Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2672 Golden Light

As soon as Zhang Yu heard the sound, he immediately said: "Agou, you can stop now and let me do it instead."

A one-meter-deep pit was nothing to Agou. It just jumped out of the pit with a slight jump.

Zhang Yu immediately jumped down, squatted down and pulled it with his hands, and soon discovered the box buried underneath. He lifted the box up, pried open the lid of the box and took a look. It contained exactly the components needed on the ship.

"Everything is there, and it doesn't look damaged," Zhang Yu said.

The little girl became excited and said, "As long as we have these, we can go back!"

However, the young man said: "Let's not be too happy. One-third of the components are still unfinished. These alone are a big project for us. Moreover, the sea is huge. Yes, although it only takes one day when we come here, if we go the wrong way, we don’t know how long it will take.”

This sentence suddenly reminded Zhang Yu. Zhang Yu looked at the Great Protector and said, "Senior, you still don't know where our island is?"

"This island is in the Maluku Strait, which is only a day's sea journey from the country. You discerning people don't know the location of the sea, but I do. You can put the ship together as soon as possible. Get me paper and pen. I will I will try my best to draw a sea chart for you so that you can easily return to the country." said the Great Protector.

"Senior, you can still draw sea charts..." Zhang Yinling said in surprise.

"It's not like I haven't been to the sea before. You see the world with your naked eyes, so all you can see at sea is the vast sea... I see the world with my heart, although sometimes I need others to tell me what it's like, but On the sea, I can clearly identify the direction..." the Great Protector said slowly.

Zhang Yu understood that ordinary blind people have no sense of direction. But the Great Protector is different. How profound his cultivation is, and he has to do many things personally to prevent others from cheating him, so his understanding is deeper.

For people who don’t go to sea, how to identify the southeast, northwest and northwest on the sea. But the Great Protector has been on the island for a long time and knows the location of the island very well. In the Great Protector's mind, he should have already sketched out a blueprint on how to get back to the country.

"Senior is so awesome...Second brother, I think we are not idle now. Let's go down to work quickly..." Zhang Yinling said.

"Okay, let's go down the mountain now!" Zhang Yu nodded and said.

He carried the box, and the young man and Zhang Yinling were responsible for helping the protector down the mountain. Going down the road and reaching the back house, they suddenly saw a faint golden light shining in the house next to them.

The young man was the first to see it. She immediately stopped, pointed to the place where the golden light was emitting and said, "Look, you seem to have a faint golden light."

Zhang Yu and the little girl looked over together, right? Zhang Yinling said in confusion: "Where is that place? How come there is still golden light..."

It was drizzling after all, so there was a rain cloud on the island, not a clear sky. Only when it is so bright can it be noticed.

"I remember that this seems to be the courtyard where the acting headmaster lives. That location should be the room where the treasure is hidden..." the young man said.

Her memory is very good. Although the place is full of ruins, she and Zhang Yu are already familiar with the terrain of the island.

The Great Protector nodded slightly and said, "Next door is Han Beixing's house. You said there is golden light here. What's going on?"

At this time, as a blind person, the Great Protector's disadvantages became apparent.

Zhang Yu replied: "Senior, it's like this. Although the study of the acting headmaster has collapsed, there is a faint golden light emanating from underneath. I don't know what it is."

"Oh? There is such a thing... Let's go over and have a look..." The Great Protector also said very curiously.

The young man and the little girl supported the great protector and entered the courtyard together, and came to the acting headmaster's study.

The whole house collapsed, and even the bricks and tiles were dented, as if they had fallen into a big pit.

Seeing this, the young man said: "It's very strange here. The bricks and tiles have collapsed into the ground... There are indeed potholes down there, but the mechanisms are made of black iron. They were all closed when we left. How could it be like this..."

"I'm not sure, I can only guess that it was caused by sky fire..." the Great Protector said ambiguously.

What kind of person he is, he has always said one thing and the other, and he rarely says ambiguous words. But to be able to say this now, it is obvious that he does not know what is going on.

"Let's go over and take a look and we'll find out." the little girl said.

Zhang Yu put down the box and said, "I'll go take a look."

He walked to the glowing place in a few steps. The place was full of bricks and tiles, which were burnt to a great deal of darkness, and some of them were burnt to ashes. The golden light comes from these bricks and tiles, so it is very light. If it is a sunny day, it will definitely not be visible to the naked eye.

Zhang Yu threw a piece of brick aside and struggled for a long time. There was still golden light coming out from underneath, but he still couldn't see what it was. Because there were still stones under his feet.

Seeing this, the young man also went over to help. The two of them started digging together. Good guy, they dug to a depth of three meters, and the ground of the darkroom was exposed. They moved the bricks and tiles in front of them and finally saw what was inside.

What was placed under this was nothing else, but a large open yellow umbrella. This umbrella is made of golden cloth with strips of gold threads on it. Various gemstones of different colors are hung on the gold threads. You don't even need to touch this umbrella, you can already feel the Buddha's energy coming to your face.

As soon as they saw this umbrella, Zhang Yu and the young man were sure that it was the umbrella they saw below that day.

But strangely enough, the last time I saw it, the umbrella was closed and couldn't be opened at all. But now, it is open. The most puzzling thing is that before the stone above was removed, they could see the golden light emitting, but when they actually dug out the umbrella, the golden light disappeared.

"What's going on?" Zhang Yu said in surprise.

"I don't know either..." The young man was also puzzled, and she subconsciously reached out to grab the big umbrella.

However, at this moment, there was a "swipe" sound, and the big umbrella that was originally opened actually closed. This, taken together, fell immediately into the box which contained it.

"This..." The young man was even more dumbfounded and said, "Why did it close by itself..."

She said this, but she still reached out and took out the big umbrella. This umbrella can weigh thirty kilograms, which is quite heavy.

When she took out the umbrella, Zhang Yu suddenly noticed something was wrong and said, "Have you noticed that the box next to this umbrella is gone, and the magic weapon inside is also missing..."

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