Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2631 A dazzling array of things

Zhang Yu and the young man squatted on the ground. Zhang Yu stretched out his hand and patted the ground gently. Sure enough, it was indeed an iron plate.

The Great Protector said that it is made of black iron and is very strong and difficult to break. With Zhang Yu's ability, it was naturally easy to determine where the entrance was.

He followed the instructions of the Great Protector and knocked five times on the steel plate on the left, and then knocked on the steel plate on the right of the entrance.

With a "click", the steel plate at the entrance immediately opened and slowly flipped forward, revealing a dark hole. The entrance of the cave is not small, almost one square meter. Even if two people go down together, it will be no problem.

Zhang Yu and the young man looked at each other and nodded. Zhang Yu took out a fire-gathering talisman and hit it. With a "pop" sound, the fire illuminated the situation below.

Not to mention, this mechanism is really solid. The thickness of the ground alone is almost half a meter, and the depth of the pit is about four meters. This height was nothing to the two of them. Zhang Yu jumped down first, followed by the young man.

As soon as the person came down, he immediately realized that something was wrong. The fire he had set down before was gone. The surrounding area was very hazy. He could only see a distance of about one step, and couldn't see anything further away. Not only that, the place is also filled with the atmosphere of formation.

Zhang Yu whispered: "Senior said, take five steps to the left first, let's try it first."

"Okay." The young man nodded.

The two turned around and walked to the left together. One step, two steps, three steps, four steps. When you reach the fourth step, you can see a stone wall in front of you. On the right side of the stone wall, there is a hole.

This is still exactly the same as what the Great Protector said. Zhang and Yu knew that they could not enter here, otherwise they would be in trouble. The two of them took another step forward and came to the stone wall. Zhang Yu raised his hand and patted the stone wall.

There was a "bang" sound, but nothing happened.

The two of them turned around and turned back the way they came, as the Great Protector said. This time they walked ten steps. When they took nine steps, they encountered the same situation as before. They faced a stone wall with a cave entrance next to it. The two of them took another step forward, and Zhang Yu raised his hand and patted the stone wall.


After taking the photo, there was nothing unusual. The two people turned around again and turned back.

One step, two steps, three steps... When I reached nine steps again, the scene before me was different from before. Just as the Great Protector said, there was no longer a stone wall on the opposite side, but a cave entrance.

The young man couldn't help but said: "This formation is so cleverly arranged... If it were you, if you didn't know the details, would you be able to find the disciple..."

Although Zhang Yu had broken countless formations, this was the first time he encountered such a clever formation. Of course, the formations in Lingxi Cave are also extremely clever. It is undeniable that Zhang Yu thinks that the Great Protector's attainments in formations are beyond his reach. He shook his head and said: "I can't find it... Even if you ask me to forcefully break the formation, I'm afraid I won't be sure at all..."

"An expert is an expert... This is really admirable... Let's go in..." the young man said with admiration.

The two people walked forward and entered the cave directly. As soon as you enter, you will immediately feel like you are in a different world.

When you didn't enter the cave, it looked dark inside, but once you stepped through the entrance, the cave was really bright.

This is a large stone room. Above the stone room, there is a luminous pearl the size of two fists hanging. This luminous pearl illuminates the entire stone chamber, and everything can be seen clearly.

There are many boxes placed around the stone room. These boxes do not have padlocks and seem to be able to be opened directly.

Without any delay, the two of them came to the nearest box on the left together. Pulling the lock, the lid of the box was lifted up. They knew in their hearts that if there was any mechanism on these boxes, the Great Protector would definitely tell them. Since the Great Protector didn't say anything, it means there is no problem.

The lid of the box was opened, and there were some strange magical weapons inside. There are things with spikes and thorns, twists and turns, and angular things that make people confused. But these magic weapons, when you look at the materials, they are good things. There are some items that neither of them can tell what kind of materials they are made of.

However, these magical weapons have one thing in common, that is, they all carry a strong evil aura.

Seeing that they were all useless, the two of them went to the box next to them and opened it.

As soon as the lid of the box was opened this time, the young man's eyes couldn't help but light up. Good guy, this box contains some Buddhist magical tools. There are no less than thirty Buddhist beads alone. Buddha beads come in different colors, including red, yellow, white, and black, and the materials are also different, including sandalwood, crystal, agate, coral, emerald, and turquoise. In addition, the number of beads on the prayer beads is also different. There are fourteen beads, eighteen beads, twenty-one beads, twenty-seven beads, thirty-six beads, forty-two beads, fifty beads. Four, one hundred and eight. There is even one with 1,080 pieces.

With just a touch, you can feel that the Buddhist beads are full of Buddha energy, which is definitely a rare treasure. Especially the 1,080 coral beads are full of Buddhist aura and full of solemnity.

Generally speaking, 1080 Buddhist beads are only used by a very few eminent monks and latent practitioners, or used by famous monks as decorations in large Dharma gatherings, and are rarely used by anyone else. In other words, anyone who can wear this kind of beads must be a top Buddhist monk.

The young man took out all the prayer beads, but it was impossible to take them all away with so many beads, and he couldn't fit them all on his body. Furthermore, there are other Buddhist schools here, and it cannot be said that they all use Buddhist beads.

Without hesitation, she chose a 1,080-piece coral prayer beads and hung it on her neck. She also chose an 18-piece coral beads to wear on her wrist.

If you want to choose, just choose the best one. You don’t have to be polite at all to the treasures here.

The young man then picked up other magical instruments. The magical instruments in the box were all small and medium-sized instruments, such as diamond bracelets, gold cymbals, fish drums, golden wheels, eight-treasure lotuses, pagodas, etc. .

The magical instruments are filled with strong Buddhist aura, but some magical instruments are really inconvenient to carry. Unlike Zhang Yu's magic weapons, they are basically invisible when worn on the body.

The young man chose a diamond bracelet and put it on the other wrist, then put a small golden pagoda in his arms, and then picked up an eight-treasure lotus flower. She nodded towards Zhang Yu and said, "These few magic weapons are enough for me. Let's see if there are any cassocks."

The two walked to the box next to them and opened it. The young man's eyes lit up again.

It turned out that there was nothing else in this box but a big umbrella. This umbrella is made of golden cloth with strips of gold threads on it. Various gemstones of different colors are hung on the gold threads. You don't even need to touch this umbrella, you can already feel the Buddha's energy coming to your face.

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