Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 258 Reverie

At six o'clock, Zhang Yu and Yang Ying sat in the restaurant and ate hot tomato and egg noodles.

A large pot of egg noodles was almost at its bottom now. Zhang Yu ate three bowls and Yang Ying ate four bowls.

Zhang Yu looked at Yang Ying in astonishment. He really didn't expect that Yang Ying could eat better than him today.

Yang Ying noticed that Zhang Yu looked at her again, and immediately realized that she seemed to have eaten a little too much. "What are you looking at? I've never seen anyone eating noodles!"

"Um, I just thought that my craftsmanship seems pretty good after seeing me." Zhang Yu said with a smile.

"That's not bad! I'm hungry. I want you to make me something delicious. Just make me some egg noodles." After saying that, he picked up another large bowl of noodles with chopsticks and finished this bowl.

"It's early in the morning. It's good to have some noodles. I'll treat you to something good at noon." Zhang Yu said quickly.

He actually wanted to make something good, but there was no food at home. There were either leftovers or a few bites of bento in the refrigerator. It could be seen that Yang Ying basically didn't eat a few bites in the past two days.

"That's pretty much it. But you've made me full with this noodle meal." Yang Ying had finished the last bite of noodles, stood up with her mouth pouted, and walked towards the living room.

Zhang Yu was not full after three bowls of noodles, so Yang Ying left the table and followed him immediately. He felt guilty and couldn't coax his little aunt properly.

Yang Ying sat down on the big sofa, and Zhang Yu came to the side and said with a playful smile: "As long as you are full."

"Humph." Yang Ying turned her head to the side, pretending to be still angry.

Zhang Yu smiled again, thinking about what to say. Then I saw the broken wound on Yang Ying's leg.

Zhang Yu immediately said with concern: "Does your leg still hurt?"

"You said it! It's not because of you, you brat. When you disappeared, my head became dizzy. Ugh, it wasn't because of you." Yang Ying flattened her mouth, her face full of grievances.

"Well, I haven't used up the ointment I prepared when I was injured last time. I'll rub it in for you." Zhang Yu said immediately.

"Then why don't you go quickly!" Yang Ying said confidently.

Zhang Yu quickly entered the room, took out the ointment, sat back on the sofa, and bent down to apply it to Yang Ying.

Unexpectedly, Yang Ying twisted her waist, leaned back, and lay on the pillow on the armrest. Her legs followed and fell on Zhang Yu's legs. She pouted and said, "After you apply it, massage my legs. I've been exhausted these past two days."

"As ordered." Zhang Yu smiled playfully again.

Although he was smiling on his face, he actually felt pain in his heart. Not only was Yang Ying bruised on her leg, but she also had blisters on her feet. She must have been looking for him all over the world in the past two days.

Except when they met, Yang Ying looked aggrieved and sad. After waking up, she was always arrogant. Zhang Yu understood that Yang Ying was pretending to make her look like nothing was wrong. The purpose is nothing more than to prevent Zhang Yu from being sad.

After Zhang Yu applied the medicine to her, he used his hands to rub Yang Ying's legs.

There were only two people at home. Seeing Zhang Yu's seriousness in the massage, Yang Ying couldn't help but imagine that if it could be like this every day in the future, the two of them would be together, bickering, and Zhang Yu would be pampering and coaxing her just like he did when he was a child. That would be great. If there is another child at home.

Thinking of this, Yang Ying's face instantly became hot.

She kept blaming herself for what she was thinking.

I don’t know how long it took, but Yang Ying’s cell phone suddenly rang, “Ring ring ring ring ring.”

At the moment, Yang Ying was thinking wildly and enjoying the massage service. When she suddenly heard her phone ringing, she inevitably showed displeasure and pursed her lips.

Who is so blind this morning? Making a phone call right now can't let people have a good rest.

However, Yang Ying looked at her watch and realized that it was already nine o'clock in the morning. Good guy, time passed so quickly without realizing it.

When people are most comfortable, time always passes quickly. Yang Ying reluctantly picked up the mobile phone on the coffee table and put it to her ear to answer, "Hi, hello. You're back. Well, okay, I'll let you know. He answers the phone"

Then, Yang Ying handed the phone to Zhang Yu and said, "It's for you."

Zhang Yu picked up the phone and answered it. It turned out that the caller was Mr. Chu.

The old man knew that Zhang Yu was back in the afternoon. He wanted to call Zhang Yu, but was persuaded by Chu Zhenhuan. He said that he was not in a good state of mind right now and that he had probably rested, so he would not call me for now and would call again tomorrow morning.

The old man wanted to see Zhang Yu, but Zhang Yu said that he was fine and would take a day or two to rest before going to see you. The old man will inevitably ask about Shen Yu again. The two brothers have a good relationship. Now that he is missing, how can he not be worried?

Zhang Yu didn't dare to tell the truth, so he could only deal with it perfunctorily.

After chatting with Mr. Chu for a while, he hung up the phone. Yang Ying just pressed the button, but within a few clicks, the call came back. Yang Ying reluctantly answered the call again. This time it was Mr. Nie calling to express his condolences.

After hanging up the phone, Su Hong called again every minute, someone representing the agency came to ask about the situation.

Later, Fang Tong called again. She called Zhang Yu the night before yesterday, but she couldn't get through. The day before yesterday, she went to the agency to find Zhang Yu. She heard about this. He was also anxious now. He learned that Zhang Yu was safe and said something to Zhang Yu, and then he hung up reluctantly.

After hanging up the phone, Yang Ying closed her eyes again, preparing for Zhang Yu to continue pressing the button. She was thinking that there would be no call this time. Unexpectedly, there was a knock on the door, "Dang Dang Dang."

Yang Ying was really convinced, she flattened her lips and said, "I must be here to find you."

With that said, he took his feet off Zhang Yu's legs, went to his bedroom, and said in a very unhappy voice: "I'm going to change clothes, you go and open the door."

Zhang Yu went over to open the door, and it was Brother Da Biao and his wife who came, and they were both big and small. But Brother Da Biao had a better memory this time and didn't buy anything blindly. Most of them were ordinary nutritional supplements and local products.

Yang Ying also changed her clothes and came out of the bedroom. Brother Da Biao immediately said hello, and the attentive Riemann immediately realized something was wrong and looked at Brother Da Biao angrily, as if to say, you blind person, why are you here so early? ah. Of course, this kind of thing cannot be said clearly, and with Brother Biao's rough words, he definitely doesn't understand what his wife's eyes mean. I couldn't help but wonder what I had done wrong.

The four of them sat down and started chatting. Before half an hour, there was another knock on the door outside, "Dang, dang, dang..."

Zhang Yu went to open the door again. When he opened the door, he couldn't help but be stunned for a moment. The people standing outside turned out to be Fang Tong, Nie Qian and Fang Tao's family.

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