Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2571 Zhou Yu beats Huang Gai

The Great Protector sat quietly in the room and waited. His face was very calm, showing no emotion or anger at all.

Gao Wensong and Jia Wenliang had been out for more than forty minutes when footsteps finally came from outside the hospital. With this distance and the small sound of footsteps, ordinary experts cannot hear it. However, the Great Protector heard clearly.

Soon, there was a knock on the door, and the Great Protector said directly: "Come in."

The door opened and three people filed in. They were Gao Wensong, Jia Wenliang and Sun Minghua.

The three of them entered the quiet room. Gao Wensong and Jia Wenliang immediately bowed and saluted, "Master, Protector Sun has been invited."

"Senior brother, what do you want from me?" Sun Minghua also said respectfully.

"You two, please step back." The Great Protector's voice was calm.

"Yes, Master."... Gao Wensong and Jia Wenliang immediately left and closed the door when they left.

The Great Protector made an inviting gesture towards Sun Minghua and said, "Junior brother, come and sit down."

Sun Minghua came and sat down on the futon opposite the Great Protector. He was very curious and didn't understand why the Great Protector wanted to see him alone this late at night.

The Great Protector pushed the three items in front of Sun Minghua one by one. At that time, the Great Protector picked up the Buddhist beads and looked at these three items. He did not even touch the other two items, the book and the notepad.

Of course, it was useless for him to touch it because he couldn't see it at all.

Sun Minghua lowered his head to look, then was stunned for a moment, and said doubtfully: "This book seems... to be mine..."

It turns out that this guy actually watches "The Art of Controlling the House".

The Great Protector said calmly: "Please take a look at these three things."

Sun Minghua picked up "The Art of Controlling the House" first, and as soon as he flipped through it, an envelope fell out. He looked at the envelope and was quite puzzled. Then he opened it and saw a piece of letter paper inside. He took it out and unfolded it to look at it.

There is only one sentence on it - Operation on January 5th, don't go down the mountain.

Sun Minghua muttered: "Operation on January 5th, don't go down the mountain. What does this mean...huh?"

He had a bright mind, and he immediately reacted and said: "The day of the tsunami, wasn't it January 5th... If there was any action, could it be that... someone in our Laojun Palace had an affair with an outsider..."

"Don't be anxious first, and we'll see later..." the Great Protector said calmly.

Sun Minghua put down the letter and picked up the string of Buddhist beads. He could also feel that the beads were full of evil energy. Sun Minghua said: "These Buddhist beads are full of evil spirits. Could it be that...the guy who killed people on the island used this string of Buddhist beads..."

"Read on." The Great Protector said calmly.

Sun Minghua felt more and more weird and a little unspeakably nervous. He picked up the notepad, opened it, and immediately determined that this was a partial map of Laojun's palace. Even the location of the secret sentry was clearly marked.

After just a few glances, Sun Minghua said: "This is... the defense plan of the secret sentry..."

The Great Protector did not respond to his words, but said calmly: "Junior Brother, if I tell you that someone found these things from your study and gave them to me, how should you explain to me."

Hearing this, Sun Minghua broke out in cold sweat. How dare he continue to sit cross-legged? He immediately knelt on the ground and said aggrievedly: "Brother, I was wronged... Someone must have framed me..."

"Look how anxious you are..." The Great Protector raised his hand, kept pressing it down, and said: "Sit down quickly, sit down quickly... I came to you, not to ask you to kneel down for me..."

"Senior brother, these are really not my things...Only that book is mine...the others..." Sun Minghua said aggrievedly again.

Before he could finish speaking, the Great Protector said, "I didn't say these things are yours. Sit down quickly. I have something to tell you."

"Thank you, senior brother, for your understanding..." With these words from the Great Protector, Sun Minghua breathed a sigh of relief and quickly sat back on the futon.

"First of all, I want to explain to you that although someone went to your room and found these things. However, this is not me targeting you alone, because there is a traitor on the island, so I have to investigate. In this regard, I hope my junior brother can Be considerate, after all, the situation is serious and too many people have died. Just like last night, accidents happened one after another. If there were no insiders, how could the other party be so smooth and succeed repeatedly." The Great Protector said solemnly.

There was a hint of apology in his tone.

"Senior brother, I understand this." Sun Minghua nodded and said.

He then added aggrievedly: "But... the thing is indeed not mine..."

"I know it's not yours. This is because someone found out that I was investigating, so they used a counter-insurgency plan to kill someone with a borrowed knife." The Great Protector said with certainty.

"Yes, yes..." Sun Minghua nodded repeatedly and said, "It's just a counter-intuitive plan... Thank you, senior brother, for knowing everything..."

The Great Protector said gently: "The other party has succeeded repeatedly. As you know, the situation on the island is very precarious. Therefore, I plan to use the trick and hope that my junior brother can help me."

"Senior brother, if you have anything to do, just do as you are told. Minghua will go through fire and water, even if he dies!" Sun Minghua said eagerly.

The Great Protector knew that now was the time to reveal his plans. He first threatened Sun Minghua, which is called intimidation, and then directly exposed the counterintuitive plan, which is called kindness. Absolute combination of grace and power.

By doing this, you can not only test Sun Minghua in person, but also whether the things belong to him. The important thing is that Sun Minghua can be made grateful without any complaints.

Sure enough, Sun Minghua's current performance was exactly as the Great Protector had expected.

The Great Protector said gently: "Have you ever heard of Zhou Yu wearing a yellow cap?"

"Zhou Yu hits Huang know, isn't this a trick in "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms"..." Sun Minghua said again in confusion.

"The other party's purpose in framing you is to make me kill you and cut off my arms. Even if they don't kill you, they will interrogate you severely and force you to reveal your accomplices. In this way, you will be almost alive even if you don't die. So, I plan to I will first pretend to arrest you and torture you to extract a confession. Then I will ask the acting headmaster to intercede for you. Then I will beat you in public, let you go, and go back to think about your mistakes behind closed doors. I will act like a headstrong person, and you will also have to He looked like he hated me to the core. The traitor will definitely know about such a big thing. If he doesn't move, we will bring him down in two days. If he does, then I think he will have two choices. One One of them is trying to kill you, and the other is trying to win you over. He is moved by your righteousness and even threatens you. But as long as he dares to show his face, we will capture him on the spot and find out his accomplices!" Great Protector! Said very seriously.

"Senior brother is brilliant! Isn't it just a trick? As long as the traitor can be found, even if it means beating me to death, I will be willing to do so!" Sun Minghua said, patting his chest.

"It doesn't have to be so serious. It's all fake. How could I really hurt you in this situation? Don't worry, no one can see it... By the way, if you are injured, someone will check the injury. You should also pay attention..." the Great Protector said gently.

"Understood." Sun Minghua nodded immediately.

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