Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2652 Something is missing

"I'm hungry too..." Bai Wuchang shook his head and sighed, but then he regained his energy and said, "I have a way..."

"What method?" Hei Wuchang asked.

"This is definitely a way to kill two birds with one stone..." Bai Wuchang gave up first.

"What is the method? Hurry up and tell me...don't wait too long..." Hei Wuchang said directly.

"These guests have all left the kitchen, but their food is in the kitchen... I think we might as well steal their food... This way, if we have food, we won't starve to death ...And since they have no food, they naturally have to go to Chu Zhongtian to ask for it. If Chu Zhongtian doesn't give it to them, they will definitely have to fight... If Chu Zhongtian gives it to them, then they won't have enough food to eat..." Bai Wuchang was excited. said.

"This is a good idea! So what are you waiting for? Go to the kitchen quickly..." Hei Wuchang said immediately.

The two people jumped down from the tree and ran towards the kitchen together.

There was no one in Laojun's palace, so the two of them could easily get to the kitchen. The door to the kitchen was ajar. Bai Wuchang thought there must be no one inside, so he pushed the door open.

When the door is opened, you can see the food inside, including rice, noodles, and jars with sauced beef.

Seeing this, Bai Wuchang stepped forward and was about to enter. However, just as he raised his right foot, Hei Wuchang next to him caught him.

"Don't go in!" Hei Wuchang said urgently.

"Brother, what's wrong?" Bai Wuchang asked in confusion.

"I smell a breath of formation..." Hei Wuchang said.

"The breath of the formation..." Bai Wuchang closed his eyes and said after a moment: "There is really a formation here... Brother, even if there is a formation, we have to go in and take away the things..."

"Although you and I are familiar with some formations, it is not our strong point after all. The formations here must be arranged by the masters among the guests. If we go in, there is a high probability that we will not be able to get out..." Hei Wuchang said.

"Then what should we do... we can't stop eating or drinking..." Bai Wuchang said.

"I have a way..." Hei Wuchang said, shooting the soul-binding rope in his hand directly into the kitchen.

However, once the soul-binding rope entered, the outside end could be seen clearly, but the part that entered the door disappeared.

"This..." Bai Wuchang was dumbfounded.

Hei Wuchang quickly took back the soul-binding rope, then shook his head and said, "It's in vain!"

"If this is the case...won't we both have to starve to death here..." Bai Wuchang said angrily.

"It's not necessarily possible to starve to death. There's no way there's nothing to eat in such a big mountain... If that doesn't work, let's go to the back mountain to see if there are any wild fruits. If we're lucky, we might be able to catch two. Maybe a rabbit..." Hei Wuchang said.

"That's true, but I'm not willing to provoke them further..." Bai Wuchang said.

"We can only take it one step at a time. Saving our lives is the most important thing first, and the other things are secondary... We can implement it step by step..." Hei Wuchang said.

"They have already started assembling the ship. If nothing special happens, I think they will never fight. When they leave, we will be completely left on this island..." Bai Wuchang was anxious road.

"Calm down!" Hei Wuchang said in a deep voice this time.

"I also know how to be calm... but what's the use of being calm... Even if we don't kill Chu Zhongtian for revenge, we have to find a way to get out of here..." Bai Wuchang said helplessly.

"There are so many treasures on the island, I don't believe Chu Zhongtian can give them up... When he leaves, he will naturally take those things away with him... At this time, I don't believe those people are not jealous!" Hei Wuchang said sternly said.

"But...but Chu Zhongtian can send those people away first, and then come back by boat to pack their things..." Bai Wuchang said: "At that time, we will be even more passive..."

"You are wrong. When we came here, we could be blindfolded by them. But this time when they leave, they will never allow Chu Zhongtian to blindfold them again... Although the sea is vast, I believe that those The guests can also find a way to find the island and compete for the treasure. We still have a chance... To put it bluntly, when Chu Zhongtian comes back to get the treasure, he can't carry the boat ashore. His men can stop it How about we... when the time comes, we can force the men guarding the ship to drive the ship away..." Hei Wuchang said calmly.

"That's what you said..." Bai Wuchang nodded, finally regained his composure, and said, "Then let's wait! Go to the back mountain and have a look, and eat whatever is available!"

"Yes." Hei Wuchang nodded, "That's right...I believe we will be able to leave here...Sooner or later, Chu Zhongtian's debt will be settled with him..."

The two of them didn't close the kitchen door, they just left it open. He left here immediately and headed for the back mountain.

Leaving the door open is also beneficial, as it will definitely make the guests staying here suspicious of Chu Zhongtian.

After that, the island seemed to fall into calm.

After the guests have moved all the accessories off the yacht, they have to come back to get food. When he found the door open, he thought someone had taken the food away. When he entered the formation and saw that the food was still there, he was relieved.

The formation here was set up by a middle-aged man of medium build, and he was worried that someone would come to steal the food or poison it. Their food and the boxes they brought with them are all here. In addition, they also divided some of the magical weapons from the deceased guests and the deceased on the island.

These people can be considered to have gained something.

They took all the food down the mountain and did not plan to go back up the mountain. The islands below are now open areas. Although there is no shelter from the wind, it is safer. Everything is within sight, and there is no fear of a sneak attack.

The installation of a yacht is not as simple as disassembling a toy. It involves both steel plates and nuts, so it really takes some effort. There is also some riveting and sheet welding, all of which have to be done by someone.

There are equipment in Laojun's palace, and the power generation mainly relies on batteries. Unfortunately, there are too few manpower. With just two people working, it is estimated that the work will not be completed in a month. As a result, many guests can only act as apprentice workers and follow along to speed up the progress.

They kept working hard. Normally, the yacht could be installed in half a day, but it took them two days. The yacht had already taken shape, but they unexpectedly discovered that something was missing. What is missing is the hardware on the yacht, which includes components of the engine, as well as a bearing, a belt and valves in the fuel tank.

This thing seems inconspicuous, but without these things on the yacht, it can't be driven at all.

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