Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2612: Peeling off the cocoon

Compared to Tan Fuyang's anxiety, the Great Protector seemed unhurried.

The Great Protector said calmly: "Is that all? Is there anything else?"

"Yes!" Zhang Yu said immediately.

"Continue." The Great Protector said.

"The Great Protector must know about my disappearance and her disappearance." Zhang Yu pointed at the young man.

"I know." The Great Protector nodded slightly.

"The two of us came out of Lingxi Cave. I think the Great Protector will be very curious." Zhang Yu said.

"That's right." said the Great Protector.

"Then let me tell you the whole story..." Zhang Yu said: "Following your instructions, we checked a yard next to your house that night. We found eight altars in a chief steward's room. Beef with soy sauce. At that time, we heard the sound of the cannon and were ready to report to you... Unexpectedly, at this time, eight people arrived one after another, two of them looked like black and white. In their hands, mourning sticks , the soul-binding rope and a black token... It just so happened that I brought these three magic weapons to the island for trading... especially the mourning stick. Because I didn't know the rules of the auction at the time, It ended up being sold to the black market for 10,000 yuan... But this mourning stick appears here. Isn't it strange for the Great Protector..."

"Junior Brother Tan, how do you explain this mourning stick?" the Great Protector said.

"Brother, although I am in charge of the black market mall, the warehouse does not belong to me... The person guarding the warehouse must have colluded with the thieves... But this definitely does not mean that it is me..." Tan Fuyang quickly defended.

"Yes." The Great Protector nodded slightly and then said, "What other evidence do you have?"

"That black chain and black token must be in the hands of the person who sold the Tianshan Snow Clam King. I want to know if that person died that morning?" Zhang Yu said.

"I didn't pay attention at the time, but I thought the person must be dead." The Great Protector said slowly.

"That morning, everyone in the yard was dead, and the Great Protector also asked people to check whether anyone's magic weapons had been taken away. There were only two magic weapons missing, so naturally they would not be discovered. This black and white impermanence got two. After the magic weapon, it is even more powerful... However, I can be sure that these two people are definitely not from the black market, but like me, they are guests on the island..." Zhang Yu said seriously.

"That's right." The Great Protector nodded.

"In my opinion, when I took out these magical artifacts for appraisal, these two people must have been very excited and wanted to get them. But at this time, someone appeared and offered to help them get these two artifacts. I just want the two of them to help me. They wanted to get the magic weapon, and because they didn’t have enough chips in their hands, they naturally had to agree. On the day of the tsunami, Mr. Tan took them to the outside of the mountain, and in front of In front of the two of them, they killed the guards at the entrance of the cave. In this way, these two people have been tightly tied to Mr. Tan... I once heard the Great Protector say that the person who knows the identity of everyone on the island best This person should be Mr. Tan..." Zhang Yu said this and smiled at Tan Fuyang.

"I know that these people's identities are true, but my subordinates also can't be just me..." Tan Fuyang said with eyes wide open.

"Then let's talk about the first incident where people were killed one after another on the island without anyone noticing." Zhang Yu said with a smile: "This incident can be said to be the root of everything. If it hadn't been for this incident, I think the Great Protector will not be exhausted and send people to strictly guard at the foot of the mountain, and the main force will not be killed in the tsunami..."

"You don't want to say that I killed those three people!" Tan Fuyang shouted angrily again.

"You are right, you are the one who killed those people!" Zhang Yu said sternly: "The hotel is heavily guarded, and there are people from your black market standing in the corridor. It is not easy to kill someone. The murderer caught by the Great Protector later, They are just a few scapegoats to calm down the trouble. The real murderer must have the ability to enter and exit the hotel calmly, and the only ones who can do this are naturally the people responsible for hotel security... If my guess is correct, under the protection of the Great Protector Before all the elites come out, the person in charge of all this is naturally you, Mr. Tan, who is in charge of the black market mall... You have many confidants, overt and covert people, enough for you to operate this matter... By the way, I still remember it clearly , especially the person who died on the third night. He lived next door to me. The first important person to arrive at that time was you, Mr. Tan. If my guess is correct, you were in charge of the security of this hotel that day. Man, I think it’s you, Mr. Tan... Although I have been listening all night, with your strength, Mr. Tan, I definitely can’t hear you... You have the keys to all the rooms. How can you do such a thing? It’s not a piece of cake…”

Although Zhang Yu has six senses and can hear the footsteps of many people, but due to his superior strength and sneakiness, Zhang Yu really can't hear them. At least he knew that if the Great Protector appeared quietly behind him, he would definitely not even know how he died. This Tan Fuyang is the junior disciple of the Great Protector and holds an important position, so his strength is naturally not bad.

"You said they are all my people, are you kidding... Great Protector, you have to know that many of my people are listening to you. If I do such a thing, how could I not be discovered..." Tan Fuyang hurriedly said.

The Great Protector turned his head to Zhang Yu's side and said, "What he said makes sense. What can you say?"

"Then you know what to say... It was the night when the two of us met the black and white impermanence. We were no match at that time, so we had to escape over the wall and enter your house, the Great Protector. I believe that in the courtyard of the Great Protector, no There may be no one guarding. After the two of us entered, eight people including Black and White Wuchang also chased in. Your men lurked in the trees and launched a sneak attack on them, but they were all killed. The two of us wanted to join forces, but when we saw each other, The situation is not good, so we can only continue to escape over the wall. After escaping..." At that moment, Zhang Yu told how he and the young man met the fake acting headmaster, how they escaped to the mountain, and how they were caught up again. The story of being thrown into a deep pit was told exactly as it was.

When Zhang Yu mentioned that the pit led to a prison, before he could mention the people he met, the Great Protector suddenly interrupted him, "Ahem..."

Zhang Yu naturally understood what the Great Protector meant and quickly shut up.

The Great Protector then said: "I understand what you mean. You are saying that someone who can dig such a big hole from the top of the mountain must not have done it alone. There must be many confidants..."

"Exactly! If we didn't have so many confidants, how could we possibly accomplish such a big project..." Zhang Yu said solemnly: "And in the black market, there are probably not many positions that can win over so many confidants..."

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