Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2636 Found it!

Zhang Yu has checked all the places that can be checked here. However, Zhang Yu suddenly realized that there was another place that he had not checked, and that was where the box was.

Zhang Yu directly moved the box under his feet and knocked on the stone wall under and behind the box. The sound was normal. He then moved another box, just like this, one after another, checking it bit by bit. He quickly moved to the position directly opposite the entrance. When he moved the box in the middle, he didn't even need to check it. He immediately saw that there was this groove-shaped clasp under the box.

"Here..." Zhang Yu's eyes lit up, and he was overjoyed. He immediately put his hand into the groove, and with just a lift, the steel plate on the ground was lifted up.

Looking down, I saw a box placed in the pit.

Zhang Yu was almost certain that what was contained here was most likely the panacea mentioned by the Great Protector.

He carefully moved the box out of the pit. There was a lock on the box, but it was not locked. Zhang Yu took off the lock and opened the lid of the box. At a glance, it was filled with medicine bottles.

The Great Protector didn't say where the panacea was placed before, but the Great Protector's condition at that time was already in the aftermath of the disaster, so how could he think so carefully.

There are so many medicines like this, and it looks like they should be in two layers. There are many types of bottles, big and small, and in all colors.

Zhang Yu first grabbed a bottle, and then he was overjoyed.

There are so many drugs, and under normal circumstances, it is not easy to determine which drug it is. All Zhang Yu could do was smell them one by one.

However, what he didn't expect was that there was a label on the bottle, which saved a lot of trouble.

Zhang Yu then looked at the label of the medicine in his hand, which read - "Zhenwu Qi Renewal Pill".

Further down, there are small words introducing the medicine: Wudang sect’s elixir can quickly restore 50% of the true energy in the body.

"Quickly restore 50% of the true energy..." Zhang Yu couldn't help but feel even more happy when he saw this. Although he had greatly increased the true energy in his body after practicing the Five Thunder Palm, using the Five Thunder Palm also consumes a lot of the true energy. If you can recover your true energy quickly, it will definitely be of great help for subsequent confrontations.

He put the medicine aside instead of putting it in the box, then picked up another bottle and looked at it.

Good guy, I have to say, there are a lot of good things on the black market. If you take out a bottle of medicine at random, it will be a magical elixir or a holy medicine from some sect.

Finally, Zhang Yu picked up a bottle of medicine and after looking at it, he felt overjoyed again.

The name of this medicine is - "Jiuzhi Pill".

The introduction in fine print is: Emei Sect’s sacred healing medicine, which has miraculous effects on treating internal injuries.

Mount Emei has always been famous for its abundance of wild Ganoderma lucidum. Since this Jiuzhi Pill is the sacred healing medicine of the Emei Sect, it must be the most high-end Ganoderma lucidum refined in Mount Emei.

Zhang Yu was unequivocal and quickly ran to the young man's side, shouting excitedly: "I found the medicine, I found the medicine..."

When the young man saw Zhang Yu shouting like this, a hint of joy finally appeared on his face. Zhang Yu squatted down and opened the medicine bottle. There was only one pill in the bottle. Zhang Yu didn't care about that and immediately put it into the young man's mouth.

After the young man ate it, Zhang Yu asked, "How was it?"

What kind of medicine can have such a quick effect? ​​The young man's body was still cold, but she still said feebly: "It's a little stronger... Let's see if there are any other medicines..."

As soon as Zhang Yu saw her reaction, he knew that he had not seen any effect yet, and he also did not know whether the medicine was symptomatic.

However, the young man must have suffered internal injuries. No matter how ineffective the Jiuzhi Pill is, it should still have some effect.

Zhang Yu immediately said: "I'll go and have a look..."

After saying that, he jumped up from the ground, quickly returned to the box, and started looking for medicine again.

In fact, there are generally only a few types of expensive drugs. There are those that restore Qi, those that enhance Qi, those that treat internal injuries, and those that set bones after external injuries. It's just that these days, with the advanced medical methods, the elixir of bone setting has basically lost its value.

Zhang Yu quickly found a box of trauma medicine called Zhenlong Intermittent Ointment, which was specially used to set bones and had miraculous effects. This medicine was just right for the Great Protector, so he put it directly into his arms and continued to look for it.

Next he found a bottle of medicine to treat internal injuries, called Longhu Tianshi Powder. As soon as he saw the name, Zhang Yu knew that it was probably a medicine from the Tianshi Mansion. As expected, the following introduction is about Tianshi Mansion's holy medicine for treating internal injuries.

Zhang Yu quickly ran back to the young man, poured the white powder from the bottle, and fed it into the young man's mouth.

The young man was still trembling, and Zhang Yu was vaguely sure that the Jiuzhi Pill he had just taken didn't seem to be very effective.

He then went to look for medicine and found three bottles of medicine to treat internal injuries. After searching the first floor, Zhang Yu went to the second floor. The medicines on the second level are half less than those on the first level, but the medicines inside are all real panacea.

It seems that Tianshi Creation Pill, Tiangang Qi Gathering Pill, and Chongyang Life-Saving Pill are among them. Zhang Yu gave the young man three bottles of medicine to treat internal injuries and the Chongyang Life-saving Pill.

Squatting next to the young man and watching her take the Chongyang Life-Saving Pill, Zhang Yu said with concern: "How are you now..."

"I'm not as cold as I was just now..." When the young man spoke this time, his voice was different from before, no longer weak.

Zhang Yu grabbed her wrist, her pulse had recovered somewhat and was no longer as cold as before.

At this moment, Zhang Yu was relieved. It seemed that so many elixirs for treating internal injuries, plus the Chongyang Life-Saving Pill, were not in vain. Zhang Yu was also lucky because there were so many medicines here, otherwise, the young man would have lost his life. At the same time, he could not help but sigh. Thanks to his learning of Five Thunder Palms, his cultivation level had greatly increased. If he had fought against the old man and the others before then, he would most likely be the one who would die.

Zhang Yu waited for a while, and the temperature on the young man's pulse gradually returned to normal. The young man sat up and said with great emotion: "Thank you..."

"Why are you being polite to me..." Zhang Yu smiled broadly and said, "As long as it's okay..."

The young man was extremely moved at this moment, because just now, when he was seriously injured, Zhang Yu was running around anxiously, constantly helping her find medicine to heal the injury, and he was so tired that he was sweating profusely.

Young people have never experienced this feeling of being cared for.

"That's right...I'm hungry now..." the young man said softly.

"Didn't they just say that food should be left where they live... There must be no one there. Let's go take their food back first and have a good rest..." Zhang Yu said.

"Okay." The young man nodded.

No matter what, the feeling of being hungry is really uncomfortable.

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