Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2599 One-time Formation

In the corridor under the cave.

Zhang Yu, who was lying on the ground and sleeping soundly, slowly opened his eyes. He didn't know how long he had slept, but he felt a little cold, and the arm padded under his forehead was a little sore and numb.

He raised his head and saw that it was completely dark and he couldn't see his fingers. It seems that the flame of the fire gathering talisman has been extinguished.

Zhang Yu touched a fire-gathering talisman and punched it out. With a "pop" sound, the corridor was illuminated. He braced himself, gritted his teeth and stood up. His clothes and the young man's clothes were hung on the jade rope. When he lowered his head, he saw that the young man had fallen asleep and was curled up not far away.

No one could stand the tossing that I had done before. I was so exhausted that I could easily fall asleep.

Zhang Yu walked towards Yuxu Rope and touched the clothes on it, and found that they were all dry. He pulled off his clothes and slowly put them on. Then, he looked at the young man again and saw that the young man was still awake, so he picked up the young man's clothes and walked over, covering her body. Zhang Yu thought about it again and simply took off his coat and covered the young man's legs.

He sat down aside, with his back to the young man, because he knew that if the young man opened his eyes and saw him, he would be very ashamed.

Zhang Yu sat quietly, closing the door to meditate. After a while, the young man's eyelids loosened and he slowly opened his eyes.

"I actually fell asleep... I was indeed too sleepy..." The young man muttered in his heart, and then he felt that his body seemed to be covered with something.

She pulled it up and took a look, and immediately recognized it. It was her top, and the clothes were already dry. She immediately sat up and saw Zhang Yu sitting cross-legged with his back to her.

This made her sigh in relief, and then she saw that her legs were also covered with a piece of clothing. This was Zhang Yu's coat. The young man felt warm in his heart and murmured to himself, "He is a careful and considerate person. No wonder several women are attracted to him..."

"What am I thinking about? What's the use of being considerate? I have nothing to do with it... What happened before was just a helpless move, not something I willingly did... It will never happen again in the future..." The young man He immediately said this in his heart.

She stood up, her underwear and everything else still hanging on the rope. She walked over, dressed neatly, threw Zhang Yu's coat over, and said in a man's voice, "Thank you."

Zhang Yu heard that she woke up a long time ago and never looked back, just like an old monk in meditation.

The clothes fell to his side and the young man's voice sounded. Zhang Yu said: "You're welcome. I should be the one to say thank you."

He grabbed his clothes and put them on, stood up slowly, and retracted the Yuxu rope at the same time. The young man also knew that he had difficulty walking, so he walked over, supported him, and still said in a man's voice: "What should we do now?"

"There is no other way out. We can only continue to move forward. This time, we may be more careful and don't inhale that aroma again." Zhang Yu said.

The young man's cheeks suddenly felt hot, and he deliberately said coldly: "I understand."

At that moment, she supported Zhang Yu and walked forward.

Zhang Yu had pain in his back and walked slowly, but he soon discovered that the young man's walking posture was also a bit unnatural.

He said in confusion: "What's wrong with your leg? Is it injured..."

Upon hearing this, the young man couldn't help but glared at Zhang Yu, and said angrily: "It's not..."

However, she only said half of what she said, so she stopped talking.

Zhang Yu was stunned for a moment. He didn't understand why the young man said that, and he didn't do anything to her legs.

But Zhang Yu was a half-experienced driver after all, and he immediately thought of the reason. He had just lowered his head to see how the young man walked. His legs were spread out as far as possible, so his walking posture was strange. This reminded him of his first time with Fang Yatou.

Even if a young person is a cultivator, he cannot reach that level of cultivation and is just a normal woman.

Thinking of this, Zhang Yu felt a little embarrassed and said, "Let's keep going forward. Let me do the work of moving the rocks later."

The young man glanced at Zhang Yu, her cheeks burning even more. She vaguely realized that Zhang Yu must have guessed what was going on.

She was extremely ashamed, but her heart felt warm. Zhang Yu's sadness was actually accompanied by internal injuries. It would have been nice if he didn't die on the spot. Zhang Yu has always been holding on, even to this point, he is still protecting her. Think about it, when the two people ran away earlier, if Zhang Yu hadn't been pulling her away, how could Zhang Yu have been caught up. As for her, given her speed, she would definitely die.

The two people walked forward slowly for a while and saw the pile of stones again. I still remember the last time, Zhang Yu felt the breath of the formation here, but now, he unexpectedly found that the breath of the formation was gone.

"Have you noticed that the aura of the formation here is gone..." Zhang Yu looked at the young man.

The young man nodded and said: "It's indeed strange... I also found that the aura of the formation was gone..."

"Wait for me here, I'll go over and take a look." Zhang Yu said.

"Let's go together, I'm fine..." the young man said seriously.

Zhang Yu turned to look at her, and he could hear that the young man's tone was very firm. Zhang Yu nodded and said, "Okay then, let's be careful."

"Yeah." The young man also nodded.

The two of them approached the front together. In order to avoid the special incident from happening again, both of them held their breath.

When they walked to the pile of stones, they were not sure whether there was any scent, but they could not feel the scent of the formation.

The two looked at each other, nodded to each other, and then Zhang Yu started to move the stones.

The young man also followed suit. Strangely enough, he moved several stones this time, but no trace of the formation could be seen. This formation seems to be a one-time use. After it is activated once, it will not be activated again.

There was no such formation, but the two of them were wondering what the purpose of the formation was.

But think about it, when the two people felt the breath of the formation before, there was a fragrance flowing out. Normally, what kind of aroma can last forever? After all, it is a spring medicine and it needs to evaporate. It cannot be said that it will never dissipate. Then, Zhang Yu realized that the real purpose of this formation should be nothing else, but to preserve the chun medicine inside from evaporating.

Once the aphrodisiac evaporates, the formation will no longer exist and will disappear along with it.

Next, just as Zhang Yu guessed, the two removed the stone, and there was no abnormality, revealing the true face of Mount Lushan behind.

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