
Yang Ying and Ye Fenghuang arrived here in the early morning. The market town is actually not much different from the city. After all, it is an integrated city and there are many buildings here.

However, it was only early in the morning, but the street already looked very depressed, with no lights on in every house, as if it was a dead city.

Although they had never been to Panjiashan, they had navigation in the car and could easily find the place. In the middle of the night, they didn't meet a single person, including no one from the Taoist temple. Of course, Ouyang Yanyan had no intention of meeting the people from Wudang Taoist Temple. She just hoped to get to the place as soon as possible and find the people.

When we arrived at the foot of the Pan Family Mountain, it was pitch dark. Because it was the ancestral tomb of the Pan Family, it gave people an eerie feeling.

After opening the car door and several people getting out of the car one after another, Yang Ying couldn't help but shudder and trembled.

Fortunately for Brother Biao, Yang Huainian was about the same as Yang Ying. He felt a bit chilly. Fortunately, there were many people, so he wasn't too scared.

After all, Ouyang Yanyan has seen the world, and now that she is practicing Taoism, she already has some abilities. But after all, she had never learned Qimen Dunjia, and she couldn't tell whether there were traps on the mountain. She could only look at Ye Fenghuang and said, "How about it, do you see anything?"

"I haven't seen it yet..." Ye Fenghuang shook his head slightly and then said, "I'll go up and take a look."

"I'll go with you." Ouyang Yanyan said immediately.

"Let's go too." Yang Ying said immediately.

"You don't have to go up, just wait for me at the bottom of the mountain." Ye Fenghuang said, looked at Ouyang Yanyan, and said, "You protect their safety in case anything happens."

"That's fine." Ouyang Yanyan also wanted to go up. On the way, she had already heard Yang Ying say that Wudang Group was in big trouble. Only by finding Pan Chonghai could they turn the tide.

Ouyang Yanyan knew Zhang Yu's situation and wanted to do something for Zhang Yu. But she also knows that her cultivation is limited after all.

She, Yang Ying and others stayed at the foot of the mountain, while Ye Fenghuang walked up the mountain alone.

At dawn, Laojun Palace Island.

The tide ebbs and flows on the sea, and it is the time of high tide. A yacht with a few patches on it can finally go into the sea when the tide rises.

This was the result of Zhang Yu's busy day and night. In fact, he didn't know whether the ship could sail away.

The young man and the little girl carried the two bodies and other things to the boat. There were only two people standing under the boat, Zhang Yu and the Great Protector.

In the hand of the Great Protector, there was a piece of paper with a sea map drawn on it, which was very detailed. It can be said that as long as you follow the coordinates above, you can return to the country.

"This is the sea chart. You can go back." The Great Protector handed the blueprint to Zhang Yu. His current appearance was very vicissitudes of life. With his hair completely white, he looked as if he was seventy years old.

Zhang Yu took the drawing, put it in his arms, and then walked to the Great Protector's side and held his arm.

"What are you doing?" the Great Protector immediately shouted.

"Senior, let's get on the boat." Zhang Yu said sincerely.

"I said, I will not leave here. The Laojun Palace has been destroyed, and all this happened because of me. I want to stay here and put an end to it!" The Great Protector raised his head and said seriously.

He, who just now looked extremely vicissitudes of life, was very depressed, suddenly became a little more energetic, and became the unruly great protector again.

"Senior, you are wrong!" Zhang Yu said seriously.

"Wrong..." The Great Protector did not expect Zhang Yu to say such a thing and said, "What do you mean by this?"

"The rise and fall of a sect is determined by God's will. Just like the famous Zhendao, it was not ruined after the split, and the rest of the sect was eventually merged into the Quanzhen Sect. The same is true for the fate of Laojun Palace. This is definitely not the case. Senior, it's your fault alone. If it hadn't been for everything in the past, how could you have done such a thing..." Zhang Yu said seriously.

"I understand what you mean, but... I am ultimately responsible for the destruction of Laojun Palace... Only by staying here can I feel at ease..." the Great Protector said sadly.

"Senior made a mistake again... Staying here and dying here is certainly a kind of relief... But since senior has the courage to die, why can't he choose to live... Keeping a useful body, maybe he can also help the old man Please do something in the Imperial Palace..." Zhang Yu said again in a serious tone.

"A useful body..." The Great Protector smiled bitterly and said, "Except for dying, what can I do for Laojun Palace?"

"You know, Chu Zhongtian is still able to recover his cultivation. Does the senior think he is inferior to him?" Zhang Yu asked in return.

"This..." Zhang Yu's words went straight to the point. The Great Protector was stunned for a moment after hearing this.

You know, it can be said that the Great Protector has been competing with Chu Zhongtian all his life. Chu Zhongtian was his lifelong enemy. The reason why he wanted to stay here to wait for death was probably because Chu Zhongtian died. He lost his opponent.

When the Great Protector didn't kill Chu Zhongtian, not only for the sake of Laojun's order and Laojun's golden coupons, but also partly because once Chu Zhongtian died, his life would no longer be interesting.

Zhang Yu saw that the Great Protector was slightly moved, and then said: "Although Laojun Palace has been destroyed, senior you are still alive after all, and the inheritance of Laojun Palace is still there. I believe that with your cultivation, senior, even if you cannot revive Laojun Palace Jun Palace can at least keep Lao Jun Palace in the world and continue to be passed down."

After hearing this, the Great Protector was moved again. He nodded and said, "What you said makes sense."

"Then let's get on the boat." Zhang Yu said, "When the tide goes down, we won't be able to leave today."

"Leave a useful body for Laojun Palace to do something...Chu Zhongtian, if you can bring your cultivation back, I, Qin Xiyun, can do the same! Okay! I will leave here today. Laojun Palace will be destroyed in my hands. Then I will build it again!" Under Zhang Yu's provocation, the great protector's heroic spirit rose sharply, and his will to die was completely eliminated.

As Zhang Yu said, if you are not even afraid of death, can't you do something while alive?

Especially the sentence "Chu Zhongtian is still able to recover his cultivation, does the senior think he is not as good as him", which aroused the great protector's desire to win.

Qin Xiyun has always been competitive, otherwise, he would not have been shot blind because of his victory over Chu Zhongtian.

After practicing his cultivation, this will be his last victory over Chu Zhongtian, so the Great Protector decided to have the last contest with Chu Zhongtian in his life. In fact, Chu Zhongtian decided to enter the Great Protector's room to break the formation at that time. He had the same idea. He wanted to defeat the Great Protector for the last time in his life.

Seeing that the Great Protector decided to survive, Zhang Yu held the Great Protector's arm and walked towards the boat.

The young man, the little girl, and Agou were all waiting on the boat. When the two saw that the Great Protector was willing to board the boat, they couldn't help but look happy. Even Agou howled with joy, "Ouch..."

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