", she couldn't help but look at the third uncle's body.

No matter how reluctant he is to go home, his third uncle's body will always be sent back.

Zhang Yinling pursed her lips and said: "I also have to go back to Tianshi Mansion...send my third uncle's body back..."

Zhang Yu picked up the phone and dialed Zhao Qiuju's number. As soon as the call was connected, Zhao Qiuju said excitedly: "Master, I have news about you!"

"I already know about Wang Jie and the others. Send three cars to pick me up. I'll send you a location via WeChat later. It will be faster." Zhang Yu stopped directly.

"Okay, okay..." Zhao Qiuju agreed immediately.

Zhang Yu was not at home, something happened to Wang Jie, Li Mingyue and others, and Zhao Qiuju was unable to do anything. Now that Zhang Yu finally has news, he has a backbone.

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Yu sent the location to Zhao Qiuju. It was not close to Guangming Town from here, so it might take a while.

At dawn, three SUVs finally arrived.

Zhang Yu arranged a car specially for the young man. The young man and Zhang Yu said goodbye and got into the car with the body in their arms.

The little girl was very reluctant to part with her, and neither was Agou. Half a day after the young man left, the little girl reluctantly got into the car. Zhang Yu put the body in the trunk. After all, he had to go on the highway. If he was seen along the way, he would be in great trouble.

The two girls left like that, and Zhang Yu, the Great Protector, and Agou got into the last car. This car was driven by Zhao Qiuju herself, and Zhang Yu directly stated that he would go to Panjiaji first.

Zhang Yu didn’t want the patched yacht anymore, as much as he liked it. We were speechless all the way, so we just had some food and then came to Panjiashan.

It was already afternoon when we arrived at the place. At the foot of Panjiashan, many people gathered, all wearing Taoist robes, except one wearing ordinary clothes.

Everyone also saw the SUV Zhang Yu was riding in, and everyone was waiting eagerly. The car stopped in front of them, and Zhang Yu got out of the car first. Immediately afterwards, many young Taoist priests were heard shouting excitedly, "See Master." "See Master." "See Master."...

Yang Ying, Ouyang Yanyan, Brother Da Biao, and Yang Huainian also rushed to Zhang Yu's side excitedly, "Xiao Yu!" "Little... Abbot..." "Brother!" "Mr. Zhang!"

"I'm back!" Zhang Yu said with emotion.

Only Ouyang Yanyan understood what was going on with the phrase "I'm back."

Feng Chongjue also walked up, clasped his hands and said, "Infinite Heavenly Lord, Master Zhang, you are here."

Zhang Yu also quickly clasped his hands and said: "Infinite Heavenly Lord, thank you Uncle Feng for your generous help. My nephew is very grateful..."

"Alas..." Feng Chongjue sighed instead and said, "I really can't help you. Now that my uncle, Xiao Ning, and your disciples have gone up the mountain, there has been no news, as if they have disappeared into the sea... Now, what do you think? what to do……"

"I heard on the phone before that many people have fallen into it, and this mountain is very weird. When you go up during the day, nothing happens. Only when you go up at night will people lose contact. They reached the top of the mountain last night, There was no news until early in the morning, is that right?" Zhang Yu said.

"That's exactly it." Feng Chongjue nodded and said.

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