Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2641 Judgment

According to the Great Protector, the lethality of the Maitreya Golden Light Tower does not seem to be very high, but that is the case with magic weapons. Some magic weapons are auxiliary magic weapons, and their lethality is not very high, but they can have the effect of turning the tide of the battle. Just like the soul-mirror in Zhang Yu's hand, it is particularly useful in single combat.

The young man took the Maitreya Golden Light Pagoda back from the hands of the Great Protector. She activated her true energy and silently recited the incantation said by the Great Protector in her heart. Sure enough, Zhenqi was connected with the Maitreya Golden Light Tower again.

"This works too..." the young man said excitedly.

As she said this, she couldn't help but sigh in her heart. The Great Protector's memory was really too strong. Maybe the Great Protector knew all the spells of all the magic weapons in the secret room. If he had known the spells of these two magic weapons earlier, he would definitely not have been injured by the tall middle-aged man. With the assistance of the Maitreya Golden Light Tower and the diamond bracelet, he would probably be able to beat the tall middle-aged man. Enough.

She then remembered the big golden umbrella and said: "Senior, we also saw a big umbrella in the secret room. The Buddhist aura on this big umbrella is very strong. I wonder if senior knows what this umbrella is. "

"This umbrella is called the Nine-Bend Hunyuan Umbrella. It is a Buddhist treasure. Based on the Buddhist energy on it, I can be sure that it is very powerful... However, I don't know its spell..." The Great Protector said.

"Even you don't know..." the young man said with some disappointment.

Zhang Yu said: "Senior, it is said that the black market can decipher the spells of all magic weapons in the world. Why don't you even know about it..."

"This is true, but this umbrella was obtained from a transaction five years ago... Although the black market can decipher the spells of all magic weapons in the world, it also needs the help of one magic weapon. This magic weapon is the Laojun Golden Coupon. …I didn’t find Laojun’s golden coupon and Laojun’s order back then, so that I could no longer decipher the spell of the magic weapon..." the Great Protector said helplessly.

Maybe it was because he thought that because he was determined to obtain Laojun's gold certificate and Laojun's order, he ended up in the situation he is in today. The Great Protector couldn't help but feel a little sad.

"That's it." The young man said helplessly.

"Actually, it's not a big deal if we don't have this umbrella... Let's just do our thing..." Zhang Yu said.

"That's right..." the young man said, "This umbrella is so heavy and it's not convenient to carry..."

Many people are like this. Since they can't get it or use it, they always have to give themselves an excuse.

The little girl slept deeply and didn't wake up now.

Zhang Yu and the young man did not greet her. They said goodbye to the protector immediately, walked out of the stone gate, and rushed towards the top of the mountain.

As the Great Protector said, it is really dark now. The two of them walked all the way to Laojun Palace by the starlight and hurried towards the top of the mountain in a familiar way.

The two people discussed in low voices as they walked. The young man said, "You followed them to the top of the mountain. What was the situation there?"

"The big steward took Black and White Wuchang, a steward in white robes, and six men in black to the top of the mountain. I think it is unlikely that they knew there was another way, so the big steward and Black and White were The evil will definitely be guarding below. On the top of the mountain, there are almost only those seven people. You and I are now much stronger. I believe it is not difficult to kill them. As long as you don't let them notice when you take action. , and then just release the message cannon." Zhang Yu said.

"How can you be so sure that the big steward and Black and White Wuchang will be in the cave instead of just waiting up there? Before, you were pretending to help Chu Zhongtian get his son back, so they followed you as a backup... Now you have already We are nowhere to be found. I think they all may have concluded that we are all hiding in that formation... We have no food in our hands, so naturally we cannot wait for death in there. We will inevitably come out when the time comes... The pit is so high , it is impossible for anyone to go up. According to normal logic, they even only need to block the pit and wait in the entrance cave... Even if they keep people on the top of the mountain, it shouldn't be It's down there..." the young man analyzed.

"Then let's assume that the formation of the Great Protector can really hide all the time?" Zhang Yu asked.

"That formation requires silent incantation and coordinated footwork to walk through it. Moreover, you must not pause too much, otherwise, you will become deaf. Even if you close your eyes, even if it lasts for a long time, you will be stabbed. Blind. Therefore, no one can stay in that formation except the deaf and blind people, unless the Great Protector is not injured," the young man said.

"So that's it..." Zhang Yu nodded and said: "Chu Zhongtian's cultivation level is extremely high. Even if he can't break this formation, I think he should be able to see that he can't stay in the formation for long. Still. One thing is that in Chu Zhongtian's heart, his son should still be alive, and the Great Protector is probably dead. His son will become the only bargaining chip in our hands... Under normal circumstances, when we are extremely hungry, I will definitely use this bargaining chip to ask him for food, and even ask him to give us a boat to leave. Chu Zhongtian will definitely think of this. Even if he didn't think of it at the time, he should think of it now... So I think he will definitely think of it. We laid an ambush at the entrance of the cave and even set up a formation. As long as we came out, he would fall into his urn. A phantom formation, given Chu Zhongtian's strength, he would be able to kill his son in just one second. Take it back..."

"That's right." The young man nodded and said, "If he really sets up a phantom formation at the entrance of that formation, then as long as we go out, he will be able to snatch his son back easily."

"Also, under normal logic, although the probability of us taking the previous path is very high, it is also possible to take the latter path. You have to know that when faced with chips, Chu Zhongtian can make a decisive decision , but his subordinates are not good enough and need to ask for instructions, so they will inevitably be timid. If we walk from the back road without encountering any obstacles, we will definitely find a way to climb up... The pit is indeed deep, but not The representative really has no solution. After all, so many of us still have many magic weapons on our bodies. It is not impossible to climb up little by little... The more important point is that the people above really dare to attack downwards. Well, aren't they afraid that their children will fall to death... I think Chu Zhongtian would even be worried that we would fall while climbing up, especially his only son..." Zhang Yu said slowly.

"That's true...then what do you think Chu Zhongtian will do?" the young man asked.

"I have said that in Chu Zhongtian's mind, the Great Protector is dead. Even if he is not dead, he is still a useless person. He will not take the remaining people seriously at all. If I were him, I would also There is a magic formation in the corridor at the back... As soon as we enter, the big steward and Black and White Wuchang will take action to snatch the child, and the others will be captured if they can, and killed if they can't," Zhang Yu said sternly.

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